Legendary Ash
According to its skill description for the topic's skills it says not affected by stat changes. Azrael's Torment says a reduction to buff effects, it doesn't specify as stat only. It would be reasonable to make it count as a buff effect, since its a boost of numbers I think we should leave out the complicated how Defense Matrix and Energy Shield are balanced by assuming what stat spread values compared to the topic's skills. Its not the first time I have seen other concerns about skills pop up in my balance threads, see the other concurrent one, I would appreciate it if posters would just to focus on one aspect and don't block the recommendation because of the side dish of tricks or issues it has. If you feel there are other problems with the game feel free to make your own thread and rant about it. This is purely an objective mathematical and logic balance issue that anyone with a basic math knowledge would agree to, that you need to average a minimum and maximum to properly represent it as a static value. Don't attempt to pile other balance concerns and thoughts, or personal opinions of how minor of a change on actual gameplay if any, if it affects you or not to sack this topic, its unprofessional to do so, this forum has direction, etiquette and standards it upholds to.