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Armours - Read the first post!

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10/19/2017 20:22:57   
Legendary Scribe of Lore

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AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
10/20/2017 19:16:13   

Vampire Transformation!

Draw upon your inner strength and transform into a Vampire!


Werewolf Rank 10
Become the Beast Transformation

Got this. ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 3/30/2018 10:12:45 >
Post #: 2
10/21/2017 14:24:34   
 formerly In Media Res



Oh, right - the Werewolf class's Snarl has been changed, because it was actually underpowered and making it more powerful seems like the kind of thing that Jeff Goldblum warned us against in Jurassic Park. It's now a quick-cast skill that inflicts Fear for 3 rounds with a 25/63 chance of not acting. It costs 40% of a standard skill cost (EDIT: so 50% of a Melee skill).

Got this. ~Carandor

< Message edited by Carandor -- 3/30/2018 10:13:02 >
AQ  Post #: 3
10/21/2017 15:27:59   
Legendary Ash

1.4*3 rounds*.3 save*25/63 = 50% melee of a standard skill, so this changes it to actually overpowered.

Bleh, sorry, my fault. I meant 40% of a Magic skill, so 50% of a Melee skill. ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 10/22/2017 11:48:38 >
AQ  Post #: 4
10/21/2017 15:35:03   

Isn't the scheme supposed to be like mana efficient spells?


Purifying Surge deals 75% damage and costs 60% of a normal spell. With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

From healing branch's entry, guess that's what they're using here. Efficient spells

< Message edited by Andlu -- 10/21/2017 15:40:18 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 5
10/28/2017 16:03:15   
 formerly In Media Res


  • The Vampire class guest now also inflicts Element Vulnerable ((3*[hits connected])% more damage, 1 round). The monster can resist with a save at a +10 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK). The Bleed damage has been brought down to power: 0.30174 to compensate.
  • Mesmerize (and Werewolf Snarl) are useable twice per turn. Also the buttons are hard-coded to use "usable" instead of "useable", so I'm gonna have to edit that >.>
  • The vampire stat toggles now use MP.
    Level	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    PowLvl	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40
    Stat	15	20	20	25	25	30	30	35	35	35
    MP	14	18	18	23	23	28	28	32	32	32

    Vampire Level 10 - Evolve

    Armour switches to FO. You pay SP and MP per turn equal to the listed amount. Your attacks deal *1.75 damage (Melee) or *2 damage (Magic)*. If your weapon special occurs, then it deals the increased damage too. Either way, your attacks do *7/8 damage and you heal HP equal to 1/8 of the damage dealt.

    *Your weapon attacks are brought up to skill level (so *2 BR damage, stat damage is brought up to skill standards [so STR/4 for Melee, etc], and Magic weapons get *0.75 BR damage). Your attacks then take -12.5% (Melee) or -25% (Magic) additive damage; this last part doesn't affect LS damage.

    For spells, you deal +37.5% additive damage (this doesn't affect LSs), and *7/8 damage. You heal HP equal to 1/8 of the damage dealt.
    PowLvl	40	70	90	120	135	150G
    MPCost	30	51	68	96	112	131
    SPCost	45	77	102	144	168	196

    Advanced Vampire armours

    Advanced Vamp Armours
    Level	70	90	120	135	150G
    PLvl	70	90	120	135	153
    Fire	93	93	93	90	90
    Water	100	100	100	95	95
    Ice	85	84	84	83	82
    Wind	67	60	51	46	42
    Earth	85	84	84	83	82
    Energy	73	70	65	59	56
    Light	105	105	105	100	100
    Dark	63	56	47	42	39
    Melee	42	45	50	52	55
    Ranged	32	35	40	42	45
    Magic	37	40	45	47	50
    Fire	-7	-7	-7	-10	-10
    Earth	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Water	0	0	0	-5	-5
    Energy	-27	-30	-35	-41	-44
    Ice	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Light	5	5	5	0	0
    Wind	-33	-40	-49	-54	-58
    Dark	-37	-44	-53	-58	-61
    2MCBuy	23032	184868	4229511	20236032	96820665
    2MCSell	11516	92434	2114755	10118016	48410332
    LEVEL 1
    Level	70	90	120	135	150
    SPCost	39	51	72	84	98
    LEVEL 3
    owLvl	70	90	120	135	150G
    Stat	45	45	45	50	50
    MP	42	42	42	47	47
    LEVEL 4
    SPCost	77	102	144	168	196
    LEVEL 5
    CostLvl	70	90	120	135	152
    MPCost	45	59	84	98	114
    Base	19	26	38	45	54
    Rand	38	52	76	89	107
    Stat	632.25	780.75	1003.5	1114.875	1248.525
    BTH	17	22	30	33	38
    LEVEL 6
    Base	63	86	127	150	179
    Rand	126	173	253	298	358
    Stat	562	694	892	991	1109.8
    BtH	17	22	30	33	38
    SPCost	193	255	360	419	490
    LEVEL 7
    MPHeal	10.3	13.6	19.2	22.3	26.4
    LEVEL 9
    Base	63	86	127	150	179
    Rand	126	173	253	298	358
    Stat	562	694	892	991	1109.8
    BtH	17	22	30	33	38
    eleComp	1.27490	1.29463	1.33728	1.38009	1.30825
    SPMa	193	255	360	419	490
    SPMeRa	154	204	288	335	392
    LEVEL 10
    PowLvl	70	90	120	135	150G
    MPCost	51	68	96	112	131
    SPCost	77	102	144	168	196
  • AQ  Post #: 6
    10/28/2017 17:02:52   

    Is the 2 in "2MCBuy" on the vampire armor buy price a typo?

    I think it is as it doesn't exist on armors with similar prices like Ultimon and Chimeran.
    AQ  Post #: 7
    10/28/2017 17:07:55   

    Just a spreadsheet leftover most likely, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!".

    The price is that of an armor + skill + skill * MC

    < Message edited by afterlifex -- 10/28/2017 17:12:42 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
    10/28/2017 19:50:07   

    We never got info subs for the Midnight PVF/SWF armors.

    Also, concerning Midnight SWF: Does the MC boost spells? (If it doesn't, it should)
    AQ  Post #: 9
    10/28/2017 21:21:24   

    Vampire Transformation! (Rank 10/Evolved)
    Post #: 10
    10/29/2017 10:40:39   


    your attacks do *7/8 damage and you heal HP equal to 1/8 of the damage dealt.

    If this is the case, you're healing 1/8 of 7/8, which is less than 1/8, so the total damage dealt/healed is less than 1.

    Shouldn't it be 1/7, so that if you're healing 1/7 of 7/8, the total damage dealt plus the total damage healed is 1?
    AQ  Post #: 11
    11/3/2017 10:30:06   

    Graverider Mount

    Graverider Mount (Dismounted)

    image credits via ReinyDeys
    Post #: 12
    11/3/2017 11:17:36   

    Graverider Mount

    MC FO Ice armor with Wind/Darkness secondaries. Basically an Ice clone of Griffinrider.

    Resistances/MRM at L150:

    Fire 96
    Water 82
    Wind 47
    Ice 39
    Earth 82
    Energy 90
    Light 90
    Darkness 47
    Melee 45
    Ranged 52
    Magic 52

    MC: You can swap to an elelocked form with no damage penalty. To do this, dismount the horse (through the skills menu). You can mount up the same way. If you are mounted, it's a standard FO armor. If you are dismounted, it's an elelocked armor that only deals Ice damage but gives you extra damage (specific numbers have not been determined yet).

    Lvl	50B	70B	90B	110B	130B	150B
    PLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    B/R	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat	456.4	581.8	713.8	854.8	977.8	1109.8
    BtH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Price	1110	8637	69326	558616	4503430	36307749
    Sell	555	4318	34663	279308	2251715	18153874

    < Message edited by ZumaChaosReborn -- 11/3/2017 12:17:57 >
    AQ  Post #: 13
    11/3/2017 12:12:28   
    Lv 1000


    The MC is not mount or dismount. Basically swapping to an elelocked form is considered a skill. So the MC is actually just compressing a skill with no damage penalty.
    Post #: 14
    11/3/2017 16:35:30   
     formerly In Media Res


    New package item: Grave Rider. Kam says:

    Essentially a clone of Griffon Rider, except aligned to Ice with Dark/Wind secondaries, Earth/Water neutral, Energy/Light secondaries, and Fire weakness. FO armour, while dismounted your attack is ele-locked to Ice, otherwise normal.
    Lvl	50B	70B	90B	110B	130B	150B
    PLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    Fire	97	97	97	97	96	96
    Water	85	85	83	83	82	82
    Ice	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Wind	75	71	65	60	53	47
    Earth	85	85	83	83	82	82
    Energy	91	91	90	90	90	90
    Light	91	91	90	90	90	90
    Dark	75	71	65	60	53	47
    Melee	30	33	36	39	42	45
    Ranged	37	40	43	46	49	52
    Magic	37	40	43	46	49	52
    eleComp	1.45924	1.61145	1.67829	1.78374	1.78432	1.84071
    A-MCP	1110	8637	69326	558616	4503430	36307749
    A-MCS	555	4318	34663	279308	2251715	18153874

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 11/3/2017 16:42:25 >
    AQ  Post #: 15
    11/13/2017 10:20:38   

    Elemental Vampire Variants
    Serving Queen Saifira proudly in the battle against the Werewolf King and his army. This armour is only usable by players who have properly unlocked it by completing the advanced vampire quest.

    Blue Blood, Psionic Vampire, Chthonian Count (Regular)

    Blue Blood, Psionic Vampire, Chthonian Count (Evolved/Rank 10)
    Post #: 16
    11/14/2017 16:17:22   
     formerly In Media Res


    Uh, I guess I should post something.

    Water Vampire: Blue Blood

    Normal vampire: Dark > Wind > Energy >Ice/Earth > Fire > Water > Light
    This: Water > Light > Ice > Wind/Dark > Earth > Fire > Energy
    Level	70	95	120	135	150G
    PLvl	70	95	120	135	153
    Fire	100	100	100	95	95
    Water	63	54	47	42	39
    Ice	73	69	65	59	56
    Wind	85	84	84	83	82
    Earth	93	93	93	90	90
    Energy	105	105	105	100	100
    Light	67	58	51	46	42
    Dark	85	84	84	83	82

    Energy: Psionic Vampire

    Level 120/135/150G

    Normal: Dark > Wind > Energy >Ice/Earth > Fire > Water > Light
    This: Energy > Dark > Ice > Wind/Fire > Earth > Light > Water
    Fire	84	83	82
    Water	105	100	100
    Ice	65	59	56
    Wind	84	83	82
    Earth	93	90	90
    Energy	47	42	39
    Light	100	95	95
    Dark	51	46	42

    Earth Vampire: Chthonian Count

    Level 120/135/150G

    Normal: Dark > Wind > Energy >Ice/Earth > Fire > Water > Light
    This: Earth > Ice > Energy > Dark/Water >Light > Fire > Wind
    Fire	100	95	95
    Water	84	83	82
    Ice	51	46	42
    Wind	105	100	100
    Earth	47	42	39
    Energy	65	59	56
    Light	93	90	90
    Dark	84	83	82

    Fire: Vampyro

    Normal: Dark > Wind > Energy >Ice/Earth > Fire > Water > Light
    This: Fire > Water > Light > Wind/Energy > Earth > Darkness > Ice
    Level	55Z	85Z	110Z	125Z	143Z
    Buy	1320	2409	3674	4620	5940
    Fire	63	54	47	42	39
    Water	67	58	51	46	42
    Ice	105	105	105	100	100
    Wind	85	84	84	83	82
    Earth	93	93	93	90	90
    Energy	85	84	84	83	82
    Light	73	69	65	59	56
    Dark	100	100	100	95	95
    AQ  Post #: 17
    11/17/2017 1:48:46   


    Lumenomancer Bloodmage

    You have seen the light, power is in blood, so this armour will let you boost your spells' power by paying a bit of health.

    Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 1/20/2018 20:17:03 >
    Post #: 18
    11/17/2017 2:53:43   

    May I ask what the saving rolls on all of Vampire's status effect skills are?

    Like what's the save roll for the Bleed on Bloodletting and the Bat Swarm guest? Ditto for Bat's Blind save. The damage penalty the bat swarm takes for each of the 3 statuses would be nice to know as well.

    Is Mesmerize +20 to save using your mainstat VS enemy CHA like Lycan's Snarl as well?

    Also Mist Form uses END as stat for the healing like Lycan's Healing Howl right? Also what damage penalty does it take to get the MRM buff effect as well?
    AQ  Post #: 19
    11/21/2017 8:42:49   
     formerly In Media Res


    Apparently I never posted base Vampire?


    Darkness class armour

    Class title bonus: +10% outgoing weapon, spell, pet, and guest damage against werewolves.

    Level 1 - Blood-letting. Toggle. At the end of your turn, you pay the listed SP cost and your opponent starts Bleeding (0.2*[Hits connected]/[Hits attempted] power). It counts all your weapon attacks and spell hits. Your opponent can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with [MainStat]/LUK, resist with END/LUK) ([MainStat] is determined based on the last applicable hit). Costs 20% of a standard skill cost.

    Level 2 - Drink. When your opponent takes damage from bleeding, you heal HP equal to 25% of the damage.

    Level 3 - Alluring Presence. Boosts your CHA for an SP upkeep.

    Level 4 - Mesmerize. Quick-cast skill, pay the listed SP (50% of a Melee skill) and your opponent is inflicted with Control (100% chance, 1.0982 turns (rounded randomly). The opponent can resist with a save at a +20 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK)

    Level 5 - Children of the Night. Summons a bat swarm as a guest. It costs MP.

    The guest attacks with three hits, Melee Darkness. Its attack does -50% damage. If the attack succeeds, you foe is Blinded (-4*[hits connected] BTH, 1 turn) and Bleeding (0.30174*[hits connected]/3 power). The monster can resist each with a save. The save to resist Blind is done at a +10 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK). The save to resist Bleeding is done at a +10 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with END/LUK). [EDIT: The save to resist Bleeding is done at a +10 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK).]

    Level 6 - Mist Form. This is a healing spell that uses the numbers below. It uses INT for stat bonuses, and takes *0.85 damage for auto-hitting. It takes -50% additive damage. Afterwards, you gain a Defence Boost (3 rounds, +20.238 defence (rounded randomly)).

    Level 7 - Eldritch Attunement. Heal MP equal to 4% of a spell per round (rounded randomly). This is calculated using your armour PowLvl instead of CostLvl.

    Level 8 - Ancient Wisdom. INT version of the Lv3 skill.

    Level 9 - Nightfall. Darkness skill. Deals the listed damage. Gets eleComp to damage. Treated as a spell. Doesn't respect your weapon special.
    ClassLv	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    PowLvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40
    BR%	130	139	148	157	166	175	184	193	202	211	220
    Stat%	166	185.8	205.6	225.4	245.2	265	284.8	304.6	324.4	344.2	364
    BTH	1	1	2	2	2	3	3	3	4	4	5
    Fire	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100
    Water	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	105	105
    Ice	99	97	97	97	95	95	94	94	94	94	94
    Wind 	96	91	91	89	87	87	85	82	81	79	79
    Earth	99	97	97	97	95	95	94	94	94	94	94
    Energy	97	95	95	93	91	90	89	87	86	86	85
    Light	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110	110
    Dark 	92	90	87	85	84	82	80	79	78	75	75
    Fire	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Water	5	5	5	5	5	5	5	5	5	5	5
    Ice	-1	-3	-3	-3	-5	-5	-6	-6	-6	-6	-6
    Wind 	-4	-9	-9	-11	-13	-13	-15	-18	-19	-21	-21
    Earth	-1	-3	-3	-3	-5	-5	-6	-6	-6	-6	-6
    Energy	-3	-5	-5	-7	-9	-10	-11	-13	-14	-14	-15
    Light	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10	10
    Dark 	-8	-10	-13	-15	-16	-18	-20	-21	-22	-25	-25
    Melee	32	32	33	33	34	34	35	35	36	36	37
    Ranged	22	22	23	23	24	24	25	25	26	26	27
    Magic	27	27	28	28	29	29	30	30	31	31	32
    LEVEL 1
    ClassLv	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    SPCost	9	11	12	13	14	16	17	18	20	21	22
    LEVEL 3
    ClassLv	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
    CHA	15	15	20	20	25	25	30	30	35	35	35
    SP	10	10	14	14	17	17	21	21	24	24	24
    LEVEL 4
    SPCost	19	21	24	26	28	31	34	36	39	42	45
    LEVEL 5
    PowLvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40
    CostLvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40
    MPCost	11	12	14	15	17	18	20	21	23	24	26
    Base	3	4	5	5	6	6	7	8	9	9	10
    Rand	8	8	8	11	11	14	15	16	16	19	21
    Stat	186.75	209.025	231.3	253.575	275.85	298.125	320.4	342.675	364.95	387.225	409.5
    BTH	2	3	4	4	5	6	7	7	8	9	10
    LEVEL 6
    PowLvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40
    Base	11	13	15	17	19	22	24	26	29	31	34
    Rand	23	27	31	35	40	43	48	53	57	63	67
    Stat	166	185.8	205.6	225.4	245.2	265	284.8	304.6	324.4	344.2	364
    BtH	2	3	4	4	5	6	7	7	8	9	10
    SPCost	19	21	24	26	28	31	34	36	39	42	45
    LEVEL 7
    PowLvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40
    MPHeal	2.5	2.8	3.1	3.5	3.8	4.1	4.5	4.9	5.2	5.6	6
    LEVEL 9
    PowLvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40
    CostLvl	10	13	16	19	22	25	28	31	34	37	40
    Mel/Ran	38	42	47	52	57	62	67	73	78	84	90
    Magic	47	53	59	65	71	78	84	91	98	105	112
    Base	3	4	5	5	6	6	7	8	9	9	10
    Rand	8	8	8	11	11	14	15	16	16	19	21
    Stat	186.75	209.025	231.3	253.575	275.85	298.125	320.4	342.675	364.95	387.225	409.5
    BTH	2	3	4	4	5	6	7	7	8	9	10
    eleComp	n/a	n/a	n/a	n/a	n/a	n/a	n/a	n/a	n/a	1.20552	1.24483
    AQ  Post #: 20
    11/21/2017 8:44:42   
     formerly In Media Res



    Elemental werewolves:

    Fire: Rage Beast

    Normal: Earth > Light > Ice > Energy/Dark > Water > Wind > Fire
    This: Fire > Wind > Darkness > Earth/Light > Water > Ice > Energy
    Fire	63	54	47	42	39
    Water	93	93	93	90	90
    Ice	100	100	100	95	95
    Wind	67	58	51	46	42
    Earth	85	84	84	83	82
    Energy	105	105	105	100	100
    Light	85	84	84	83	82
    Dark	73	69	65	59	56
    Fire	-37	-46	-53	-58	-61
    Earth	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Water	-7	-7	-7	-10	-10
    Energy	5	5	5	0	0
    Ice	0	0	0	-5	-5
    Light	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Wind	-33	-42	-49	-54	-58
    Dark	-27	-31	-35	-41	-44

    Darkness: Predator of the Night

    Normal: Earth > Light > Ice > Energy/Dark > Water > Wind > Fire
    This: Darkness > Energy > Fire > Wind/Earth > Ice > Light > Water
    Fire	73	69	65	59	56
    Water	105	105	105	100	100
    Ice	93	93	93	90	90
    Wind	85	84	84	83	82
    Earth	85	84	84	83	82
    Energy	67	58	51	46	42
    Light	100	100	100	95	95
    Dark	63	54	47	42	39
    Fire	-27	-31	-35	-41	-44
    Earth	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Water	5	5	5	0	0
    Energy	-33	-42	-49	-54	-58
    Ice	-7	-7	-7	-10	-10
    Light	0	0	0	-5	-5
    Wind	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Dark	-37	-46	-53	-58	-61

    Ice: White Howler

    Normal: Earth > Light > Ice > Energy/Dark > Water > Wind > Fire
    This: Ice > Earth > Water > Energy/Dark > Light > Fire > Wind
    Fire	100	100	100	95	95
    Water	73	69	65	59	56
    Ice	63	54	47	42	39
    Wind	105	105	105	100	100
    Earth	67	58	51	46	42
    Energy	85	84	84	83	82
    Light	93	93	93	90	90
    Dark	85	84	84	83	82
    Fire	0	0	0	-5	-5
    Earth	-33	-42	-49	-54	-58
    Water	-27	-31	-35	-41	-44
    Energy	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Ice	-37	-46	-53	-58	-61
    Light	-7	-7	-7	-10	-10
    Wind	5	5	5	0	0
    Dark	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18

    Golden Fang

    Normal: Earth > Light > Ice > Energy/Dark > Water > Wind > Fire
    This: Light > Water > Fire > Ice/Earth >Wind > Darkness > Energy
    Fire	73	69	65	59	56
    Water	67	58	51	46	42
    Ice	85	84	84	83	82
    Wind	100	100	100	95	95
    Earth	85	84	84	83	82
    Energy	105	105	105	100	100
    Light	63	54	47	42	39
    Dark	93	93	93	90	90
    Fire	-27	-31	-35	-41	-44
    Earth	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Water	-33	-42	-49	-54	-58
    Energy	5	5	5	0	0
    Ice	-15	-16	-16	-17	-18
    Light	-37	-46	-53	-58	-61
    Wind	-7	-7	-7	-10	-10
    Dark	0	0	0	-5	-5

    Got these. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 3/30/2018 11:05:47 >
    AQ  Post #: 21
    11/21/2017 8:50:09   
     formerly In Media Res



    Lumenomancer Bloodmage

    FO Light armour.

    Effect: Whenever you cast a spell, you pay HP equal to [HPCost] and the spell deals +50% damage. This doesn't affect Heal-element spells.

    MC: Comes with a Light spell, Blood Radiance. Costs MP. Two hits, Magic Light. This is treated as a spell. Yes, it gets the above effect.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
    Water	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
    Ice	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
    Wind	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
    Earth	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
    Energy	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
    Light	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
    Dark	97	97	95	95	95	95	95	95
    Melee	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
    Ranged	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
    Magic	32	35	39	42	45	48	51	55
    HPCost	12	25	40	58	79	102	127	151
    Base	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
    Rand	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
    Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1110
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38
    EleComp	1.26451	1.42856	1.56359	1.82082	1.86326	1.86326	1.86326	1.84977
    MPCost	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653
    Price	71	267	1840	14523	116788	941270	7588511	36307750
    Sell	35	133	920	7261	58394	470635	3794255	18153875

    Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 1/20/2018 20:18:40 >
    AQ  Post #: 22
    11/21/2017 19:18:01   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    both the level 3 and level 8 stat boosters on the vampire have an mp upkeep, not an sp one as listed above.

    edit: on the guest it also inflicts elevuln.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 23
    11/22/2017 4:30:12   

    Shouldn't mesmerize use VStat just like how snarl uses it?

    Or is this intended?
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 24
    11/22/2017 16:43:53   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!


    Energy Realm Champion

    MC Energy Armour, has a weapon-type skill for MC. If using the full set, you unlock a new spell-type skill. This skill pays 50% Melee in damage and attempts to inflict a (5/85*Hits/Attempts*EnergyRes)% stun rate Daze that lasts for the whole battle (9999 turns really, but that shouldn't EVER run out :p). The save for this has a -20 penalty (70% base chance to inflict) and inflicts with player STR/DEX/INT (whichever is highest) for majour stat and LUK for minor, and the mob resists with END/LUK for majour/minor.

    Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat%	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BTH	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Fire	73	65	58	51	45	42
    Water	95	95	95	95	95	95
    Ice	86	86	86	85	85	84
    Wind	76	76	76	75	75	70
    Earth	76	76	76	75	75	70
    Energy	68	60	53	47	42	39
    Light	73	65	58	51	45	42
    Dark	86	86	86	85	85	84
    Melee	31	34	37	40	43	45
    Ranged	31	34	37	40	43	45
    Magic	31	34	37	40	43	45
    ASMCSOP	1840	14523	116788	941270	7588511	36307750
    ASMCSOS	920	7261	58394	470635	3794255	18153875
    EleComp	1.49835	1.70123	1.83312	1.85143	1.8518	1.89878
    Mel/Ran	72	63	59	70	85	85
    Magic	104	106	114	140	171	183
    SP-Ran	127	171	222	280	341	392
    SP-Mag	159	214	278	349	427	490
    Damage	51-155	72-216	96-290	124-371	154-463	179-537
    Stat%	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BTH	14	19	24	29	34	38
    Added in elecomp, FSB skill stats and SPCosts for both skills. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 3/17/2022 1:54:58 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 25
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