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RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions

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2/4/2018 6:25:38   
Bu Kek Siansu


If you have any general questions that anyone can answer, please ask them in AQ Q&A: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=17

Sisters of Mercy

  • Gives you an Element Shield* against all elements (1 turn, *0.5 damage).

    I know that anyone can answer, even I can answer, but could you please confirm this?

    For the lvl 150, does it give *0.5 to all 8 standard elements including *0.5 Harm element and *0.5 Void element
    at the same time against multiple element attacks as an example from Fire, Earth, Darkness, Water and Void elements?

    Or, does it only give a *0.5 to 1 element of all elements as I mentioned above against multi element attacks?

    Also, just to be sure regarding the *0.5 Harm element and *0.5 Void element I mentioned above
    since the Full Set Bonus from the Horo-Show Void Visor (128, 148) just gives you *0.5 Harm and *0.75 Void.

    Thanks in advance for replying.

    Sisters of Mercy affects all elements the same way, including Harm and Void.

    HSVV is different because it's a misc and we were trying something different. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 3/3/2018 11:32:48 >
  • Post #: 51
    2/4/2018 12:33:21   

    This is kind of a limbo question, but what happened regarding the revamps of old MC sets? To my knowledge no MC sets were updated last year. In 2016 only Terror set was revamped and its not an "official" MC set and also its tokens so not all players will have access to the set. In 2015 there were no old MC sets that got revamped and the last official MC set revamp was Fujin in 2014, where all new tiers, effects and also extra gear was added...

    That was 4 years ago. There is still Morningstar, Nemesis, Kindred and arguably Solaris (its kinda like terror tho, only MC for guardians) to revamp. Are there any solid plans for these set revamps in the near future? Also P.S Mjollnir from Asgardian still needs a proper MC.

    Last I heard, Kam was coming up with plans with Ronin for a Kindred revamp, but then Ronin disappeared. I have no idea if Kam is planning to revamp it himself or if the revamp is off the table. ~IMR

    Basically I do plan to do some revamps this year, ideally I want to get at least two done, but I don't think Kindred's at the top of the list for right now. Others are though! ~Kamui

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 3/7/2018 1:58:59 >
    AQ  Post #: 52
    2/5/2018 6:26:52   

    Will there be a golden giftbox discount or z-token bonus for the month of febuary? We will be getting tons of new items in the GGB's, many of which will go perma rare, in the next few weeks. The rate for golden giftbox ultra-rares seems to be about 1 in every 20-40 giftboxes opened. So if you spent $25 USD on Giftboxes and bought 30 boxes with all the tokens, you could conceivably only get 1 or 2 ultra rares. Many of the bonus items coming are from other games, and it would be nice to have a greater chance to obtain these nostalgic items.
    AQ  Post #: 53
    2/7/2018 3:54:02   
    Rafiq von den Vielen


    Cyrus wrote the Diamonds and Explosions! quest if I remember correctly although I can't tell you if it was a one-time appearance or a build-up to him writing again.

    What about this? Curiosity killed the fox (quoting my answer to Phrixus' question posed in the Bradakhan = Kylo Ren thread below in GD) but what happened to Cyrus? Did he leave the team again or has he just gotten busy?

    We keep in touch with Cyrus, but he isn't actively writing. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 3/6/2018 20:47:34 >
    Post #: 54
    2/9/2018 10:06:42   

    Foam Finger's Base and Random seems to be based on Magic Standards rather than Melee Standards, it's pretty low.

    Should be fixed. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 3/6/2018 20:47:45 >
    AQ  Post #: 55
    2/10/2018 2:14:06   
    Kay Oh


    Nope, no plans. I don't think it's on the table anymore. ~IMR

    Such huge potential on its resurrection effect gone to waste. And these past years I've been believing for a rework after y'all discussed it in my GB thread
    Oh this hurts *cries*

    < Message edited by Kay Oh -- 2/10/2018 2:17:41 >
    AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 56
    2/10/2018 22:52:28   

    Will things like UDSoE and ChickenCow Clone be revisted to give them their original SP drain mechanic since (i assume here) that you now have the code to be able to accomplish this? Or is it just a "its been this way we dont wanna change it we are busy people here" thing? I don't mind either way but i figured i'd ask before the new boxes come out!

    Ooh, I don't know. The items are Z-Token-ish, and we try to not change Z-Token items after release. We'll talk about it. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/11/2018 20:04:50 >
    Post #: 57
    2/11/2018 2:21:58   

    I would like to ask about the future of AQ, the imminent end of flash, and progress of current developments.


    What About AE's Other Games?
    Never fear, Heroes, we've got you covered. Once AQW:Mobile is done, our goal is to bring our other main legacy games forward so you can keep enjoying them.

    This is the last update we received, on July 25, 2017. It's been over half a year since, is there any official word or update?

    I get that staff members are busy with weekly releases, quests, bugs fixes, various other projects, and you can't possibly drop everything else to work on this, but it has to be one of the top priority right?

    Everyone else is asking about items, fixes, class developments etc, but none of these are going to matter if the game itself is having a going concern issue.

    The transition team is currently working on porting AQW to mobile. Once they get AQW done, they'll start working on AQ and the other games. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/11/2018 19:55:44 >
    Post #: 58
    2/11/2018 6:19:53   

    The Elevuln effect doesn’t work at all, felt like I needed to post this here that this is a rather big thing
    I needed

    It's working for me. What items isn't it working on? ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/11/2018 19:44:27 >
    AQ AQW  Post #: 59
    2/12/2018 3:15:40   
    Rafiq von den Vielen


    It's working for me. What items isn't it working on? ~IMR

    Model 294, the Mecha Knight pet. I'm sure there are others but this is the only one I have active right now, and its EleVuln is broken.
    Post #: 60
    2/12/2018 6:42:07   
    Dreiko Shadrack

    ^It works for me. have you cleared your cache recently?
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 61
    2/12/2018 9:45:16   
    Rafiq von den Vielen

    Huh. Hasn't been working last I checked. Good thing if it's fixed.
    Post #: 62
    2/15/2018 3:31:13   

    I almost forgot about this one, but last time, Buccanner Monkey pet does no damage at all, I did posted it in the bugs section but went unanswered. Has it been fixed?

    I just tested and it's working for me. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/15/2018 14:06:32 >
    AQ  Post #: 63
    2/16/2018 19:40:33   

    Grakma guest's elevul still doesn't stack, merely replaces the status without extending duration nor power when it inflicts elevul when the enmy already has one. Also has this strange popup now.
    AQ  Post #: 64
    2/16/2018 21:44:05   

    Samukematsuri Kirin still pre-emptive attacks the target while still on the loading screen.

    Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/17/2018 19:58:33 >
    AQ  Post #: 65
    2/16/2018 23:00:49   

    Atomos To expand on IMR's Buccanner Monkey answer. There are two things I think people have been seeing with this: (I just bought and tested myself)

    1) The dmg is not always displayed on the ranged attack, dmg is however actually done.

    2) As well if we look at Buccaneer Monkey we can see that it's not your standard pet, it is 100% random heavy. With 0 base dmg it's entirely possible for it to roll 0 dmg.

    edit: thou full 0 dmg shouldn't happen under normal circumstances so long as you have the correct stats since they add to base dmg these days as well. In this case Cha, without it 0 can happen with this pet.

    edit: @below

    now has base dmg

    < Message edited by afterlifex -- 2/16/2018 23:45:41 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 66
    2/16/2018 23:21:25   

    well ok, but the thing is the last time when I used it, there were no sound effects on it's hit at all, even if it did 0 damage there should still be the darkness sound effect no?
    AQ  Post #: 67
    2/17/2018 7:17:41   
    Dreiko Shadrack



    @Lupul: Yeah, it stacks, uses same code as the Gnome weapons for status application.

    Sorry but deatharrows is not actually stacking, neither with itself during celerity nor with anything else (it simply overwrites the previous darkness elevuln for its +31% elevuln, model also does this).



    1 turn +(Hits*31.43)%

    Given that the pet does 2 hits doesn't this imply it inflicts a 1 turn elevuln of +62.86%? because it actually inflicts a one turn of +31% regardless.

    [Video illustrating evidence]
    Edit: now the video can actually be seen.

    < Message edited by Dreiko Shadrack -- 2/17/2018 14:26:35 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 68
    2/17/2018 11:23:41   

    is there any chance of us getting a 100% proc no drop ranged weapon?

    Yes, but it's low priority. ~IMR

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 2/17/2018 20:22:31 >
    AQ  Post #: 69
    2/17/2018 11:42:33   

    It's already been a long time since Essence of Wind Dragon was updated, when will remaining 7 essences be updated?
    AQ  Post #: 70
    2/17/2018 16:20:49   

    Gauntlet of Xano was advertised as a permanent GGB item. Its however gone. Did something change?



    Gauntlet of Xano

    Light Melee fist. 0 proc, so +9% damage. Permanent Rare GGB item.
    AQ  Post #: 71
    2/17/2018 16:39:28   

    I noticed that for the previous Frostval Giftboxen items, they can be changed in attack type in the upgrader, while the most recent ones cannot. Could it be added? I thought it was a great feature to using the upgrader.


    Fixed! ~Kamui

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 3/7/2018 2:04:59 >
    AQ DF  Post #: 72
    2/17/2018 16:55:56   

    @alchim It means permanently rare
    AQ Epic  Post #: 73
    2/17/2018 17:25:32   

    Idk if you read the link, but on the same post with the other item from that month's ggb:


    Radiant Shuriken. Rare GGB item; will be going away after a month.

    Unless you want to argue that even if one explicitly says the item is leaving the other also means the same even if it was worded in a way that would mean it was a permanent addition. In which case i reallyu doubt that, hence my post here.
    AQ  Post #: 74
    2/17/2018 17:43:22   

    Info subs suggest it is actually permanently rare http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=22235809. There's always a chance it could come back reskinned though.
    AQ  Post #: 75
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