Can we get some real, in-game consequences from all the deaths in the game? Think about how many of those soldiers/monsters we've killed, and all those wars/invasions/massacres that have happened. I want "Evil" and "Good" to have actual meaningful effects on our gameplay, other than one side having edgy undead/demonic gear and the other having knights/paladins/angels. The hero is no longer a war hero; we've killed way too many monsters/soldiers etc to be heroes. We're really just the biggest, baddest monsters in the in-game universe, and I'd really like to see a main storyline that deals with the concept of heroes/gods who abuse their limitless powers. Can we fight against the real "heroes" of this game, or the ones who are trying to take us down for the right reasons? I'd like to see a much darker turn in the storyline, with just as many puns and running gags as the old days. I want bosses to be interactive - think Vath/Stalagbite, Wolfwing, Ledgermayne, Chimera, Tibicenas. We don't want HP sponges like Binky, or even bosses with stupidly powerful auto attacks like Shrade. We want something interesting, without artificially increased playing time (low drop rates, extra high HP).