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7/1/2017 11:24:38   


Location: Gelunguis Challenge, Dragon Challenge, Triple Trouble, Gelunguis Appears!

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee
Element: Ice

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: Level*3/16
DEX: Level*3/16
INT: Level*3/16
CHA: 0
LUK: 0
END: Level/4
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 5 + Level/5
Crit: 5

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
Crit: [175+INT/10]%

Melee: 3 * Level/90
Pierce: 3 * Level/90
Magic: 3 * Level/90
Block: 0
Parry: Level/90
Dodge: 2 * Level/90

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Immobility: 200

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - Automatically applies 'Frozen' (-25 Ice Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive; approaches target and blasts it with the ice crystals on its back for 1 hit of 100% damage; applies 'Freeze' to target, stunning it for 1 turn. (Pop-up: Gelunguis' frigid tempest freezes you to your core!)
Attack Type 2 / 2.1 - Approaches target and bites it, casting lingering ice crystals for 4 hits of 100% damage, amounting to 400% damage.
  • This attack may telegraph the use of Attack Type 3, at random. (Pop-up: You feel the air around you get... warmer? Gelunguis is absorbing cold energy!)
Attack Type 3 - Approaches target and casts its icy breath, summoning ice crystals for 11 hits of 100% damage, amounting to 1,100% damage. (Pop-up: The Elder Ice Dragon unleashes his stored energy!)

Other information
  • Gelunguis does not follow a traditional rotation;
    • Attack Type 1 will always be used on the first turn, and has a cooldown of 3 turns, taking precedence over Attack Type 2.
    • Attack Type 2.1 may be used at random at any point prior to the first use of Attack Type 3, after which it has a cooldown of 5 turns.
    • Attack Type 3 will always be used after Attack Type 2.1, and is subject to Attack Type 2.1's cooldown of 5 turns and random use, taking precedence over Attack Type 1.

    Full Appearance

    Also See: Elder Ice Dragon

    Thanks to
  • Jay for appearance images, stat information, and also see link.
  • DemonicDarkwraith for attack type images and corrections.
  • BluuHorseOfficial for updated attack type information and entry reformat.
  • UltimateDoomKnight for correction.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 6/5/2024 16:44:07 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
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