Blue Knight
Greetings! As the Tenth PvP Tournament has come to an end, it's time to hear your thoughts and feedback for our next tournament! But first, let's take a look at the updated Hall of Fame! Huzzah! Now that our winners have been recognized for their efforts and victories, let's hear some feedback! Here are some prompts: What did you like the most about this tournament? What did you not like as much about this tournament? What did you think of the single-elimination style bracket I used? Good? Bad? Confusing? What did you think of the time limit for the duels? Is there anything you would change about this tournament setup? Is there anything you'd like for us to keep doing? Do you want us to continue promoting tournaments throught the Design Posts or keep it forum only? Do you want us to continue using prize support from the AE team? Do you want a mandatory sign day before the tournament starts? Feel free to address anything else about the tournament as well. Thank you! Before making a post, please keep this in mind. quote:
Constructive Criticism What is it? Constructive criticism is being able to process and offer your own thoughts and opinions in order to give courteous and friendly feedback. This is done by explaining what you like and dislike, while at the same time providing feedback that is useful. This is what separates constructive feedback from ranting/complaining and flaming. Does it help? How? Yes! Constructive criticism helps because not only are you giving feedback about what you don't like about a quest/event, but you're also giving feedback about what you DID like in the quest. Feedback could include on such topics as statistics, more dialogue, more explanatory cutscenes, more fights - everything that quests or events would normally include. This gives the staff a better idea on future improvements. Example of Constructive Criticism: "I didn't particularly like this war because it felt too empty. To have made it better, I think the staff could have had a 50% cutscene to unlock rather than just a shop to progress the storyline. As it was, I personally was a little disappointed that this war felt more rushed than previous wars, however I do understand that the staff had a lot on their plate when making this release. That said, I greatly enjoyed the boss fight, the animations and art fit perfectly with the song that was playing in the background. So while not one of the best wars DF have done, I still enjoyed it. Thank you, DF staff!" Example of Unconstructive Criticism: "I didn't like this war at all. What were the staff thinking? The items in the shop were ugly, overpriced and were bugged!! No cutscene? That was never done before and it is not how it should be done ever. Seriously, doesn't the staff ever listen to us?! The boss fight was too hard and took forever to beat :( And there was no sound. I dont think the staff even care anymore. Best war ever /sarcasm I hate this game D:<!" Upcoming Tournaments and future plans for the OverSoul GD! With 2016 coming up and the tournaments looking to be the main focus for Oversoul. Where going to try our best to give you tournament themes you want to fight with. We know Chaos is one ya guys want to do and I may have a idea or three given the limited character pool. Their always the team tournament idea which I can see us doing in one or two ways. Lastly their also theme tournament where we still have a lot of themes we can try. Just depends on what you guys want us to do. With the tournament advertising in the design notes, story elements, and prize supports. While we got a lot of oks and help from AE team for this one. I don't know if this will always be the case. If we do get them in the future it won't be as big like this one. Once we finish the boss fight and get the design Notes stating the aftermatch of the Void Wars up. The forum staff and the AE team will have a better idea on this. So leave your feedback on this tournament and thoughts on what ya future tournaments you want to do. ~Kiyone Archknight of OverSoul
< Message edited by Kiyone -- 12/14/2015 23:36:00 >