As I see it, and I've seen the game since Beta, AQW is trying to keep players engorged in gameplay for as long as possible. back then, damage was low and thus, it required many people to take down bosses and drops were less of a hassle. Now, we have crazy powerful classes (inevitably), and thus, bosses became more powerful in proportion. The story of AQW is a crazy amount of Power Creep which can be found in countless other games. Botting is a hotly debated topic because AQW is supposed to be a casual point-and-click type of game. Anybody could hop on and whack a few monsters, complete some quests, and get some pretty nifty, cool-looking items. AQW over the years has created so many AC and Legend items and has emphasized the purchasing of ACs, Memberships, and "Limited-Time" items that the game is becoming increasingly more about the niche, the rare, and the luxury. Free players have been left in the dust, and I see it every time there's a new release. There are only a few non-AC, non-legend items in the shops, and many of the Merge free-player items require a metric ton of TIME to gather. Why go through all that time when you could just BUY ACs or get the member version? Free players are seldom given the spotlight, even as the clear majority. Most players aren't members, and most players don't buy ACs either. It's kind of insulting, even repulsive, and definitely off-putting when a company casts off the majority in favor of the paying minority. This isn't a new idea, especially in modern-day America. The counterargument to that last statement is that those that are paying deserve special recognition and cool rewards. They keep the game "alive." I agree with this sentiment to an extent, being that both paying members and free players are given enough incentive to play. Members and AC buyers get what I feel is a lot of benefits, albeit fleeting. I get that AQW is a F2P game, and to modernize and survive, the company needs money. I just think that the Auto-Play feature is a poor solution to a big problem; people who bot will use the Auto-Play feature and still care very little about the game itself. All people want are the rewards, and putting them behind a paywall will mean that they will attempt to circumvent the paywall with cheats. This may be difficult to justify, but if the staff started accommodating to the majority(the free players), there might be some revitalization of the game. A game that continues to worship the few, the many will leave. RNG is welcome, but only when there are more good outcomes than bad. AQW's story is great. The 13 Lords of Chaos story was great, and there have been many wonderful events in AQW. Yes, the staff work extremely hard to create such awesome-looking items and fun classes. But all of that is useless if the average player can't enjoy those things. I know it's just a game, but that also means that there's more than one way to do things; this is my suggestion.