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RE: CH4OT1C!'s Suggestion Bank

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7/9/2019 18:04:59   

Ribbon Wraith

Level: 150
Power: 3.75 (champion elite boss)

Location: The void
Monster lean: Neutal (x0.5)
Element: Darkness
Fire: 120%
Water: 50%
Wind: 0%
Ice: 50%
Earth: 120%
Energy: 50%
Light: 120%
Darkness: 0%

High M/R/M focus

Stat Distribution:
STR: 0
DEX: 275
INT: 275
END: 0
CHA: 0
LUK: 200

- Passive status: "Status Link" - Whenever a status is inflicted on you, it is also inflicted upon the boss and vice versa. Can resist at a save -20 bonus. Can be bypassed (see below).

- This boss has 5 different attacks. The initial damage of each will bypass the effect of that attack (so, the Red ribbon attack will bypass the red ribbon effect, but NOT the Blue ribbon).

Red Ribbon: The standard monster attack and solely damages HP. The monster can however sacrifice 20% of an expected melee attack in HP to increase the damage dealt (will do so if above 20% HP). This attack will also apply Backlash (20%) to both you and your opponent for three rounds. The monster will also heal *0.5*1.5 the damage as MP (reduced damage to compensate)*

Blue Ribbon: If the monster has [x]mp it will choose to use this attack. When used, this will permanently apply a new status affect "Mana Link" for an indefinite period. Your MP will be damaged/healed a certain amount whenever your opponent loses/gains MP (Yes, even when it is spent on MP) and vice versa. Multiple casts will stack the damage dealt/healed to the other party. Damage is split between HP/MP (*1.5 to mp to compensate). Overflow is redirected onto HP**

Green Ribbon: If the monster has [y]sp, it will use this attack (priority over Blue ribbon). When used, it will apply a new effect "Skill link" for 4 turns. Your SP will be damaged/healed a certain amount whenever your opponent loses/gains SP and vice versa (yes, even during turn SP regeneration). Damage is split between HP/SP (*1.125 damage onto SP to compensate). Overflow is redirected to HP***

Purple Ribbon: This is a quickcast skill with no cost and can be used up to three times in battle. This will apply a random DoT status effect for 10 turns. This is paid for directly out of monster HP, and bypasses the "status link" passive ability (so the monster will not be inflicted by it. You cannot resist****

Black Ribbon: This ability can be used up to 5 times in battle, again with no SP cost. It is also automatically active at the start of battle. Any direct attack within a turn of activation that would reduce the Wraith's HP to zero will also reduce the player's HP to zero, ending the battle in a loss. This can be activated whenever the monster is hit with an attack that would reduce its HP to zero. It will also use the attack whenever it dips below 30% HP, but only once per turn.*****

You cannot resist the the effects of any of these attacks

*The red ribbon ties your life force to your foe!
**The blue ribbon ties your mana reserves to your foe!
***The green ribbon ties your energy reserves to your foe!
****The purple ribbon shortens your lifespan!
*****The black ribbon ties links the fate of both you and your foe!

Appearance: A Dark Wraithlike entity with five ribbons of varying colours wrapped around its clothlike form
Description: This wraith is sworn to guard the ribbons tied around it. Defeat it in battle and they become your burden!

Rewards coming soon

< Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2019 18:10:40 >
AQ  Post #: 101
7/10/2019 18:37:36   

Limiter breach
MC neutral skill that can be used once per battle. You deal +50% damage on your next attack, but receive [x]% of the damage as recoil

Example Tier:
Level: 150 Mastercraft
PowerLvl: 153

Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583
Location: LTS.
hits: 1
Element: Neutral
Cost: 392 SP

  • Can only be activated once per battle
  • You gain Elemental Empowerment: All (+50% Damage, 1 turn. Spells/Skill receive half this bonus. Magic weapons get *4/3)
  • The player receives Elevun: All (+83.33/1.4% damage, 1 turn). Your foe also receives Freedom for 1 turn.
  • Balance-wise: The once-per-battle restriction is a necessary handwave because of how powerful this skill is. As is Freedom. +50% damage, with a *0.6 Omnielemental penalty is worth 83.33% Melee total, applied directly into Elevun. The Elevun needs to apply to everything as the spell is neutral and can be used against any monster. The 392 SP cost is arbitrary

    Appearance: A dial, much like those seen in cars, appears. The arrow inside moves beyond a green/yellow "limited" area, into a red zone, before the dial fades
    Description: This skill allows you to bypass your normal limits in battle. Whilst granting access to incredible power, this skill is also extremely risky!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/22/2023 15:40:22 >
  • AQ  Post #: 102
    7/16/2019 19:27:32   

    Demilune of Sagittarius
    MC Fire bow. Trades the lack of a true special for a chance to heal SP and can break you out of stun statuses. Also compresses a toggle that allows you to attack with the weapon twice in the same turn.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,164
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +0 bth lean (*85/85 damage)
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Fire

  • Regular attack with the bow is 4 hits.
  • 100-proc with no true special. Instead of compensation, you have a 10% chance to heal 392 SP*

    *As you draw your bow, you feel a surge of energy!

  • The player takes -3 MRM. In exchange, you will automatically break out of any stun status. The first is free, and each subsequent attempt will cost 100% Melee in SP (392 SP)
  • MC Effect: Click the bow to access a toggle costing 196 SP and 175 HP per turn. Your attacks deal +50% damage and you have a 50% chance of gaining access to a "per last arrow" type effect where you attack twice with the weapon (pseudo-celerity).

    Appearance: The Sagittarius weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: This bow has been imbued with the power of the fire sign Sagittarius! Sagittarians value freedom above all else, and this weapon surely provides it. Not only will it sometimes recharge your energy reseves but it'll allow you to break through stun statuses and even give you the freedom to attack twice in a row!

    Capricorn's Needle
    MC Earth Lance. Trades damage and defence for MP and SP regeneration. Click the weapon to gain elemental vulnerability and either MP or SP

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS
    Damage: -5 bth lean (*85/80 damage)
    Type: Magic
    Element: Earth

  • 0-proc but no bonus (see below)
  • Weapon deals -22% damage (no proc increases this to 30*0.75 = 22.75% Melee). When wielding the weapon, you also take +15/1.4% Damage (15% Melee. no *0.75 since this is monster damage rather than weapon power). On weapon attacks, you heal (22.75 + 15) / 2 / 2 = 9.4*[Hits]% Melee in MP and SP per hit. This translates to 49 MP and 37 SP per hit. Capped at 4 hits per turn.
  • MC Effect: Once per battle, click the weapon to apply Elementual Vulnerability to the player worth +50/1.4% damage (1 turn). You then heal 100% Melee in either MP or SP (your choice). This effect is quickcast.

    Appeareance: The Capricorn weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: This lance has been imbued with the power of the earth sign Capricorn. Capricorns are nothing if not diligent and practical, both of which are embodied by this weapon. Not only does it trade offensive and defensive power in exchange for resource regeneration (SP and MP), but you can click the weapon once per battle to supercharge these abilities for the turn!

    Decanter of Aquarius
    MC Wind/Water wand. Makes your Water spells put your foe to sleep, and your Wind spells provide an elemental shield

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,164
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +0 bth lean
    Type: Magic
    Element: [See Effect]

  • 100-proc with no true special.
  • MC Effect: Click to swap between Wind and Water element damage
  • In Wind mode, whenever you cast a Wind spell, the no-proc bonus (10% Melee) and 10% Melee in SP (40 SP) to grant yourself an Elemental Shield to all elements for 1 turn (-50/1.19*0.9 = -37.8% damage, 1 round. I'm using the always useful penalty rather than omni-elemental since it's so inconsistently applied!).
  • In Water mode, whenever you cast a Water spell, the no-proc bonus (10% melee) and 10% Melee in SP SP (40 SP) is paid to have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to put your foe to Sleep (140 * 0.85 * 0.42 * (85 / 85 = 49.98% melee assuming 1/0.7 - 1 = 0.4286 turn duration). Enemy can resist at a +20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The calming power of Aquarius lulls your foe to sleep!
    your foe manages to avoid being put to sleep!

    Appeareance: The aquarius weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: This decanter is imbued with the power of the air sign Aquarius. Often confused with a water sign, this weapon lets you choose which whether to strike with Wind or Water! Aquarians are known for being assertive, and this weapon will help you be just that by making you more resistant whenever you cast a Wind spell! It'll also imbue your Water spells with an Aquarian's calm and aloof nature!

    Pisces Chakram
    MC Water weapon. Causes your foe to bleed on a successful hit. Bypasses any status effects inflicted onto your foe.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +5 bth lean (*85/90 damage)
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Water

  • 100-proc with no true special, so *1.1 damage
  • Deals -25% damage. Each hit has a chance to make your foe Bleed (25/ 2 / 100 * ( 85 / 90) / 2 = 0.06 Power). Your foe can save at a +0 rate:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerDEX vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The serrated edge of your chakram of Pisces leaves your foe bleeding!
    Your foe manages to avoid the worst of your chakram's serrated edge!

  • MC Effect: -20 to the save
  • The weapon further causes you to lose -3 MRM. In exchange, the weapon bypasses any positive/negative status effects inflicted on your foe e.g., DefBoost, Defloss, Elevun, Eleshield. Obviously, this doesn't affect special statuses like soft damage cap.

    Appearance: The pisces weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: Imbued with the power of the water sign Pisces, this chakram strikes brave and true, piercing through any status applied to your foe! Its serrated edge is also sharp enough to leave deep, bleeding wounds!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 3/11/2024 19:03:47 >
  • AQ  Post #: 103
    7/17/2019 17:40:28   

    Rapier of Aries
    MC Fire Rapier. Compresses a skill that boosts the power and accuracy of your attacks, converts them to spell type, and allows you to damage your foes SP.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,164
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +5 bth lean (*85/90 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire

  • 0-proc so *1.08 damage
  • MC Effect: Compresses a toggle skill. Click the weapon to activate it at a cost of 261 MP per turn. This toggle causes your weapons to deal +30% damage, +8.5 BTH, convert to spell-type, and deal *2/25*1.125 of the total damage also to your foe's SP.

    Appeareance: The Aries weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: This rapier is imbued with the power of the fire sign Aries! Those born under Aries are thought to possess boundless energy, which this weapon allows you to channel. You can click the blade and spend MP to treat your weapon attacks like a spell, increasing their damage, accuracy, and even allowing them to strike at your foe's spirit!

    Taurus Cleaver
    MC Earth Axe. Forces the player to rest every few turns, but deals increased damage to compensate.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS
    Damage: -10 bth lean (*85/75 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth

  • When wielding the weapon you have a 33% chance to not act each turn (no menu). However, you deal +50% damage on weapon attacks. This can happen whenever you equip the axe.
  • MC Effect: 5% extra chance to act (so 28% inaction chance)

    Appearance: The Taurus weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: This axe is imbued with the power of the earth sign Taurus! This weapon is large (and heavy) enough to force you to rest every few turns, but it sure makes you strong. Strong like bull!

    Gemini Bladed Nunchucks
    MC wind "nunchucks". Can switch between Melee and Ranged combat, as well as between pure damage and lacerating strikes.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,164
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +0 bth lean (*85/85 damage)
    Type: Melee/Ranged [See Effect]
    Element: Wind

  • Click the stick held by the player to toggle between Melee and Ranged mode. in Melee mode, the weapon is 0-proc (*1.08 damage to compensate). In Ranged mode, the weapon is 100-proc (*1.1 for lack of a true special)
  • Click the stick not held by the player to toggle between Damage and Bleed modes. In Damage mode, the Melee version gets a +5% damage MC and Ranged receives +4.25 bth.
  • In Bleed mode, the weapon sacrifices -35% damage to have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to make your foe Bleed (35 / 1 / 100 * ( 85 / 85 ) = 0.35*[WindRes] Power). MC effect in this mode is a -20 save instead of +0*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: Player[STR/DEX] vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The blades of your nunchuck lacerate your foe!
    Your foe manages to avoid the worst of the nunchuck's blade!

    Appearance: The Gemini Weapon created by @heartie123. The ranged special sees the tether of the weapon extend.
    Description: Imbuing these nunchucks with the power of the air sign Gemini has transformed them from training instruments into powerful weapons! Fueled by Gemini's adaptability, they possess the ability to switch between Melee and Ranged damage. You can also use them either to strike bluntly, or employ the blades to lacerate your foe!

    Katar of Cancer
    MC water Katar. Reduces your MRM and damage intake. Can also inflict permanent Water elemental vulnerability.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,164
    Location: LTS
    Damage: -3 bth lean (*85/82 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Water

  • When wielding this weapon, player takes -9 MRM and -15/1.4% damage from attacks. This is applied as an Elemental Shield
  • Click the weapon to toggle status mode. In this mode, you deal -25% damage and pay 25% Melee in SP (98 SP). Each attack has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]*100% chance of attempting a permanent Water Elemental Vulnerability (50 / 0.5 / 1.4 / 0.85 * 85 / 82 / 10 = +8.71% damage, stacking additively solely with itself). Your foe can resist*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerSTR vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The piercing blade punctures your foe’s armour!
    Your foe manages to prevent the katar from damaging their armour!

  • MC Effect: -20 to the save

    Appearance: The Cancer Weapon created by @heartie123.
    Description: This Katar is imbued with the power of the Water sign Cancer! Although this blade is short, forcing you into close combat, this weapon channels the protective powers of Cancer to reduce incoming damage! It also allows you to go on the offensive, permanently puncturing the armour of your foe!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 3/10/2024 16:26:27 >
  • AQ  Post #: 104
    9/19/2019 13:10:47   

    Leo's Codex
    MC Fire Tome. Grants access to three spells.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 72,612,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS
    Damage: [See Effect]
    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire

  • Decompression Bonus: All Fire Element spells will deal +2.5% damage for each Fire spell in your active inventory. NB: The spell database element must be Fire to be counted towards this bonus
  • If spells are disabled, the Weapon performs a “Wand” attack. This has a 0% proc rate (with standard no-proc bonus), with 3 hits of magic Fire-element damage. No bth lean.
  • This tome compresses three spells that the player can choose from:

    1). Blazing Rampage
    Leos love to be the centre of attention. With this spell that calls forth a vicious firestorm, you can ensure your foe will DEFINITELY be paying attention!

    Cost: 915 MP
    Element: Fire
    Hits: 3

  • This spell deals +50% Melee damage (300% Melee total). However, you also receive Elemental Vulnerability (1 turn, +50/1.4 damage, all elements)

    2). Starfall Flare
    Leos are fierce! With this spell, you can show just how fierce by calling forth a meteor to eviscerate your foe with blinding, burning skyfire!

    Cost: 653 MP
    Element: Fire/Light
    Hits: 6

  • This spell requires two casts to land
  • The spell deals -5% damage to seek between Fire/Light.
  • In both modes, the spell pays 100% Melee to blind your foe (-100/ 0.7 / 1.4 * 0.85 * (85 / 85) / 3 = 28.9 bth, 3 rounds) and 100% melee to burn your foe (100 / 0.7 / 10 * ( 85 / 85) / 3 = Power 4.76, 3 rounds, fire/light element). Your foe can resist both at a -20 bonus:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The falling meteor blinds your foe!
    The falling meteor burns your foe!
    Your foe manages to endure the blinding light!
    Your foe manages to endure the searing flame!

  • This means the spell will still deal 190% Melee

    3). Lionheart
    Leos are courageous, standing strong even in the face of adversity!

    Cost: 261 MP
    Element: Heal
    Hits: 1

  • Heal spell. Standard *0.85*0.9 autohit and always useful statuses apply
  • Sacrifices damage to provided Status resistance for 3 rounds.

    4). Ignition
    Restore 395 MP

    Appearance: The Leo weapon made by @heartie123
    Description: This grimoire is imbued with the power of the fire sign Leo! Leos are confident, strong, and courageous. Using this tome, you can call forth that power to cast a variety of furious fire spells!

    I make no apologies for this pun...
    MC Earth Bow. Pay MP to increase the power of your attacks by 50% and convert them to spell-type

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS
    Damage: Inaccurate (+5 bth lean, *85/90 damage)
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Earth

  • Click the weapon to toggle paying 261 MP per turn. In exchange, your weapon attacks deal +50% damage and become 'spell-type'.
  • Instead of a no-proc bonus, you have a 10% chance to heal 100% Melee in MP (522 MP),

    Appeareance: The virgo weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: Those born under the Earth sign Virgo are natural overthinkers. With this virgbow [insert drum noises], you can put this trait to good use by spending Mental points (MP) to turn your arrows into projectile spells!

    Libra Scales
    MC Wind Crossbow. Provides heal resistance to you and your foe, reduces outgoing and incoming damage, and compresses a quickcast barrier skill.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +0 bth lean (*85/85 damage)
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Wind

  • All player attacks deal -20% damage. All monster attacks deal -20/(1.4*0.85)% damage
  • The monster receives -12.5% heal resistance and the player receives -6.25% heal resistance
  • MC Effect: An additional -6.25% heal resistance
  • Player takes -3 MRM to compress a skill. Clicking on the weapon, costs 392 SP to create a quickcast Barrier. *0.5*0.85*0.9 damage for the quickcast, autohit and always useful penalties. This is treated as an "Other" attack, so no weapon or spell bonuses.

    Appeareance: The Libra weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: This crossbow has been imbued with the power of the Air sign Libra! Libras are peacemakers and value balance above all else. These scales embody this, reducing your outgoing and incoming damage, boosting you and your foe's healing, and even allowing you to create a barrier to shield yourself from harm!

    Flabellum of Scorpio
    MC Water Fan. Contains two skills, one to boost the damage of your water spells, the other to make them more accurate and restore your MP

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS

    Price: 72,615,498
    Sellback: 36,307,749
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +5 bth lean (*85/90 damage)
    Type: Magic
    Element: Water

  • 0-proc. Instead of dealing *1.08 damage, water spells instead deal +8*4/2 = +16% damage
  • MC Effect: Click the weapon to activate one of two different skills
  • Vengeful Waters: Quickcast skill costs 100% Melee in SP (392 SP). You gain Spell Frenzy to Water spells (1 turn, +50% damage)
  • Brooding Waters: Skill which uses your turn and 70% Melee in SP (274 SP). When you next cast a water spell, you'll heal 653 MP and that spell will gain +8.5 bth

    Appearance: The Scorpio weapon created by @heartie123
    Description: This fan has been imbued with the power of the Water sign Scorpio! This sign is known for being both intense and strategic and, using this weapon, you can ensure your Water spells are too! Allow them to embody the strength of a raging storm, or hold back while you plan your next move!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 3/4/2024 20:42:40 >
  • AQ  Post #: 105
    9/23/2019 17:19:27   

    Spirit Beacon
    MC Light tome. Contains three spells and a beacon effect, plus mana regeneration option

    Example Tier
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPlvl: 152

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: Limited-Time shop

  • Decompression Bonus: All Light Element spells will deal +2.5% damage for each Wind spell in your active inventory. NB: The spell database element must be Light for the spell to be counted towards this bonus
  • If spells are disabled, the Weapon performs a “Wand” attack. This has a 0% proc rate (with standard no-proc bonus), with 3 hits of magic Light-element damage. No bth lean.
  • This tome compresses three spells that the player can choose from:

    1). Soul Inferno
    Control the bright flames of the lantern to set your foe's spirit alight!

    Cost: 653mp + 347 HP
    Element: Light
    Hits: 3
    Lean: 0 bth

    This spell also costs 347 HP (included above). Instead of dealing increased damage, the spell attempts to inflict your foe with a light element Burn (Power 2.38*[HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted], Duration: 3 turns). This burn damages your foe's SP by the same amount as done to HP, similar to Burning Question. Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The lantern's bright flame burns your foe's spirit!
    Your foe endures the ghostly flames!

    2). Guiding Light
    Use your lantern to draw spirits. They will revitalise both your life and energy!

    Cost: 653mp
    Element: Heal
    Hits: 1
    Lean: Autohit

    Deals 1 hit of autohit heal damage based on enemy light resistance. Standard *0.85 autohit penalty, but no always useful penalty. The spell deals -20% damage and applies a power 0.17 Regeneration that targets player SP for 2 rounds. No save as this targets the player.

    3). Lamplight Ward
    This mana efficient spell damages your foe and creates an ethereal shield around you and your allies, making it more difficult for your opponent to strike!

    Cost: 261 MP
    Element: Light
    Hits: 2
    Lean: +5 bth

    This spell deals -47.6% damage and the player is provided a "Spiritual Barrier" status effect for 2 turns. Similar to Cosmic Ethereal Shield, this status has a 50% chance of cutting your foe's damage in half, rolled on a per hit basis*.

    *The semi-physical barrier of spirits reduces the strength of your foe's strike!

    4). Draw Mana
    Restore 395 MP*

    *You draw 395 MP from your surroundings!

  • The tome looks like a tree branch with a curved head. From the top of the staff hangs an old-fashioned lantern with a pale blue flame. Lights of a similar colour dance around it
  • When casting "Soul Infero", the blue fire extends outwards towards your foe, dealing damage.
  • When casting "Guiding Light", many lights gather around the post.
  • When casting "Lamplight ward", the blue fire extends around the player to create a wall of blue flame

    Description: This lantern is used to guide lost souls into the afterlife. Its bright blue flame burns away both the body and spirit. You can use this enchanted artefact to cast a variety of light spells!

    Greater Miracle
    MC Neutral quickcast skill/spell that heals the player based on light resistance

    MC neutral skill
    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 1
    Element: neutral
    Cost: 490 SP / 653 MP

  • Quickcast Skill/Spell so deals 125% Melee. Castable once per battle, so +50% Melee
  • Heals the player based on enemy light resistance. *0.85 autohit penalty but no always useful penalty
  • MC Effect: *1.05 damage

    Appearance: Bright white light appears across the screen. Blue glitter rains down.
    Description: Use your energy to bring forth a miracle! This skill is only castable once per battle, but can heal you in a pinch

    Lesser Miracle
    MC neutral skill That greatly increases your healing abilities. Can only be cast once per battle.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 0 [See Effect]
    Element: neutral
    Cost: Free [See Effect]

  • Once per battle skill
  • boosts the player's heal resistance by 25*0.9% for 2 turns
  • Once per battle effects are worth 50% melee. Heal resistance gets a *0.9 penalty for being always useful and /2 for being split over two turns
  • MC Effect: +5% to the potency of the heal resistance

    Appearance: A small ray of bright white light appears above the player. Blue glitter rains down.
    Description: Cast this skill to perform a miracle! For a short period of time, your healing abilities are massively amplified!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/21/2023 6:27:00 >
  • AQ  Post #: 106
    9/29/2019 14:29:28   

    Khaiin asked for manticore themed equipment, so...

    MC FD Earth armour with Wind secondary. Can poison with its regular attack and paralyse using its skill. MC is used to compress this skill

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Prize: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750

    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 50
    Magic: 45

    Elemental Modifiers
    Earth: Primary
    Wind: Secondary
    Fire/Ice: weakness

  • Regular attack is 2 hits and deals -25% damage. Has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to poison your foe (Power: 1.78, 2 rounds). They can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: {YourSTR/DEX/INT, whichever is higher} vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your toxic claws afflict your foe with a deadly venom!
    Your foe endures the venomous strike!

  • MC Effect: Compresses a skill - "Projectile Spines". Weapon-based skill that deals -41.6% damage and has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to paralyse your foe. This can be resisted at a -20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: {YourSTR/DEX/INT, whichever is higher} vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The venomous spines leave your foe in toxic shock!
    Your foe endures the spine's venom!

    Appearance: This. Regular attack uses the claws at the front. Spines are fired from the rear of the manticore.
    Description: Become a vicious manticore, known for possessing highly venomous claws and spines. You can even use the latter as projectiles, leaving your foe in toxic shock!

    Baby Manticore
    MC earth pet. Toggles between poison and paralysis modes. MC goes into fueling the potency of each mode.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 12,102,583
    Sellback: 6,051,291
    Location: LTS
    Element: Earth

  • Click on the pet to select between Claw and Projectile spine mode
  • In Claw mode, 2 hits of earth damage. This deals -50% damage and has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to attempt to inflict your foe with poison (Power: 2.2, 2 rounds). Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The toxic claws afflict your foe with a deadly venom!
    Your foe endures the venomous strike!

  • In projectile spine mode, 3 hits of earth damage. Deals -50% damage and has a 61*[HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to attempt to paralyse your foe. This can be resisted at a +20 bonus*:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The venomous spines leave your foe in toxic shock!
    Your foe endures the spine's venom!

    Appearance: This. Regular attack uses the claws at the front. Spines are fired from the rear of the manticore.

    Description: This manticore might not be fully grown just yet, but it still possesses powerful venom. You can choose whether it uses its toxic claws or projectile spines!

    Kream asked for a Nap attack, so...
    MC neutral skill. Heals both your HP/MP and makes you fall asleep. MC effect goes into increased healing.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 1
    Element: neutral
    Cost: 392/490 SP

  • Single hit of healing damage scaling on END. Deals *0.85*0.9 for autohit and always useful penalties
  • Deals +100% damage. Afterwards. The player falls asleep. This can be resisted at a +0 bonus.

    Level: PowLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: VStat vs YourEND
    Minor: VStat vs YourLUK

    Appearance: Several z's are emitted from the players forehead. A moon appears in the sky.
    Description: Cast this skill and fall into a deep sleep, healing you!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/22/2023 16:28:18 >
  • AQ  Post #: 107
    9/29/2019 23:18:39   
    Primate Murder

    An interesting idea, though I have a few questions regarding the mechanics:

    - Manticore's Poison attack - does it only extend to armor attacks, or 100-procs as well? Because if it's the first, you're loosing 20% melee damage. Wouldn't Neutral lean be better, then? or even FO?

    - vs Cha save (on both armor and pet). While I can understand the desire to inflict against the lowest stat, it doesn't really make any sense thematically. Wouldn't End be more correct (especially since save-fail pop-up says the foe endures the attack)? Or even Dex, if they're dodging claws and spines?

    - Hibernate's sleep compensation - it's slightly unclear, do you gain extra heal on the first turn, or regenerate hp/mp worth 100% melee (*0.85) each turn while asleep?
    AQ DF  Post #: 108
    9/30/2019 5:09:07   

    1). 100-procs are included in the above. I'll make a note of that
    2). Copy/Pasted the save roll, changed it to END.
    3). Sleep is considered a two turn paralyse, so the you'd gain an additional 200% melee worth of healing in the two hits list above. That' means an additional 150% melee for the HP hit and 50% melee for the mana hit.
    AQ  Post #: 109
    9/30/2019 6:10:58   
    Primate Murder

    Regarding the Hibernation - it's a 50% chance for a 2-turn paralysis (presuming a 50/50 save), so only +100% melee.
    AQ DF  Post #: 110
    9/30/2019 7:02:02   

    If it's treated as a two-turn paralysis, this status automatically inflicts sleep upon the player without a save roll, so it should be more than 100% melee surely?
    AQ  Post #: 111
    9/30/2019 7:18:37   
    Primate Murder

    Iirc, Sleep, like Panic, is always inflicted automatically, with the monster/player making a save at the beginning of each turn. If you want to make it worth more than 2 turns, how about giving the save -20 penalty? I mean, you basically get the bonus effect for free 1/battle with werepyre anyways.

    < Message edited by Primate Murder -- 9/30/2019 7:19:13 >
    AQ DF  Post #: 112
    9/30/2019 9:44:19   

    Yes, but equally can't it go on for a lot longer than two turns, which is why it's treated as if it's a full two turn paralysis in the first place?

    To the below, yes but it can also last longer than two turns, hence why it is treated as a 2-turn paralysis in the first place. If the staff want to change it (supposing the idea is implemented), they can change it, but I'll keep it as is for now.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/1/2019 12:05:13 >
    AQ  Post #: 113
    9/30/2019 23:29:19   
    Primate Murder

    I mean, it's a 50% chance for a stun lasting an average of 2 turns. 200% melee * 50% chance = 100% melee, no?
    AQ DF  Post #: 114
    10/5/2019 17:36:07   

    MC Fire axe. Increases your STR at the cost of your defences. The MC is used to increase the potency of this effect

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS. Then any demon quest
    Damage: -5bth lean (*85/80 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire

  • no special, so *1.08 damage
  • When held, this weapon grants the user +61.2 STR, renamed as "Pride".

    Status description reads:
    Your axe grants you great strength, allowing you to tear down your foes with ease

  • To compensate, you take +(15/1.4)% damage. MC effect reduces the cost (This is already factored into the numbers). Buffalot's beach bod provides a combined 306 STR for 100% Melee, meaning 20% melee should pay for 306*0.2 = 61.2 STR]

    Appearance: This with a golden blade and red hilt.
    Description: This cursed weapon tempts the wielder, offering them more than enough power to boast about. However, this comes at a hefty price in the heat of battle...

    MC inaccurate earth hammer. Deals additional damage but has a chance to prevent the user from attacking. MC is spent on reducing the chances of this occurring.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS. Then any demon quest
    Damage: -10bth lean (*85/75 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth

  • no special, so *1.08 damage
  • Regular attacks deal +30% damage. However, you have a 21% chance to be affected with "Sloth" (renamed paralysis, Player only)*. You can resist at a +0 bonus:

    Level: 153 vs Powerlvl
    Major: YourSTR vs Vstat
    Minor: YourLUK vs Vstat

    *Despite the great power gifted, you fail to decisively strike and the opportunity is lost!
    The weapon feels heavy in your hand, but you fight on!

    Status description reads:
    The curse of Sloth weighs you down, preventing you from taking the opportunity to strike.

    Appearance: This but in a dark and muddy brown/greys.
    Description: This cursed hammer offers the wielder incredible power, but at great cost. They deal massive damage, but at the cost of are sometimes unable to raise the weapon at all!

    MC accurate light rapier that can prevent your foe from attacking. However, it also reduces your damage.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS. Then any demon quest
    Damage: +5bth lean (*85/90 damage)
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light

  • no special, so *1.08 damage
  • The weapon deals -16.66% damage and has a 20% chance to inflict your foe with "Lust" (renamed disarmed)*. This effect only applies to standard armour attacks (so not spell-based skills/spells). Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus:

    Level: MonsterLvl vs 153
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe is tempted by lust, preventing them from harming you!
    Your foe resists temptation!

    Status description reads:
    The victim has been overwhelmed by lust, making them unable to raise their weapon against you!

    Appearance: This, with a pink aura. The gem is heart-shaped rather than rounded.
    Description: This rapier constantly emits a cursed aura. With each strike, it can cause your foe to become temporarily infatuated, preventing them from raising their weapon. However, this curse also affects you, reducing the strength of your outgoing attacks!

    EDIT: Updated Weapons!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/6/2025 19:52:35 >
  • AQ  Post #: 115
    10/9/2019 14:44:37   

    MC accurate energy spear. Steals your foe's SP at the cost of your HP. MC is used to reduce the HP cost

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS. Then any demon quest
    Damage: +3 bth lean (*85/88 damage)
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Energy

  • no special, so *1.08 damage
  • This weapon has two modes. In damage mode, increased SP regeneration
  • In "Envy" mode, the player pays 52 HP per turn [15% Melee]. When attacking, the weapon will damage your foe's SP for ( 10 / 2 * 1.125)% Melee per hit landed and heal your SP by the same amount.

    Appearance: This but in bright blue.
    Description: This cursed spear amplifies your feelings of envy towards your opponent and the power they possess. This Envy can either manifest as a desire to accumulate power for yourself [Increased SP regeneration], or taking it directly from your foe at the cost of your own life force!

    MC Darkness axe. Automatically spend SP to increase the potency of positive status effects applied to the player. Also increases heal resistance

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS. Then any demon quest
    Damage: +0 lean
    Type: Melee
    Element: Darkness

  • no special, so *1.08 damage
  • As a flavour effect, the weapon takes -5% damage and increases your heal resistance by +12.5%
  • Whenever the player is inflicted by a positive status effect, the weapon will increase the duration of that status by an additional turn. The first effect is free, but all subsequent inflictions cost 392SP

    Appearance: This but in gold and black.
    Greed - automatic SP cost to try and increase the potency of a status effect inflicting you
    Description: Wielding this cursed handaxe forces you to give into your inner Greed. The weapon will help satiate your desires by boosting the power of your healing attacks and even increasing the duration of positive status effects applied to you... for a price

    MC inaccurate darkness hammer. Pay HP to inflict a bleed effect onto your foe. Click the weapon to spend a HP potion and increase weapon damage for 1 turn

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS. Then any demon quest
    Damage: -7bth lean (*85/78 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Darkness

  • no special, so *1.08 damage
  • Flavour effect: The player pays 70HP [20% Melee] per turn and the weapon attempts to inflict a 20 / 1 / 100 * ( 85 / 78) = 0.22 Power Bleed onto your foe [Where saveDC is +0: 1 / 0.5 – 1 = 1 Turn Expected Duration]. Your foe can resist via*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The weapon takes a bite out of your foe, leaving them bleeding!
    The weapon bites at your foe, but they manage to avoid the worst of it

  • MC Effect: You can click the weapon to spend one HP and MP potion. For the next 2 turns, the weapon will do +50% damage and the bleed effect becomes twice as strong.

    Appearance: This In muddy browns
    Description: This cursed hammer is alive... and hungry! It'll try to take a bite out of both you and your foe each turn. You can also click to feed it a health and mana potion, temporarily making it much stronger!

    MC neutral Energy sword. Inflicts the player with berserk and makes them more accurate if an enemy strikes at them.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS. Then any demon quest
    Damage: +0 bth lean
    Type: Magic
    Element: Energy

  • no special, so *1.08 damage
  • Flavour effect: The player is inflicted with Berserk (-15bth lean), renamed to Wrath*
  • MC Effect and +10/1.4%: For each hit your opponent lands, the player gains 6.375 BTH during their next turn.

    *Description reads: You are filled with an unending thirst for vengeance! You take -15bth and deal 1xx% damage!

    Appearance: This in black and purple.
    Description: This cursed blade fuels your desire for vengeance, driving you into a reckless frenzy. In this state, your senses are heightened by any foe that dares to strike back!

    EDIT: Updated Weapons!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/8/2023 18:40:44 >
  • AQ  Post #: 116
    10/14/2019 15:02:56   

    I realised that the soul effect I describe in the suggestion below could also be used as an update for the Eye of the Underworld weapon.

    Foxfire Stave
    MC fire staff, which collects the souls of strong monsters. Souls can be spent to increase the damage of fire spells.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS/Golden Giftboxes (UR shop)
    Damage: +0 lean
    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire

    - No special so *1.08 damage
    - Soul Harvesting

    You have a [# of rounds that you had the weapon equipped]/[total number rounds in the battle] chance of capturing a soul. The [# of rounds that you had the weapon equipped] increases at the end of each turn. If successful, you increase the [soul count] by the monster's power level (so normal monsters are +1, bosses +2 etc.)*. You cannot capture the soul if the monster is WeaponPwrlvl-10 or lower**. Up to three times per turn, you can click the weapon to consume a soul***. This increases the damage dealt by any fire spell you use this turn by 15%.

    +15% is justified because with a mastercraft effect, every turn the player technically gains 5*0.75% melee (3.75%) by using a magic weapon. In the standard 10 turn model, mages are expected to use weapons on 8 turns. This means the total mastercraft bonus should amount to 3.75*8 or 30% melee. This translates to a 15% damage boost to a fire spell (may need to be tweaked).

    *Your weapon captures the monster's soul!
    **This soul is too weak to sustain the flame!
    ***You ignite a soul, enabling the Foxfire to boost the power of your fire spells!

    Appearance: An old oak staff topped with a blue gem. Around the staff swirl nine blue fires, similar in appearance to will o' the wisps
    Description: This staff has the ability to control mystical foxfire, which as the natural ability to steal one's soul. In fact, you can use it to catch the soul of your opponent, then burn it to substantially increase the damage of your fire spells!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/14/2019 15:04:54 >
    AQ  Post #: 117
    10/22/2019 15:57:06   

    Curse of Misfortune
    MC quickcast darkness spell. Pays 100% melee plus MC to inflict your foe with the new "cursed" status effect

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 2
    Element: Darkness
    Cost: 653MP

    - Quickcast spell, so *(1.25/2) power (so total 125% melee). Is only useable once per turn.
    - This spell deals -105% melee (5% paid for by MC) and has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]*100% chance of attempting to inflict a new status effect, "cursed", upon your opponents for 4 rounds*.

    They can resist at a -20 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your enemy has been cursed!
    Your enemy deftly avoids the curse!

    Cursed: [x] rounds
    The enemy/player has been cursed! Their attacks have a chance to deal less damage and become less accurate!

    For the implementation of "Cursed" for this item, 105*1/0.7 =150% melee is available over 4 rounds. This translates to 37.5% melee reduction for each round. Assuming the curse had a 50% chance to reduce monster damage by 30%, this would cost (140/2)*0.3 or 21% melee. This leaves the remaining 16.5% melee on the blind effect.

    Roughly estimated, 140*(65/86) [so roughly -20bth] works out to be 107% melee, a loss of 33%. Assuming this had a 50% chance of occurring, this could cover the remaining 16.5% melee left unspent.

    Appearance: A purple magical seal appears beneath the player, before the player releases similar coloured flames to deal the two hits of damage.
    Description: Call upon forbidden dark magic to curse your foe with misfortune. Whilst this spell does little damage, your foe will find it hard to hit and deal damage!

    Bladed mana focus
    MC accurate energy sword. Deals reduced damage but can increase the power of spells

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS/Varrinsqu keep
    Damage: +3 bth lean (so *85/88 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy

  • No special, *1.08 damage
  • You deal -10% damage
  • MC Effect: Spells gain 15*8/2*0.6/2 = 18% damage. This applies to all elements.

    Appearance: A simple sword with a golden ring on the hilt. Inside this ring floats a flickering purple gem. A simple steel blade on top
    Description: This magical focus has been imbued into the hilt of a sword, allowing it to increase the damage of your spells! Although it possesses no magical properties on its own, you can still use the pointy end...

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/11/2023 8:45:46 >
  • AQ  Post #: 118
    10/30/2019 16:58:39   

    Primordial Metamagic: Impart [Fire/Water/Wind/Ice/Earth/Energy/Light/Darkness]
    MC quickcast [see effect] spell that causes your spells to deal [see effect] damage

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 5940 z-tokens
    Sellback: 1485 z-tokens
    Location: LTS/Z-Token Shop/Beleqwaya's shop/Varrinsqu Keep
    hits: 0
    Element: [see effect]
    Cost: 478 MP

  • Quickcast Spells, so no turn needed for activation
  • You gain a new status effect, Infuse: [element] for 1 turn. During this time, any spells you cast will have a [HitConnected]/[HitsAttempted] chance to inflict your foe with the appropriate element Freeze effect, Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The imbued spell (x) the monster
    Through sheer endurance, your foe makes it through without becoming (x)

    Appearance: Blue glittering light begins to concentrate on your hand, before becoming a swirling mass of the appropriate element. This is also centred on your hands.
    Description: Use this ancient metamagic to change the very nature of your spells! This transition makes your spells attempt to afflict your foe with (x)!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/8/2023 18:22:52 >
  • AQ  Post #: 119
    11/1/2019 11:45:19   
    Phlox Lover

    Imbues have undoubtedly become integral to AQ. The pushed boss fights, incredible fast pace of combat, and ridiculous status stacking that some enemies have mean that mages will fall behind if they don't gain this as a universal, FREE-TO-PLAY utility.
    Post #: 120
    11/11/2019 18:08:25   

    I decided to update a classic...

    Powerword Whoops
    MC neutral skill. Deals harm damage to the player and has a chance to instantly kill them instead.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS/Warlic's shop
    hits: 1
    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 392/490sp

  • A single hit of harm damage that targets the players health. *0.9 always useful and *0.85 autohit penalties apply
  • As a MC effect, the spell has an overall 8% chance to convert the damage to death element, dealing equal to the player's current HP.

    Appearance: This (the old animations are the best!)
    Description Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Stop Hitting yourself!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/8/2023 18:25:17 >
  • AQ  Post #: 121
    11/12/2019 0:46:18   
    Primate Murder

    "always useful", lol.

    According to the recent Blade of Awe revamp, MC is equal to 1% chance of PWD (upped to 4% as alignment bonus). A spell's MC would be equal to 2%, maybe 1.4% considering that monster is expected to have 1.4k meleein hp, compared to the player's 2k.

    It also shouldn't get the reduced chance if used as magic, since this is a spell/skill, not a weapon.

    Btw, I may have missed it, but is there any actual point to using the spell?
    AQ DF  Post #: 122
    11/12/2019 7:48:03   

    I didn't think too hard on the balance on this one, primarily because I can't think of a single reason to use it. It was just a fantastically pointless rare spell. I wanted to revamp it because it was funny.
    AQ  Post #: 123
    11/13/2019 16:04:51   

    After much time deciding on how best to approach this set, it has finally arrived. Behold, the Champion of Steel Plate set!. Credits to @gavers for the idea and that amazing animation!

    Steel plate arm(s)
    MC inaccurate Earth club. Deals less damage but increases your M/R/M.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS

    Damage: -5bth lean (so *85/80 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth

    - No special, so *1.08 damage
    - This weapon deals -15% damage on all standard attacks/weapon-based skills/etc. However, You will also gain +10.5 m/r/m whilst the weapon is equipped.
    - MC is spent on reducing the damage penalty above (already factored into the above numbers).
    - the loss of 5% damage output equates to -5/1.4% damage taken
    - +10.5M/R/M equates to a damage reduction of ~-20/1.4% (to be exact, 85/74.5 = *1.1409)

    Appearance: [See Above]
    Description: This... weapon?... is guaranteed to give your opponent a kick in the right direction! It might not be as strong as a blade or spear point, but it can also double as extra armour to block your foe's attacks!

    Steel Plate Champion
    MC FD Earth armour. MC allows you reduce damage on the first three turns in which you are hit.

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS

    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 55
    Magic: 55

    Elemental Modifiers: Primary defence is Earth. No secondaries. Particularly weak to Energy and Fire (metal conducts heat and electricity well!)

    - Standard attack is 1 hit, -5bth lean (so *85/80 damage)
    - The MC effect of this armour is used for a damage reduction effect, which triggers whenever your foe lands a hit. The effect can activate a maximum of three times.

    The first time the effect activates, all attacks that turn (including the trigger hit) will deal -(28.57/1.4)% damage*. Upon activation for a second time, this reduction will be halved to -(14.29/1.4)%. The last activation will halve this again, reducing damage by -(7.14/1.4)%.

    Assuming the battle lasts 10 turns (I like to be forward thinking), 5% MC * 10 = 50% melee. This is divided into 7. 4/7ths of this is used on the first activation, with 2/7ths on the second and 1/7th on the third. Boost is divided by 1.4 as we take into account monster damage output (140% melee)

    *Your armour bears the brunt of the attack, reducing damage by [x]%!

    Appearance: [See Above]. Attack is like the standard steel plate animation.
    Description: This fortified steel armour allows you to block your foes attacks with ease! It will also bear the brunt of your foe's attacks for you, though it will become less durable over time!

    Steel Barricade
    MC earth shield. MC is spent on the gradual increase in M/R/M defence over time

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS

    M/R/M is spread evenly across all three
    Earth: -24%

    - MC is spent on a gradual increase in M/R/M over 10 turns. This begins at +0 and maxes out at +6 on the 10th turn
    Standard 10-turn battle, so spreading this increase out over 10 turns ensures an average of +3 M/R/M (standard MC)

    Appearance: [See Above]
    Description: This mighty shield is enchanted to further fortify itself over time, allowing you to better defend yourself the longer the battle is drawn out!

    Steel Helmet
    MC Earth Misc. Provides Earth defence and M/R/M. MC gives access to a Quickcast Healing skill. FSB gives you status resistance.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 30,256,459
    Sell: 15,128,229
    Location: LTS
    Cost: [x]SP

    - +9 M/R/M
    - +50 END
    - MC is used to provide access to the following skill:

    Repair your steel suit. This quickcast skill works best if you aren't interrupted!
    Cost: 196sp (50% melee)

    - Quickcast skill, so no "turn damage". Can only be cast once per turn
    - At the start of your next turn, receive a heal hit worth ~50*0.9*0.85% melee. Standard "always useful" and "autohit" penalties apply (displayed above)
    - Deals -(10/0.76)% damage if you were hit on the preceding turn. Deals +(10/0.24)% damage if you weren't (assumed 85% hit rate minus the M/R/M provided automatically by the misc).

    Full Set Bonus: If you have the Full Champion of Steel plate set (Weapon + Armour + Shield + Misc) equipped, you receive +[y] Status resistance: all

    Appeareance: [See Above]
    Description: This mighty steel helmet allows you to better block your foe's attacks. It also increases your END and is enchanted with a skill to help you repair your equipment! When wearing the full set, it can even help protect you against status conditions!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 11/13/2019 16:17:36 >
    AQ  Post #: 124
    11/17/2019 18:05:03   

    Dream Devourer
    MC accurate ice magic weapon. Click to eat your foe's dreams, healing yourself based on the damage dealt

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS

    Damage: +3bth lean (*85/88 damage)
    Type: Magic
    Element: Ice

    - No special, so *1.08 damage
    - Click the weapon to activate a skill:

    Illusion Fracture
    Consume your foes nightmares, healing yourself and leaving them in a cold sweat!
    Cost: Free!

    - Can only be used if your foe is Asleep
    - Consumes the active Asleep status and deals *[Armour lean]*(1+1.4*(1 / (100-[Save DC]))
    - You also heal based on the damage dealt.

    Sleep is treated as a 2-turn paralysis, divided by 0.75 as it is independent of Warrior/Mage turn damage. Damage is halved for the heal effect. Like siphon, the heal is dependent on the damage/accuracy of the ice hits, so no need for the *0.85*0.9 autohit/always useful penalties

    Appearance: Perhaps something like this but with cold steel and added ice effects
    Description: Created from the thousands of nightmares experienced by Lorians over several generations, this horrifying blade can turn dreams into reality. This not only damages your foe (leaving them in a very cold sweat), but heals you at the same time!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 5/16/2020 16:15:08 >
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