AQW Tester & Lore Adept
An ARG is basically a puzzle/hunts that extends beyond the borders of the game. It involves players deciphering codes, solving puzzles, finding clues in the real world, and/or a series of other events. It usually requires a great amount of collaboration from members of a fandom in order to solve. Some notable ARG events are the following: - Gravity Falls: Cipher Hunt - Overwatch: Sombra ARG - Destiny: Owl Sector I was part of, or followed these ARG events and I can honestly say that it was a magical experience. Watching people from all over the world come together and solving these mind breaking mysteries is breathtaking. An AQW ARG would not only unite members of the community, but it would be a super fun experience. Participants could sign up on a website to qualify for a badge, there could be a prize for players at the end, we could further explore certain strands of lore, and so much more. I have a few ideas for an be AQW ARG but sharing them would be pointless if nobody is interested.
< Message edited by Christophisis -- 2/1/2017 21:34:20 >