In response to the Twitter poll, you have to take into account that a huge population of players are casual and have not bothered to grind for the harder items in the game (ie. BLoD). If you had a similar poll during the time BLoD was released for example, either taking out the 50% buff to Undead or making the quest easier, the vast majority would also pick making the quest easier because, frankly, only a small population of the player base would be bothered to farm such an item in the first place. I also suspect that the same poll, posted here on the forums would have reciprocal results as this forum is more skewed towards the more dedicated players. The recent release of classes like LightCaster and ShadowStalker of Time has made soloing a lot easier and largely redundant at this current point in time, while classes like Blaze Binder and Abyssal Angel, albeit good, but not on par with the new solo classes. When the new Nulgath farming class was announced (yes, it specifically said farming on the Design Notes), people were excited for the power creep in multi-target farming, and the test version did not disappoint. By removing the multi-target aspect from the class, you have put yourself in a tough situation where either way, you now will have no way to satisfy the entire player base whether you decide to go either route in changes to the acquisition and the class itself. Honestly, I think that the worst possible move is to make the quest slightly easier, while keeping the class the same, as casual players wouldn't bother going for it, depending on the difficulty, furthering complaints, and now you have another "A-tier" soloing class which is largely not necessary to use over LC and SSoT, which the people who actually will go for would be complaining that it wasn't worth it. I think Asuka's original offer to give the choice between solo and multi-target is the best way to go as it gives people incentive to farm for something worthwhile for at least the next year over another class which will probably be used occasionally, but isn't necessary. I also saw someone mention that they did not want the class to be multi-target because in a few months, it'll be the only class that people use. Obviously, that'll be true, for a few months anyways, but it will be the exact same situation as when Necromancer or Legion Doomknight was first released, it will be the go-to class for a couple months, until another class is made that overshadows VHL. That's been the way AQW has been going by ever since the mass release of classes: StoneCrusher > Arachnomancer > Archfiend, UOK > LDK > (bunch of slightly better classes) > Necromancer, BB > Chunin > TSS > OG Shaman. Also, class functions seem to be vastly different after server rewrite so who knows if VHL will even be good or not post-rewrite as it's another Luck-optimal class.