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Super Inconsistent

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6/4/2016 12:39:22   

I'm sorry, but there's no way that within 5 games i should be stunned 4 times using a support build that's absolutely ridiculous. However that's not the only problem. My tech ch and mage deflect a lot less than someone using a f5, my dex bh doesn't block often... the only time i see a bm crit with plasma is when i'm against one which is sad considering i use tech and support for my bm. The game is stupidly inconsistent with who gets what. Am i saying support build should crit all the time? no absolutely not... however there should be no way a dex bounty with base support can stun me while having over 6 times as much, especially not twice in 1 match. Now i figured, "hey this was luck based and a 1 time thing" till that same player stunned me again in the very next match... (i was also stunned by a ch, and another hp poison support bh which frankly is the only stun i can excuse). I'm not saying luck shouldn't play a factor but i barely blame luck for losses, and i wont even blame it for these as they weren't luck, they literally shouldn't have happened. I've also noticed that most f5 builds win based on said "luck factors" than anyone else... a support user getting 2 crits isn't lucky they've invested their stats into what influences crits while making their defenses weak, a tech user/abuser getting deflections or a dex type getting blocks can't be considered luck due to investment... when a f5 user gets 2 crits, and a def, and a block...that's just inconsistent especially considering most only really use tech. I'm mostly venting but there def needs to be more consistency within the game.
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
6/4/2016 14:14:48   

Try getting stunned 3/3 times in a battle with a "25%" base stun rate. Or even the "3%" base stun aux core working twice in 1 battle one aux use after the other. I've also come across a player with less tech than myself deflecting 3 of my attacks in a row. Not to mention the support builds blocking with their base dex much more often than you'd expect. This game's entire RNG is broken but don't expect it to change, because it won't.

< Message edited by Satafou -- 6/4/2016 14:17:20 >
Post #: 2
6/4/2016 14:53:55   
  Exploding Penguin

While it's mostly just an unlucky vent like numerous other posts on the forums, you do bring up a good point about consistency. A while back I suggested making most luck factors (crits, deflects, blocks) scale way harder with their respective stats, but in return have much less of an impact. For example, you could expect a support build that has 10% crit chance right now to have maybe a 40-50% crit chance, but the bonus damage and the defense/resistance ignore from the crits is more than halved. You could expect a 70% block chance, but the block damage reduction is a lot less, like maybe 15-25% or something.
Epic  Post #: 3
6/4/2016 17:22:36   
The Dog Catcher

That's a top notch idea, EP.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
6/4/2016 17:45:27   

Hmmmm i would consider that as a viable option EP, and yes it was mostly venting as normally i like to play more defensively where stuns and blocks and deflects either don't matter or add rage aiding me anyway.
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
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