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RE: EpicDuel: Past & Present

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10/12/2016 13:21:23   

^Where is your Mercenary pride? Mercenary is the best class.
Epic  Post #: 51
10/20/2016 1:41:35   

Would people vote against bringing back stats that reduce when a particular stat is raised too high? Back in the days of agility, even they reduced defensive, the amount of hp still made up for it. Never seemed to have bothered me on any class when I haxed hp against agility. I'm still salty that everyone I fight has 100++ of a defensive stat and just drain/robot their opponent to death. If high str, hp, mp and sup is punished, so should dex and intel.
Post #: 52
10/20/2016 19:23:03   
  Exploding Penguin

It isn't necessarily that investing in dex/tech isn't as bad as maxing other stats, but more of the fact that strength was too two-dimensional in surpressing so many different builds that it was just an anti-fun mechanic so it had to be nerfed. The fundamentals of the game and its lack of percent-based damage reduction makes it nearly impossible to balance strength in a way that it can actually be fair. In fact, the only way people actually get to kill others with high-burst builds is only on support, and the entire reason that it works is because crit bonus damage is mostly based off of %-defense/resistance ignore. In order to do 150 damage per strike versus 120 meant you had to take a lot more damage each turn from any type of damage and risk the chance of getting blocked/deflected more often as well. The base damage values on weapons and robots are high enough that it's just straight up the most efficient to go focus-based builds.

Best way to currently fix the problem without completely overhauling the game? I would say that debuffs need to get buffed a TON so that they are very prevalent and take advantage of people who, for example, put 100 into tech, 45 into dex, and all of their armor points into defense. Make the stat scaling on debuffs a lot more acute and reduce their base value to compensate. Switch malfunction to scale with tech and smokescreen to scale with support. Debuffs are a great way to punish people who overly invest in technology for extra robot damage, since malfunction can severely lower their robot damage and smokescreen punishes their low dexterity that's otherwise covered up by armor. Before, they were extremely prevalent because their base values were too high so the scaling needs to be increased and the base values reduced. The energy cost may also possibly need tuning as well.
Epic  Post #: 53
10/21/2016 2:11:34   

Changing all debuffs to percentages (of total, not base) would help bring them more in line.
Because of diminishing returns, debuffs are naturally more effective against a target with lower in a stat than higher.
Ideally, you'd think something like Malfunction is what you'd want to use against a technology build, but instead you avoid it because it basically doesn't do anything.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 10/21/2016 2:12:02 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 54
10/23/2016 3:31:56   
Lord Zhen

I am happy about the changes happened to the ED, like the hp from 240 or 300+ before to 810 or 2k if player wants to do tanking..

But i wish you do something about the battles between lvl 30's and lower.. i got a cyber hunter class of lvl 33 but i always matched to lvl 36 and up or if not lvl 29 or lower.. could you please make some adjustments about this..

And in war drop also can it be a sure drop when there is an exile vs legion battle.. Well it was an exile vs legion war so it must be the base of getting a war drop..

please, if you don't mind.. Do some changes about my issue on ED.. many other players may facing such difficulties like i do by now..

I hope you could understand me... Thank you and God bless..

< Message edited by Lord Zhen -- 10/23/2016 3:36:11 >
DF Epic  Post #: 55
10/24/2016 12:33:38   

@Lord Zhen

Change is part of the problem to many franchises, not just gaming franchises. This new extremist idea that every game must include everyone otherwise most people won't play (especially the casual market) is what ultimately alienates everyone. Hardcore players play hardcore games for a reason as well as casual and companies these days think "If we make the game semi competitive with a splash of casual everyone will enjoy this game" is simply not true. Casuals have loyalty to nothing and will leave the game for the next flavor of the month at the drop of a dime. This typically comes in the form of even a minute amount of difficulty if and or competitiveness that doesn't cater to them specifically. I believe this is why you have so many copycat builds, people don't want to risk losing. If they lose they quit. At the end of the day, casuals aren't the ones pouring their heart and lets be honest, their wallets into the games they love so lets not completely alienate them but don't see them as gods as (I started in Omega so I can only speak for that) The Omega phase. Even in Omega I did very well for a freemium user.
Post #: 56
10/25/2016 9:38:14   


I'd like to say the present was fine, Omega was sort of on point until the absurd updates they released imo, but I never liked the past as well, past was good if you really just bought var and hope to curbstomp people left and right, yeah, that's what I really wanted to do and thus I got var for those reasons, wins are not everything to people, but it is to me, people starve for a decent ratio off of the blue, and imo, hiding losses is a massive disadvantage for 2v2, just lets out more inexperienced people or trolls in the zone, but my main issue with ED in the 2v2 is people who starve for CREDITS, no upgraded weapons, no gun, aux and an improper build, I want that resolved if it's even a possibility anymore to be honest. I don't need another partner who looks like he came out of Junkers shop without spending any credits to upgrade his stuff and have a viable build in play, of course that was the most major flaw in Beta, you never earned credits fast enough if you buy new weapons EVERY level. Glad they solved that issue earlier

TL;DR Retraining system sucked before, was better, now it's a little bit more pricey, and I look forward to Omega's improval
Post #: 57
10/25/2016 20:56:39   

before everyone jumps on this band wagon remb the last time night posted , 40 days to go an we will get back to ed never happen. now l am not saying it will happen again but do not cross your fingers over this one. so night said update for nov/dec is coming well gifting is coming up again in dec so maybe they thought we could do something to bring gifters back something to think about.

now will the balance be all buffs well maybe it will be , do you really thinlk the staff is really going to try to improve ed, or just do a quickie for the dec gifting,

l hope not l hope they do something really, not all talk an nothing happens we will see

my thoughts on this 40 day the second time around try
always the syfy
Post #: 58
10/26/2016 17:24:06   
Lord Machaar


well gifting is coming up again in dec so maybe they thought we could do something to bring gifters back something to think about.

That could be a pretty much strong reason why devs have chose this period specifically for said changes. I mean initially, the fixes were meant to happen during august/july. Now we are looking at like 5-4 months delay.

Devs don't have a magical wand and they can't fix anything on ED within 1 update. They worked on the game for years, tens if not hundreds of updates and that wasn't the case in 90-80% of the time.

So a one winter balance update won't do any good for the game, and that's a good case scenario. Worst case scenario is it would make the game worst, especially if devs decide to start up another project without supervising what they have done to the game, in order to interfere later on to correct what should be corrected.

Balance is something that must be supervised regulary, changed and tweaked at all times. Not just cross your fingers and hope that you will fix it within one try.
MQ Epic  Post #: 59
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