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RE: Armours - Read the first post!

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6/23/2016 18:53:13   

Angel Bells guest can't give celerity 2 times
Monsters can only have one celerity per turn
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 76
6/24/2016 18:33:15   
Kay Oh

@IMR incase you missed brasca's comment, what's the elecomp for BoW?
AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 77
6/24/2016 23:45:59   

Kaiju Fighter
(Larger image thanks to Tep Itaki, unsure which size is preferred)

Rust Raider
While this armor is specially deigned to cut through rust, it is just as effective in penetrating armor and metal.

< Message edited by Syth -- 6/26/2016 8:11:05 >
AQ  Post #: 78
6/26/2016 22:41:07   
 formerly In Media Res


Now available from the War of the Giants Part III quest: Rust Raider. Kaelin says:

FO Earth armour.

MC is that it deals +10% bonus damage to anything with the "metal" or "armor" tags. [This affects all normal player attacks and weapon specials.]
Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
Fire	93	86	78	78	77	77	76	76
Water	94	89	84	84	84	83	83	83
Ice	93	86	78	78	77	77	76	76
Wind	95	90	90	89	89	89	89	89
Earth 	89	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
Energy	92	84	75	68	62	56	49	44
Light 	94	89	84	84	84	83	83	83
Dark	92	84	75	68	62	56	49	44
Melee	27	28	31	34	38	41	44	47
Ranged	27	28	31	34	38	41	44	47
Magic	27	28	31	34	38	41	44	47

Price	95	355	2453	19365	155717	1255028	10118016	48410333
Sell	47	177	1226	9682	77858	627514	5059008	24205166
AQ  Post #: 79
6/30/2016 4:38:29   


How come Ukulele Hero doesn't receive eleComp despite being wind skill in a wind armor? Or does it?
AQ AQW  Post #: 80
6/30/2016 11:50:09   

@Above. It certainly does, but IMR forgot to put the number in the entry... though we already asked her twice about it on this thread...

Third time is the charm, maybe?
AQ DF  Post #: 81
7/1/2016 3:08:21   

Dragonrider Mount

Appears to be Earth (39%) with fire and dark secondaries (48%) armor. Swap between 1.25x FO armor with a possible bonus damage boost and a 0.8x FD armor with a block rate boost.



< Message edited by popinloopy -- 7/9/2016 0:12:07 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 82
7/2/2016 23:02:57   


Images for pages with broken images.

Armor: Troll Form

Armor: Minotaur Form

Armor: Giant Head Form

Armor: Granemor Guardian Plate

Armor: Warsmith Armor

Armor: Ghost Costume

Armor: Clown Costume

Armor: Nautica

Armor: Aerodu

Armor: Nightbane's Form

Armor: Earth Power

Armor: Snow Golem Form

Armor: Canine Warrior

Armor: Inferno Steed Rider
Got these, thanks! ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 8/5/2016 19:26:51 >
AQ  Post #: 83
7/5/2016 20:56:46   
 formerly In Media Res


New package item: Dragonrider Mount. Kam says:

MC Earth armour. 1/2 price because package item, MC is based on a toggle. While mounted, the armour has a *1.25 FO lean, and deals +5% damage, while dismounted, the armour has a *0.8 FD lean, and mobs have -3 BtH (effectively +3 MRM).

Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
B/R	262	319	379	439	499	559
Stat	456.4	581.8	713.8	854.8	977.8	1109.8
BtH	6	9	11	14	16	19
Fire	77	70	64	60	54	48
Earth	71	62	55	48	43	39
Water	82	81	79	78	76	71
Energy	82	81	79	78	76	71
Ice	91	91	89	89	88	87
Light	91	91	89	89	88	87
Wind	97	97	97	96	96	95
Dark	77	70	64	60	54	48
MRM	35	37	40	43	46	48

MCPrice	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	24205166
MCSell	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583
**Dismount your dragon, shifting your armour lean to fully defensive and gaining a boost to your block rate!
**Mount your dragon, shifting your armour lean to fully offensive and gaining a further boost to your damage dealt!


< Message edited by Carandor -- 12/9/2018 10:49:35 >
AQ  Post #: 84
7/7/2016 15:14:18   
Dreiko Shadrack

Doesn't the dragonrider have a skill?

The "skill" is the FO/FD toggle IIRC. ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 7/7/2016 17:50:34 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 85
7/8/2016 1:22:05   

The Dragonrider's Dismount skill is still broken, btw.

Kam says that this should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Thanks. Updated my post with the poses.

< Message edited by popinloopy -- 7/9/2016 0:12:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 86
7/8/2016 21:36:06   
 formerly In Media Res


Base Titan armours

All use the same stats. PowLvl is your level (for adventurers) or your Guardian level (for Guardians)

BR%: Lean*(100 + 3*PowLvl)
Stat%: Lean*(100 + 6.6*PowLvl)
BTH: PowLvl/8, rounded down

Resists: All are Main: round(round(0.0015*PowLvl^2 -0.6*PowLvl -5)+5-4*Powlvl/150));

EleComp is calculated as if you were in the Frogzilla armour, 'cause it's got a convenient set of resists.

Blocking: All are Main:

DragonRider Titans

Normal attack is a headbutt attack. Standard damage.

  • Rend: Costs 20% of a skill. If it connects, then the monster can start Bleeding (0.25 modifier). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (resist with END/LUK; inflict with [STR|DEX|INT]/LUK
  • Breath: [Standard Spell-like skill. Gets eleComp to damage]
  • Frenzy: [Standard Weapon-based skill. Gets eleComp to SP cost.]

    Kaiju Fighter

    Neutral lean.

    Azru Attack: [Standard Spell-like skill. Gets eleComp to damage]
    Jet Laser: [Standard Weapon-based skill. Gets eleComp to SP cost.]


    Neutral armour. Comes with Freedom effect (immune to things that make you skip your turn).

    Normal attack is standard. Two hits.

    Missiles - 4 hits. Deal damage equal to the normal attack. Costs SP equal to 100% of a Melee attack. Disables monster SP regen for [hits connected] turns. [Standard Weapon-based skill. Gets eleComp to SP cost.]

    Laser - [Standard Spell-like skill. Gets eleComp to damage] Does 75% damage; applies a power:2 burn for 5 rounds. (+0 save; inflict with [DEX||INT]/LUK; resist with END/LUK)

    Headbutt - [Standard Weapon-based skill. Gets eleComp to SP cost.] Does -(40*1.4)% damage. Monster is Choked (-40% damage, 2 rounds). (+0 save; inflict with [STR|DEX|INT]/LUK; resist with END/LUK).

    Master Blaster

    FO armour.

    Normal attack is one hit.

    Blaster attack is 5 hits. It costs +100% of a Melee attack and deals +100% of a Melee attack in damage. This is a weapon-based attack.

    (I guess I can't just write [Standard Weapon etc.] for Blaster, so: it does *3 Base/Rand damage and *1.5 Stat damage, and LSs do *1/1.5 damage. If you're wielding a Magic weapon, then it does a further *4/3 BR damage. Stat damage is increased to skill levels (so STR/4, INT/4, etc). This respects your weapon special and weapon effects.)
  • AQ  Post #: 87
    7/9/2016 16:36:25   


    Master Blaster
    AQ  Post #: 88
    7/10/2016 23:17:38   
     formerly In Media Res


    Update: added eleComp to the Bard of War entry: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22143820 . Thanks to Kay Oh for the poke ^^;;
    AQ  Post #: 89
    7/11/2016 12:49:16   

    So, what is the % chance for Dragonrider Mount's dragon breath attack? It doesn't happen very often as I'd like it to.

    Are they going to add the dragon breath skill button alongside mount/dismount skill?
    AQ  Post #: 90
    7/11/2016 19:25:43   
     formerly In Media Res


    There's a breath attack? Wow.

    Okay. It's:
  • 80% chance of one hit (mounted) or two hits (dismounted), 80% total damage.
  • 20% chance of four hits, 180% total damage. (Breath attack)
  • AQ  Post #: 91
    7/13/2016 2:31:22   
    Kay Oh


    @IMR when equipping a magic weapon with Light Lord's cleric, it does a different 3 hit attack animation, while Melee/range wep is a 2 hit attack. It's not mentioned anywhere in the subs here. Hmm

    Whoops >.<

    Yeah, what you said. The normal attack is:

    Ranged/Melee: 2 hits, 100% total damage.
    Magic: 3 hits, 100% total damage.

    *adds to entry* ~IMR

    Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 2/15/2017 10:51:33 >
    AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 92
    7/21/2016 9:25:00   


    New Cleric of Carnafex (Image thanks to ss2195)
    Adorn the garb of the holiest of unholies, Carnafex. These robes grant you a power that hits an enemy with Fire or Ice, automatically using the stronger of the two elements.

    Image for the Circus Ubear Form images as they broke.
    Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/4/2018 6:14:41 >
    AQ  Post #: 93
    7/21/2016 15:34:07   
     formerly In Media Res



    New GGB item: Cleric of Carnafex. Kaelin says:

    Fire + Ice armor with seeking Fire/Ice SPell.
    The SPell gets a tiny bit of eleComp like Ultimon.

    [Will get more details as soon as Kam uploads the source file....]

    Fully Offensive armour

    Normal attack is two hits.

    Skill is six hits, seeks between Fire and Ice, +10 BTH lean. The skill is treated as a spell. It's Ranged if STR+DEX >= INT*3/2 or if STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4; otherwise, it's Magic. If it's Ranged, then it uses STR/5 + DEX/20 (+LUK/2 on a LS) for damage.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    PowLv	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    Fire	92	82	73	64	56	50	43	40
    Water	96	93	88	88	88	88	88	88
    Ice	92	82	73	64	56	50	43	40
    Wind	96	93	88	88	88	88	88	88
    Earth	94	88	80	78	75	72	69	65
    Energy	94	88	80	78	75	72	69	65
    Light	96	93	88	88	88	88	88	88
    Dark	96	93	88	88	88	88	88	88
    Melee	27	30	33	36	39	42	45	48
    Ranged	27	30	33	36	39	42	45	48
    Magic	32	35	38	41	44	47	50	53
    Base	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
    Rand	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
    Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1110
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38
    eleComp	1.18315	1.20980	1.21612	1.24694	1.24813	1.26303	1.24207	1.25657
    Ranged	45	80	120	166	217	273	335	392
    Magic	57	100	151	208	271	342	419	490
    Price	94	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118015 48410333
    Sell	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166

    Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/4/2018 6:14:15 >
    AQ  Post #: 94
    7/25/2016 21:00:02   

    Kickstarter Hero armor
    Stand for Lorian JUSTICE by embodying Light, withstanding the blows of Earthly foes, deflecting bullets, and occasionally throwing a meteor!

    < Message edited by Andlu -- 7/26/2016 21:58:43 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 95
    7/26/2016 21:56:09   

    Female version of kickstarter hero

    AQ  Post #: 96
    7/28/2016 4:37:33   
     formerly In Media Res


    Kickstarter Hero

    All qualifying donators can now grab their AQ rewards from our AQ3D Kickstarter campaign! You will need to log into your AQ3D account, and find the "Kickstarter Hero Rewards" link on your account summary.
    Kae says:

    Strong Earth and Light (very heroic elements), nontrivial Fire and Wind. Ranged on top. FO. MC is a 10% chance of throwing a meteor for *1.5 damage.

    [Normal attack is two hits, 100% total damage, 90% rate.]
    [Rare attack is three hits, +50% damage, +10 BTH lean.]

    Level	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150G
    PowLv	59	78	98	118	138	153
    Fire	80	76	72	69	66	64
    Water	90	90	90	90	90	90
    Ice	90	90	90	90	90	90
    Wind	80	76	72	69	66	64
    Earth	71	63	55	49	43	40
    Energy	90	90	90	90	90	90
    Light	71	63	55	49	43	40
    Dark	90	90	90	90	90	90
    Melee	34	37	39	42	45	48
    Ranged	40	42	44	48	51	53
    Magic	34	37	39	42	45	48
    Buy	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
    Sell	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583		
    AQ  Post #: 97
    7/29/2016 15:17:24   

    Couldn't find the original DmK info subs change about 2 years ago so I'll say it here

    Doom Knight still has the same stats, but it now has a skill, the same as Ebony

    Skill name: Necrotizing Command

    Cost(level 80 armor): 178 SP(214 SP if magic)

    Description: "Blast and corrupt your for with your dark power, shroud them in an aura of undeath - making them vulnerable to other powers! This fearsome ability costs 214SP"
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 98
    8/5/2016 19:59:56   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Beachmancer Garb, Kam says:

    MC FO Water armour, has Water primary resist, Light/Earth secondary (sun and sand), neutral to Fire/Wind, secondary weakness to Darkness/Energy, and main weakness to Ice. MC is a spell-type skill, inflicts Energy damage.

    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    B/R	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat	456.4	581.8	713.8	854.8	977.8	1109.8
    BtH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Earth	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Water	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Energy	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Ice	97	97	97	96	96	95
    Light	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Wind	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Dark	91	91	89	89	88	87
    MRM	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Base	47	66	90	117	146	179
    Rand	92	133	180	233	294	358
    Stat	456	582	714	846	978	1110
    BtH	13	18	23	28	33	38
    eleComp	1.17978	1.19048	1.19048	1.20112	1.20112	1.21170
    Ranged	116	159	209	265	326	392
    Magic	145	199	261	331	407	490
    MCSOP	1109	8638	69326	558616	4503431	36307750
    MCSOS	554	4319	34663	279308	2251715	18153875
    Top 100 donors. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 8/20/2018 3:34:48 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 99
    8/13/2016 21:30:57   
     formerly In Media Res



    Pyromancer Blood Mage

    FO Fire armour.

    Effect: Whenever you cast a spell, you pay HP equal to [HPCost] and the spell deals +50% damage. This doesn't affect Heal-element spells.

    MC: Comes with a Fire spell, Blood Pyre. Costs MP. Two hits, Magic Fire. The spell is treated as a spell. Yes, it gets the above effect.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
    Water	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
    Ice	97	97	95	95	95	95	95	95
    Wind	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
    Earth	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
    Energy	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
    Light	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
    Dark	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
    Melee	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
    Ranged	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
    Magic	32	35	39	42	45	48	51	55
    HPCost	12	25	40	58	79	102	127	151
    Base	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
    Rand	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
    Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1110
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38
    EleComp	1.26451	1.42856	1.56359	1.82082	1.86326	1.86326	1.86326	1.84977
    MPCost	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653
    Price	71	267	1840	14523	116788	941270	7588511	36307750
    Sell	35	133	920	7261	58394	470635	3794255	18153875
    Msyu got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 1/29/2017 7:05:30 >
    AQ  Post #: 100
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