Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner Nov14
By the way.... I've always wanted to make a special map in AQ to work like a final fantasy or fire emblem like interface to the game, so that you could swap chars in an adventure to battle on a tactical map. AQ allows playing your chars at the same time in separate windows... Sounds fun! Btw Captain, is there any chance you can add more characters to an account? It seems five characters isn't sufficient for me, and I don't reaally want to create a new account. So 6 or 7 chars per account? quote:
If there are now vaults in AQ, does that mean nuclear warfare is coming as well? If so are these vaults supposed to keep people safe or are they for sociological and scientific experiments? What sort of provisions are they stocked with? Doesn't Nuclear Warfare already exist in AQ though? In all fairness, I'd prefer Gringots to store my stuff, but this'll have to do for the timebeing. quote:
The vaults are privately-owned, so it's up to the owner. Mine is stacked with enough food supplies to survive a nuclear winter. Note to self, RAID IMR'S VAULT FOR SUPPLY OF ICE-CREAM! I have to admit though, this has to be my favourite update this year given how i've managed to upgrade so many aspects of my other characters while getting some dust of equipment that hasn't been used in AGES. Thanks to Capn Rhubarb and the rest of the AQ staff for this.