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An idea to encourage players to use class specific primaries often

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All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions >> An idea to encourage players to use class specific primaries often
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10/31/2015 0:14:52   
Rogue Ninja

Nowadays, high level players would only equip swords because it gives more stats and damage wise.

I believe it would be a great idea to find a way to make the majority of the Epic Duel players to use more of their class only weapons.

It would stimulate the players to create different ideas and implement builds that could be on par as the majority of the sword builds or even better.

Here's an example of my suggestion below:

My Suggestion (Please click it)

2nd link if that doesn't work:

Second link

What do you guys think?

< Message edited by Rogue Ninja -- 11/1/2015 5:33:36 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
11/1/2015 1:57:09   

I use blades for the variety, but the stats are horrible.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
11/1/2015 4:06:53   
Rogue Ninja


Yes, the stats are really horrible. Maybe by buffing it up by the help of the legendary points in my link will make it on par or above (damage wise).
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
11/1/2015 9:40:49   

The reason why swords are used so much instead of normal weapons is because of what this energy meta has done. They had to make more moves sword friendly to the point where primaries are just outright not used due to them putting you at a disadvantage.

I mentioned his several times in the balance section.

Here is my idea. Give class specific weapons the same stats swords have, while leaving sword with the extra damage. This was swords still hold the advantage in damage, but class weapons can still compete with stats.
Epic  Post #: 4
11/1/2015 16:55:25   
Rogue Ninja


That's actually a good idea. Just keep their differences with the damage department, but not the stats. If this was implemented, more variety of builds will be encouraged to be used.
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
11/1/2015 17:48:36   

I think the whole upgrading items thing was a really bad update and forced many people to quit. Specifically because now weapons are purely cosmetic and the more worth seeking are cores which are just absolutely broken.

The Developers even lost money in that update because its like who even wants varium anymore when you can just bot, do missions and barely even play pvp which defeats the purpose of a lot of things they even said in a few answers to questions

Anyways back on top

Question: Why does it matter

There cant be any build variety when any interesting or fun build requires a fixed stat or -10/-20 skill points for old passives necessities
(That my friends is the true answer)

Post #: 6
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