Legendary Scribe of Lore
Cryomancer's Staff «20% proc Magic Ice staff. Mastercraft; can Freeze the monster when casting Ice spells.» Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 20,000 Z-Tokens Package. The version of the weapon is based on the level of the character. Buying the promo item also gives access to the Cryomancer's Chamber Shop. Player 0-59 60-79 80-99 100-119 120-139 140+
Weapon 50 70 90 110 130 150
PowLvl 54 MC 73 MC 93 MC 113 MC 133 MC 153 MC
Price 369 2879 23108 186205 1501143 12102583
Sell 184 1439 11554 93102 750571 6051291 Type: Magic Element: Ice
Damage 5-22 6-25 7-29 8-32 9-35 10-38
BTH 7 9 12 14 17 19 SPECIAL Hits: 4 Type: Magic Element: Ice 1st Hit
BR% 172.44 222.27 270.88 310.93 339.02 350.50
LS% 111.38 142.15 174.40 206.64 238.88 271.12
+BTH 25 33 41 49 53 56
2nd Hit
BR% 168.57 217.27 264.79 303.95 331.40 342.63
LS% 108.88 138.96 170.48 201.99 233.51 265.03
+BTH 27 35 43 51 55 58
3rd Hit
BR% 164.86 198.49 258.97 297.27 324.12 335.10
LS% 106.48 135.91 166.73 197.55 228.38 259.20
+BTH 29 37 45 53 57 60
4th Hit
BR% 161.32 194.22 253.40 290.87 317.15 327.89
LS% 104.19 132.98 163.15 193.31 223.47 253.63
+BTH 31 39 47 55 59 62 Rate: 20% EFFECT If you have this weapon equipped when casting spells whose database element is Ice, there's a 29.74*[MonsterIceResist]*[# of Ice hits connected] / [# of Ice hits attempted] chance of Freezing the monster*. The monster can resist with a save at a +10 bonus:Level: PowerLevel vs MonsterLevel Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK ``If it fails, then it becomes Frozen for one round. *Your arctic staff empowers your spell, making it Freeze the monster solid! DESCRIPTION Khold, Xarymandias, and the entire cast of last year's Frostval working together couldn't make something this cool. It empowers your Ice spells, giving them a good chance to Freeze your foes solid! Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description, image and popup thanks to Koree. Analysis Special starts out with:
Level 50 70 90 110 130 150
PowLvl 54 73 93 113 133 153
BR% 706 910 1109 1273 1388 1435
LS% 456 582 714 846 978 1110
+BTH 23 31 39 47 51 54 As the special has four hits, each hit does *1/4 damage. The first hit of the special gains +2 BTH and deals *85/87 damage, the second hit gains +4 BTH and deals *85/89 damage, the third hit gains +6 BTH and deals *85/91 damage and the fourth hit gains +8 BTH and deals *85/93 damage. MC: Attempts to inflict Freeze when using Ice spells without penalty. All this has ALREADY been factored in to the above numbers. Updates January 02, 2014: The weapon was released. February 27, 2014: The weapon became rare.
< Message edited by Carandor -- 5/12/2017 16:33:22 >