Just some quick feedback from using this thing quickly: 1. A lot of the fonts in the interface seem to be illegible. A lot of the text ends up clobbered or cut off because it's not rendering properly. I assume that it's because the text is expecting a certain ratio of size-to-box but the flash box is re-sizable so it doesn't know how to handle this. The same ends up happening with damage numbers wher you can't tell what your buff/nerf numbers are. 2. In terms of enjoyability, the game is still mostly the same, because there have been no real updates to the game. A lot of the content is still rare and lost, and the game is stagnant as a result. It does bring back some good memories but since the game is mostly single player and most of the game locked away it's a shallow and quick feeling at best. 3. The holidays with no explicit events around them (4oJ, new years, flavescent friday, ect) still aren't being brought back. We just skipped over 4oJ this year, and arbor day (which should be bringing back a lot of rares) isn't going to happen because it's connected to a shop instead of an event. 4. Why don't we bring back rares (and re-vamp them if they aren't scaled to modern standards)? There's a ton of art and code assets that are just sitting there in the database, and you're not touching them for the sake of not wanting to make people that don't play anymore mad. What's the deal with this? Nobody will answer this. Not the staff, not artix, nor the players who've come back themselves. Mechquest is almost an entirely different game with all the stuff that is permanently rare. There are entire storylines that are essential to the understanding of the main game lost behind rare content walls.
< Message edited by PD -- 8/6/2018 17:32:17 >