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RE: Miscellaneous/Accessories - Read the first post!

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8/21/2017 19:28:35   


Steam Gauge

Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 1/13/2018 8:48:04 >
Post #: 51
8/21/2017 19:34:16   


^Beat me to it

This is a gauge for a miniature steam tank! It can be set to infuse your being with steam, which boosts your agility and ability to evade Ranged attacks, and can help you resists Fire or Water attacks!

Active Bonus: Take «»% Fire/Water

*Click to swap to Water!
*Click to swap to Fire!
**You are now protected against Water!
**You are now protected against Fire!

Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 1/13/2018 8:48:28 >
Post #: 52
8/31/2017 3:48:20   
 formerly In Media Res



Right, almost forgot: updated Shark Jaw misc.

MC Water misc. Grants Water resistance.

Provides a damage and BTH boost while the opponent is Water-element. The damage boost is listed below and the BTH boost is +4.25 BTH for all versions. These both apply to all player/Special/spell/pet/guest attacks that target the monster, and have the usual *1/2 for spells and *4/3 for Magic weapons.
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115G	135	150G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	118	135	153
Water%	95	85	75	65	62.5	60	57.5	55	52.5
Damage	1.03	1.065	1.105	1.115	1.13	1.135	1.145	1.145	1.15
SP	7	18	30	40	43	46	48	51	52

MCMiscP	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
MCMiscS	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646
Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 8/31/2017 8:19:50 >
AQ  Post #: 53
9/1/2017 14:37:35   

Having this in your inventory will increase the chances of finding Grakma.It also provides an offensive bonus when used in battle! (Costs nothing to use)

When active on a Grakma: Active Bonus: Disables damage cap

If target is not a Grakma:

*BEEP* "Analysis complete: target is not a Grakma."

If target is a Grakma:

*BEEP* "Analysis complete: target is a Grakma."
Post #: 54
9/3/2017 6:39:47   
 formerly In Media Res


New from the Mecha Knight quest: Grakma Tracker

Temp item, Guardian only.

Removes the Grakma's soft damage cap.

If you have it in your inventory, it increases the chances of a Grakma appearing from 1/4 to 1/3.

No upkeep.
AQ  Post #: 55
9/8/2017 17:54:42   
 formerly In Media Res



Updated and in the LTS: Honorary Diploma

Boosts INT, Light res, and Earth res.

No turn cost.

(50% off!)
Level	12G	45	66Z	78	111	150G
Res%	88%	80%	75%	75%	70%	68%
INT	20	30	35	35	35	40
MP	37	62	74	76	88	94

Price	10	103	1520	3008	93949	5501175
Sell	5	51	Z	1504	46974	2750587

DPrice	5	52	760	1504	46975	2750588
DSell	2	26	Z	752	23487	1375294

Got this. ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 8/19/2018 10:55:08 >
AQ  Post #: 56
9/21/2017 18:08:40   
Legendary Scribe of Lore

Grakma Harbinger
This is a horn (the musical instrument) made from a Grakma horn (the sharp pointy thing). You can use it to call forth a Grakma from the Underworld, or to draw on Underworld magic and send yourself into a Berserk fury!

Call Grakma - Use the horn to call forth a Grakma (one who knows better than to mess with someone wielding a Grakma-horn warhorn) from the Underworld. It will fight by your side with powerful Fire attacks!

Cry Havoc - Inspire yourself with the fury of the Underwolrd, gaining an increase to damage at the cost of some accuracy.

You sound the horn, and your mind is filled with visions of violence and rage!
You put down the horn, and you return to your senses.

Mecha Knight Power Core
This special power core is made from Demonite, and can help ward off Magic attacks, resists Darkness or Energy, and boosts your LUK to give an all around boost.

The Power Core activates! Take -«»% Darkness damage! Click to swap to Energy.
Click to swap to Energy!
You are now protected against Energy!
Click to swap to Darkness!
You are now protected against Darkness!

< Message edited by Carandor -- 9/21/2017 21:25:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 57
9/21/2017 21:35:44   
 formerly In Media Res


From the Mecha Knight quest: Grakma Warhorn

MC Fire misc. Gives Fire resistance and +CHA.

Click on it for one of two effects:
# Call a Grakma guest
# Become Berserk (all attacks have the listed BTH lean). Click again to turn off the Berserk effect. The effect lasts as long as the horn remains equipped, and the horn will remember whether or not you have the effect on. (So if unequipped with the effect on, it'll automatically apply the effect when you re-equip it.)
Level	105	120	135	150
Fire%	55%	53%	50%	50%
CHA	30	30	30	35
BTHLean	-10.5	-12	-13.5	-15.3
SPSS	51	53	55	57
SP	51	53	55	56

MCMiscP	55255	264344	1264753	6051293
MCMiscS	27627	132172	632376	3025646

Also from there: Mecha Knight Drive Core. Kam says:

Dark/Energy misc, click to toggle between Dark and Energy resistance. Also gives a boost to Magic blocking as well as +Luk (helps resist demonic hexes and such).
Level	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153
Magic	7	7	8	8	9	9	10	10
Ele%	0.7	0.65	0.6	0.6	0.6	0.55	0.55	0.5
Luk	35	40	40	45	45	45	50	50
SP	48	54	60	62	63	68	71	74
MCP*2	226	1024	4841	23109	110510	528689	2529504	12102584
MCS*2	113	512	2420	11554	55255	264344	1264752	6051292

< Message edited by Carandor -- 9/21/2017 21:39:58 >
AQ  Post #: 58
9/22/2017 0:06:31   
Lord Tenebros

Is there a positive effect associated with the Berserk status? I've heard that it increases your damage, but from the info. subs so far it seems that all it does is reduce your BTH, unless I'm interpreting everything incorrectly.
Post #: 59
9/22/2017 0:09:38   


BTH lean

you lose X BtH and your dmg is modified in compensation: lvl 150 example: 85/69.7 = 1.219....

< Message edited by afterlifex -- 9/22/2017 0:13:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 60
10/17/2017 2:39:10   
 formerly In Media Res


Blood Ruby misc item

Gives +20 Paralysis resistance, Energy resistance, STR, and LUK.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
Energy	90%	80%	65%	60%	60%	60%	52.5%	50%	50%
STR	10	20	30	35	40	45	45	50	50
LUK	5	10	20	35	40	40	40	40	50
SP	14	28	49	60	64	70	72	76	79

Price	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
Sell	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646

DPrice	5	6	23	154	1211	9733	78440	632376	3025646
DSell	2	3	11	77	605	4866	39220	316188	1512823

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 10/17/2017 2:52:04 >
AQ  Post #: 61
11/25/2017 12:38:12   
 formerly In Media Res


From the Harvest Festival: Wind Stone

You need to have a Velocigobbler pet for this to do anything. Clicking on the Wind Stone will replace your 'gobbler with a Turkeysaurus Rex pet. The Rex's stats only depend on the level of the Wind Stone; it doesn't depend at all on the level of the 'gobbler.


Turkeysaurus Rex

MC Wind pet. Gets a +5% boost for "decompression" (you need both the misc and the 'gobbler pet for this).

Click it to toggle between:
  • Peck: 2 hits, +5 BTH lean, +5% damage, +4.25 BTH
  • Tryptophan Breath: 1 hit, Ranged. It deals -32.5% damage. If it connects, there's a 1/3 chance of your foe falling Asleep. The foe can wake up with a save at a +20 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK). If the monster is already Asleep, then it uses Peck instead.

    Level	20	40	60	80	100	120	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	20	40	60	80	100	120	135	153
    Base	6	11	17	24	32	41	48	57
    Rand	2	5	8	11	15	19	24	29
    Stat	174	273	372	471	570	669	743.25	832.35
    BtH	5	10	15	20	25	30	33	38
    MCPrice	30	140	1023	8148	65589	528689	2529504	12102583
    MCSell	15	70	511	4074	32794	264344	1264752	6051291
  • AQ  Post #: 62
    12/24/2017 12:30:01   
     formerly In Media Res



    In the LTS: Hairmuffs

    MC Energy misc.

    Increases all blocking.

    Makes the monster Berserk and take the listed BTH lean. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with VStat/LUK; resist with INT/LUK).
    Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	150G
    Energy	85%	68%	61%	57%	55%	50%	50%
    MRM	1	2	3	3	3	3	4
    BTH	-11	-13.5	-16	-18.5	-21	-23.5	-25.3
    VStat	30	85	140	195	200	200	200
    SP	17	36	46	50	52	56	59
    MCMiscP	10	45	513	6861	93103	1264753	6051293
    MCMiscS	5	22	256	3430	46551	632376	3025646
    I also updated Berserk stacking so that it can't give the monster -100 BTH. Now:

    Final Duration = [old duration] + [new duration]
    Final BTH = ([old BTH]*[old duration] + [new BTH]*[new duration] ) / [Final Duration]

    The Rose Doll pet is the only item I could find that uses Berserk.

    Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 12/24/2017 12:57:53 >
    AQ  Post #: 63
    1/5/2018 16:55:50   
    Legendary Scribe of Lore


    Essence Orb
    This is an orb that takes marinara sauce and in exchange gives you a boost to your sauce points (SP). Sadly there's no marinara sauce around, so you'll have to use blood instead.

    Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/10/2018 8:18:52 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 64
    1/11/2018 9:42:06   


    Samukematsuri Oni Mask

    Because nothing says "Frostval Cheer!" like a terrifying demon setting your foes on fire.

    Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 7/13/2018 11:49:27 >
    Post #: 65
    1/15/2018 20:11:12   
     formerly In Media Res


    From the Frostval finale: BrokenCracked Ornament. Kam says:

    Neutral Misc, gives you +10 potence to all status effects you attempt to inflict.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
    SPCost	8	12	22	33	46	60	75	92	108
    MCMiscP	9	12	45	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
    MCMiscS	4	6	22	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646

    Edited ~ Ward_Point

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 12/8/2018 1:38:18 >
    AQ  Post #: 66
    1/15/2018 20:16:29   
     formerly In Media Res



    Giftbox misc: Samukematsuri Oni Mask

    After each of your weapon attack hits or spell hits that connect, you Burn the monster ([Burn] power, 1 turn, Fire). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with [MainStat]/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK).
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PowLvl	19	36	54	73	93	113	133	153
    STR	20	30	40	40	45	45	50	50
    END	20	30	35	40	45	45	50	50
    LUK	20	30	35	40	40	45	50	50
    CHA	10	10	15	15	15	15	15	20
    Burn	0.9	1.4	1.7	1.8	1.8	1.8	1.9	2.2
    SP	30	44	54	58	62	64	70	73

    Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 7/13/2018 11:49:48 >
    AQ  Post #: 67
    1/15/2018 20:19:12   
     formerly In Media Res



    Nilak's donation reward: Essence Orb

    Neutral Misc item.

    Click the item to pay the listed HP cost and heal the listed SP. 8% of the time you'll get 162.5% of the normal SP, listed in the WALrein SPCrit row.
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	15	23	41	59	78	98	118	138	153
    MPLvl	12	21	39	58	77	97	117	137	152
    HPCost	5	8	14	21	30	40	52	65	75
    SPHeal	10.22	13.2	20.63	29.05	39	50.65	63.53	77.61	88.98
    SPCrit 	16.61	21.46	33.53	47.2	63.37	82.31	103.23	126.12	144.59

    Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/10/2018 8:18:35 >
    AQ  Post #: 68
    1/15/2018 21:36:00   

    Does the Samukematsuri Misc burn stack with the Samukematsuri sword burn?
    AQ  Post #: 69
    1/16/2018 1:28:16   
    Primate Murder

    AQ DF  Post #: 70
    1/16/2018 6:15:52   

    So will stacking add to the damage or add to the numer of turns the enemy will be burned?
    AQ  Post #: 71
    1/16/2018 7:48:52   
    Primate Murder

    Damage. It's still only one turn.
    AQ DF  Post #: 72
    1/16/2018 7:51:50   

    It adds to the Power of the burn,not to the duration.
    AQ  Post #: 73
    1/30/2018 2:52:26   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Essence Orb

    «Neutral misc. Use to convert HP into SP. Mastercraft; sometimes heals more SP.»

    Location: Limited Time Shop
    Element: Neutral
    Type									G
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    PowLvl	15 MC	23 MC	41 MC	59 MC	78 MC	98 MC	118 MC	138 MC	153 MC
    MPLvl	12	21	39	58	77	97	117	137	152
    Price	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Sell	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Activation: 0 turns
    Cost: 0 HP

  • Once activated, click the misc to heal the listed SPHeal*. This costs the listed HPCost and doesn't cost a turn.
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    HPCost	5	8	14	21	30	40	52	65	75
    SPHeal	10.22	13.2	20.63	29.05	39	50.65	63.53	77.61	88.98
  • 8% of the time, you will heal 162.5% of the normal SPHeal, listed as SPCrit** below.
    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    SPCrit 	16.61	21.46	33.53	47.2	63.37	82.31	103.23	126.12	144.59
    **Click to sacrifice «» HP to the Orb and heal some SP!
    **The orb gives you an unnaturally strong boost!

    This is an orb that takes marinara sauce and in exchange gives you a boost to your sauce points (SP). Sadly there's no marinara sauce around, so you'll have to use blood instead.

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description, image and release date thanks to Carandor.


    Misc pays 20% of a skills cost in HP to heal 20% of a spells cost in SP. The heal takes a *0.9 always useful penalty.


    January 5, 2018: The misc was released.

  • Got this. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/10/2018 8:18:15 >
    Post #: 74
    5/3/2018 6:06:55   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Edited: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22324681

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 5/11/2018 0:49:31 >
    Post #: 75
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