dark garuda
If there's one thing I will say - much as I enjoyed Book 2, I think Book 3's been by far the most fun yet. Things're just getting better and better, which is amazing! But that's my opinion - I can understand it's not to everyone's tastes. After all, I'm a total nerd for stories where you have to work around politics and outside of the defined laws, I find it really interesting. The fact that Book 3 deals with villains that are much less powerful in the traditional sense, much more mundane, but are still very much a threat... for me, that's made a cool change. Getting down to a less glamorous role of being an insurgent* rather than being the No.#1 Hero per se, always, and I always found it vaguely disappointing how the world was nearly destroyed... quite a few times, but the suffering that came even after saving was rarely showed. The pain the Rose causes, no bones are made about that. That's cool. The game's really matured up over time, a shrewd choice seeing as I'd wager the average playing age of the game has increased a lot over the past few years if I'm anything to go by. *Besides, who doesn't wanna be Rebel Scum?