*cough* Behemoth, Vadlic Black Knight, Shs Trog Star, Sea Rover Navigator, Decimator, Feral Alpha Wolf, Anni-Volt Spear, Void Infused Drakel Armor, Golden Katana, Shadowed Arthurain Lion NG, Draconiac Inferno Blade, Nova Guardian (if you are verified) , Super Boltron, Newbatron AnniVY3010, Dark Lord Mechula, Sepulchure of Doom, GlaDERP Security B, Blazing Steampunk N41, Milziiga Sniegapika - NG Complete, Yeti Leader, Birthday Newbatron, Knael Mamba, Hail Mecha, Jameson Amore, Jameson Vengance, Chaos Crusher, Supreme Master G, Dragon Spirit Form G, Valkyrie Prime NG, Candy Elf AC, Blizzard Harvestor NG, Jaunting Ranger, V-Stalker... These are the best ones though to save you time :) 10. Hail Mecha 9. Vadlic Black Knight 8. Sepulchure of Doom 7. Blazing Steampunk NG41 6. Sea Rover Navigator 5. Valkyrie Prime NG 4. Supreme Jameson 3. Milziiga Sniegapika - NG Complete 2. Super Boltron 1. Yeti Leader Weapons wise... well there is Zorbo... Reaper Lens 50... rest is pretty meh to be honest. It might be worth your time doing to salvage mission for some of the better NG equipment. AND if you don't mind being a bit cheeky you can visit someone's Star Ship and use their Traveller's Projector thingy. Here is someone you can visit 7592480. The shop has a few decent items...
< Message edited by VoidCorrupts -- 3/11/2018 12:04:48 >