Obviously, there is no OverSoul stretch goal for the Moglin Kickstarter. I just have two questions for the community of OverSoul about the prospect of such, and potentially a topic for discussion. 1. Do you think that they should have? Given their stretch goals going beyond AQW and AQ3D into DF and AQ, I was honestly a little surprised to see that there wasn't one for a Moglin character or two in OverSoul. It surprised me especially given the tournament, and Alina's talk about 'keeping up activity and we'll release a couple characters', and just the general 'revival' of OverSoul as a topic of interest. Including an OverSoul reward to backers would A. Give people who are already fans of OverSoul a reason (or an additional reason) to give them money to their Kickstarter and B. potentially introduce *new* players to OverSoul via the sensation of 'oh I have rewards for this game, I should check it out and redeem the rewards'. 2. Would you have pledged anything for such a stretch goal? If so, how much? (I personally haven't backed the KickStarter, but I might throw a dollar, maybe up to five if it meant getting a couple exclusive/new characters in OverSoul.) Just curious as to the community's stance on this, seeing if they align with mine, etc. etc. I'm just a curious lil' eggy. ~Riniti