Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner Nov14
@Bu Kek: Sincerely, that is NOT a good idea. In fact that's ridiculously broken! I do possess certain items that I wish I had more of, like BLITZEN, Moglord etc and the like, but duplicating is really not worth, especially given gold items are hard to track unlike token or package ones. Unlikely as that may be, even if such a system was implemented, all characters would become stale with little to no creativity or innovation. It's bad enough that the AQ build meta is ridiculously leaning completely towards mages with little to no benefits of being a warrior or ranger, and I do not want every player and their nan running dual poes on EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd love to have PVF/SWF/UDSoE etc on multiple chars, but that's just going to ruin the game. It's like playing pokemon, running AR cheats and having lv100 pokes going up against lv10 pokes. Sure it's fun initially, but then it just starts to get stale real quick. That being said, I'd more than welcome a trading system between players OR trading between 2 fixed accounts will be great, like a mega storage vault. Trading is always fun, and such a system lets people get their hands on some equips they never had while letting others benefit in terms of gold/tokens. Sure there are concerns over Security but lets face it, its a concern just about everywhere, across over site you visit or even other games you play, not to mention rl. You can't rule out an amazing feature just because there are a few nicks involved, besides there are always ways to beef up security. #TradingForAQ #ForumsHashtags #IDontKnowWHyImDoingThis #IKnowWhyAndITsCalledSleepORLackThereof