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10/13/2018 17:08:35   

(No DA Required)

Access Point: Epoch (Armor), Armor Closet
Requirements: Armor in inventory or bank
Release Date: September 28th, 2018

Default Weapon: Fade

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 0
Crit: 5

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: 100%
Dex: 100%
DoT: 100%
Crit: 175%

Melee: 5
Pierce: 5
Magic: 5
Block: 0
Parry: 0
Dodge: 0

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Darkness: 5
Light: 5

Base Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Generates up to 9 Momentum, beginning each battle with 0 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-9>[, double turns remaining: <1-9>])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Laser Slice', 'Timeshift', 'Pierce', 'Gunburst', and 'Final' skills.
  • Drinking a Health or Mana potion will generate 1 Momentum throughout all variations of the Epoch class.

    1 hit x 140% damage to all targets
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 15

    Effect: 1 hit of 140% damage to all foes; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 1
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    1 hit x 150% damage
    Target: (On hit) Stun for <1-4> turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 12

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 1 hit of 150% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Shattered' to target, stunning it for 1 turn.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Shattered' to target, stunning it for 2 turns.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Shattered' to target, stunning it for 3 turns.
    • At 3 Momentum, applies 'Shattered' to target, stunning it for 4 turns.
    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 18
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Laser Slice
    6 hits x 25% damage (150%)
    Target: (On hit) -<5-45> All res for 5 turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 6 hits of 25% damage, amounting to 150% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-5 All Resist, +5 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-15 All Resist, +15 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-30 All Resist, +30 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 3 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-45 All Resist, +45 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 14
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Laser Blades
    3 hits x 50% damage (150%)
    Target: (On hit) 100% DoT for 4 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: 3 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 150% damage; applies 'Bleeding', a 100% Melee weapon element DoT effect, to target for 4 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 25
    Cooldown: 5
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Self: +200 Avd for 1 turn.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Applies 'Fade Boost' (+200 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player for 1 turn.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 9
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills without resetting their duration (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Empowered: [Power][, Defense][, Aim][, Heal])
    • Increases 'Power Boost' to +40% Boost.
    • Increases 'Defense Boost' to +80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance.
    • Increases 'Aim Boost' to +100 Bonus and +50 Crit.
    • Increases 'Health Boost' to a 5% player's max HP HoT effect.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Power Boost
    Self: +20 Boost for 7 turns.
    Turns into Epoch Defense Boost when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2

    Effect: Applies 'Power Boost' (+20% Boost) to player for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Defense Boost
    Self: +40 Avd for 7 turns.
    Turns into Epoch Aim Boost when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost'

    Effect: Applies 'Defense Boost' (+40 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Aim Boost
    Self: +50 Bonus, +25 Crit for 7 turns.
    Turns into Epoch Health Boost when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost' and 'Defense Boost' in sequence

    Effect: Applies 'Aim Boost' (+50 Bonus, +25 Crit) to player for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Health Boost
    Self: +<x> HP for 6 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost', 'Defense Boost', and 'Aim Boost' in sequence

    Effect: Applies 'Health Boost', a 3% player's max HP HoT effect, to player for 6 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    1 hit x 100% damage
    Skills either generate Momentum (max 9), or consume it for greater effect.
    Recover 15 MP and gain 2 Momentum.

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Recovers 15 MP; 1 hit of 100% damage; generates 2 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Epoch Power Hex
    Target: (Auto) -20 Boost/Crit for 7 turns.
    Turns into Epoch Defense Hex when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 3

    Effect: Automatically applies 'Power Hex' (-20% Boost, -20 Crit) to target for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Defense Hex
    Target: (Auto) -40 Avd/Def for 7 turns.
    Turns into Epoch Aim Hex when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 3; target affected by 'Power Hex'

    Effect: Automatically applies 'Defense Hex' (-40 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -40 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to target for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Aim Hex
    Target: (Auto) -40 Bonus for 7 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 3; target affected by 'Power Hex' and 'Defense Hex' in sequence

    Effect: Automatically applies 'Aim Hex' (-40 Bonus) to target for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills without resetting their duration (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Concentrated: [Power][, Defense][, Aim])
    • Increases 'Power Hex' to -40% Boost and -40 Crit.
    • Increases 'Defense Hex' to -80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and -80 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense.
    • Increases 'Aim Hex' to -65 Bonus.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Aim Hex Appearance

    Self: Consume all momentum for double turns.
    Grants an extra turn after use.

    Requirements: Level 6; player affected by at least 1 Momentum

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; grants one extra turn each turn per Momentum consumed to player for a maximum of 9 extra turns; grants an extra turn to player after this skill is used. (Pop-up: Consumed momentum for <1-9> double turns.)

    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 24
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    5 hits x 30% damage (150%)
    Available after a successful attack. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; successful attack to unlock

    Effect: 5 hits of 30% damage, amounting to 150% damage; generates 1 Momentum; skill icon changes to 2nd use of 'Combo' after use.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    5 hits x 40% damage (200%)
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; 1st usage of 'Combo' skill to unlock

    Effect: 5 hits of 40% damage, amounting to 200% damage; generates 1 Momentum; skill icon changes to 3rd use of 'Combo' after use.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0; Cooldown becomes 2 if another attack is used.
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    6 hits x 50% damage (300%)
    Generates 2 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; 2nd usage of 'Combo' skill to unlock

    Effect: 6 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 300% damage; generates 2 Momentum; skill icon changes to 1st use of 'Combo' after use.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 2 after use or if another attack is used.
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    7 hits x 21.4% damage (150%)
    Target: (On hit) +<10-60> Health res for 4 turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 8

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 7 hits of 21.4% damage, amounting to 150% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+10 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+20 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+40 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 3+ Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+60 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 12
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    1 hit x 125% damage | <4/8/12> hits x 15%, 1 hit x 125% damage (<185/245/305>%)
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 4

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; performs damage based on Momentum consumed;
    • At 0 Momentum, performs 1 hit of 125% damage.
    • At 1 Momentum, performs 4 hits of 15% damage and 1 hit of 125% damage, amounting to 185% damage.
    • At 2 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 15% damage and 1 hit of 125% damage, amounting to 245% damage.
    • At 3+ Momentum, performs 12 hits of 15% damage and 1 hit of 125% damage, amounting to 305% damage.
    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 3
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon

    Appearance 1 / 2

    8 hits x <4.5-56.25>% damage (<35-450>%)
    Consume all momentum for a powerful attack with +200 Crit.

    Requirements: Level 18

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; deals damage based on Momentum consumed, with +200 Crit;
    • At 0 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 4.5% damage, amounting to 36% damage.
    • At 1 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 6.25% damage, amounting to 50% damage.
    • At 2 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 12.5% damage, amounting to 100% damage.
    • At 3 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 18.75% damage, amounting to 150% damage.
    • At 4 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 25% damage, amounting to 200% damage.
    • At 5 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 31.25% damage, amounting to 250% damage.
    • At 6 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 37.5% damage, amounting to 300% damage.
    • At 7 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 43.75% damage, amounting to 350% damage.
    • At 8 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 400% damage.
    • At 9 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 56.25% damage, amounting to 450% damage.
    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 14
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Other information
  • This class is color-custom to player's base and trim colors.
  • Drinking a Health or Mana potion for all Epoch variations previously generated 3 Momentum; this was lowered to 1 on March 15th, 2019.
  • 'Ultra Boost' and 'Ultra Hex' for all Epoch variations were modified to not be available on player's first turn while affected by Timeshift on March 18th, 2019.
  • 'Aim Boost' from 'Ultra Boost' for most Epoch variations was changed from +200 Bonus to +100 Bonus on August 26th, 2022.
  • Tooltips were updated for this class and its Artifact variations on January 26th, 2024.
  • 'Chargeburst', 'Laser Slice', 'Laser Blades', 'Ultra Boost', 'Epoch Boost', 'Epoch Hex', 'Ultra Hex', and 'Combo' received various updates on January 10th, 2025.
  • 'Ultra Boost' and 'Ultra Hex' received various updates on February 14th, 2025.

    Thanks to
  • Verlyrus for skill information.
  • Solanaceae for updated skill information.
  • Jay for widget and skill buttons.
  • BluuHorseOfficial for corrections.
  • Rubioalto for updated 'Aim Boost' information.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 9:26:19 >
  • DF  Post #: 1
    10/13/2018 18:45:47   

    Artifact: Eternal Locket

    Eternal Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Generates up to 12 Momentum, beginning each battle with 0 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-12>[, double turns remaining: <1-12>])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Laser Slice', 'Timeshift', 'Pierce', 'Gunburst', and 'Final' skills.

    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Empowered: [Power][, Defense][, Aim][, Heal][, Mana])
    • Increases 'Power Boost' to +40% Boost.
    • Increases 'Defense Boost' to +80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance.
    • Increases 'Aim Boost' to +100 Bonus and +50 Crit.
    • Increases 'Health Boost' to a 5% player's max HP HoT effect.
    • Increases 'Mana Boost' to a 40 MP HoT effect.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Health Boost
    Self: +<x> HP for 6 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.
    Turns into Eternal Mana Boost when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost', 'Defense Boost', and 'Aim Boost' in sequence

    Effect: Applies 'Health Boost', a 3% player's max HP HoT effect, to player for 7 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Eternal Boost
    Self: Recover 20 MP for 6 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost', 'Defense Boost', 'Aim Boost', and 'Health Boost' in sequence

    Effect: Applies 'Mana Boost', a 20 MP HoT effect, to player for 6 turns.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    1 hit x 100% damage
    Skills either generate Momentum (max 12), or consume it for greater effect.
    Recover 15 MP and gain 2 Momentum.

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Recovers 15 MP; 1 hit of 100% damage; generates 2 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Epoch Aim Hex
    Target: (Auto) -40 Bonus for 7 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.
    Turns into Eternal Hex when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 3; target affected by 'Power Hex' and 'Defense Hex' in sequence

    Effect: Automatically applies 'Aim Hex' (-40 Bonus) to target for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills without resetting their durations except 'Eternal Hex' (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Concentrated: [Power][, Defense][, Aim][, Eternal)
    • Increases 'Power Hex' to -40% Boost and -40 Crit.
    • Increases 'Defense Hex' to -80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and -80 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense.
    • Increases 'Aim Hex' to -65 Bonus.
    • Doubles the remaining duration of 'Eternal Hex'.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Aim Hex / Eternal Hex Appearance

    Self: Consume all momentum for double turns.
    Grants an extra turn after use.

    Requirements: Level 6; player affected by at least 1 Momentum

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; grants the player one extra turn each turn per Momentum consumed for a maximum of 12 extra turns; grants the player one extra turn after this skill is used. (Pop-up: Consumed momentum for <1-12> double turns.

    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 24
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    8 hits x <4.5-75>% damage (<35-600>%)
    Consume all momentum in a powerful attack with +200 Crit.

    Requirements: Level 18

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; deals damage based on Momentum consumed with +200 Crit;
    • At 0 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 4.5% damage, amounting to 36% damage.
    • At 1 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 6.25% damage, amounting to 50% damage.
    • At 2 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 12.5% damage, amounting to 100% damage.
    • At 3 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 18.75% damage, amounting to 150% damage.
    • At 4 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 25% damage, amounting to 200% damage.
    • At 5 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 31.25% damage, amounting to 250% damage.
    • At 6 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 37.5% damage, amounting to 300% damage.
    • At 7 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 43.75% damage, amounting to 350% damage.
    • At 8 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 400% damage.
    • At 9 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 56.25% damage, amounting to 450% damage.
    • At 10 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 62.5% damage, amounting to 500% damage.
    • At 11 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 68.75% damage, amounting to 550% damage.
    • At 12 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 75% damage, amounting to 600% damage.
    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 14
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Thanks to
  • Verlyrus for skill information.
  • Solanaceae and Rubioalto for updated skill information.
  • Jay for class images, widget, and skill buttons.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 9:15:57 >
  • DF  Post #: 2
    12/17/2018 16:38:45   

    Corrupted Doom Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Geneates up to 9 Momentum, beginning each battle with 6 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-9>[, double turns remaining: <1-6>])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Sound Blast', 'Timeshift', 'Pierce', 'Gunburst', and 'Final' skills.

    Sound Blast
    5 hits x 35% damage (175%)
    Target: (On hit) -<5-60> All res for 5 turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 5 hits of 35% damage, amounting to 175% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-5 All Resist, +5 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-20 All Resist, +20 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-40 All Resist, +40 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 3 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-60 All Resist, +60 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 18
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    4 hits x 50% damage (200%)
    Target: (On hit) 200% DoT, -20 Boost for 2 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: 4 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Shaken' (a 200% Magic weapon element DoT effect, -20% Boost) to target for 2 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 45
    Cooldown: 8
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Self: +200 Avd for 2 turns.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Applies 'Fade Boost' (+200 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player for 2 turns.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 14
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills, but reduces durations (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Overloaded: [Power][, Defense][, Aim])
    • Replaces 'Power Boost' with 'Power Boost Overload' (+60% Boost) and changes duration to 2 effective turns.
    • Replaces 'Defense Boost' with 'Defense Boost Overload' (+120 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) and changes duration to 3 effective turns.
    • Replaces 'Aim Boost' with 'Aim Boost Overload' (+150 Bonus, +75 Crit) and changes duration to 3 effective turns.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 17
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Aim Boost
    Self: +50 Bonus, +25 Crit for 7 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2

    Effect: Applies 'Aim Boost' (+50 Bonus, +25 Crit) to player for 7 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills, but reduces durations (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Overloaded Hexes: [Power][, Defense][, Aim])
    • Replaces 'Power Hex' with 'Power Hex Overload' (-60% Boost, -60 Crit) and changes duration to 2 effective turns.
    • Replaces 'Defense Hex' with 'Defense Hex Overload' (-150 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -150 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) and changes duration to 2 effective turns.
    • Replaces 'Aim Hex' with 'Aim Hex Overload' (-90 Bonus) and changes duration to 2 effective turns.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 17
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Power Hex Appearance

    Self: Consumes up to 6 Momentum for double turns.
    Grants an extra turn after use.

    Requirements: Level 6; player affected by at least 1 Momentum

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; grants one extra turn each turn per Momentum consumed to player for a maximum of 6 extra turns; grants an extra turn to player after this skill is used. (Pop-up: Consumed momentum for <1-6> double turns.)

    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 20
    Charge Time: 1
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    7 hits x 21.4% damage (150%)
    Target: (On hit) +<10-99> Health res for 4 turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 8

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 7 hits of 21.4% damage, amounting to 150% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+10 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+33 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+66 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 3 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+99 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Other information
  • With the Corrupted Doom Cassette artifact equipped, the player will be permanently affected by 'Amplified Momentum' (+5X Crit), where X is equal to current Momentum, capped at +45 Crit at 9 Momentum.
  • 'Sound Blast' skill replaces 'Laser Slice' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • 'Shockwave' skill replaces 'Laser Blades' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • Does not have access to 'Epoch Health Boost' from the original Epoch skill set.
  • All 'Epoch Boost', 'Ultra Boost', 'Fade', 'Shockwave,' and all 'Hex' skills were modified on March 18th, 2019.
  • Corrupted Doom Epoch initially started with 3 Momentum; this was upped to 6 on January 17th, 2020.
  • A unique widget was added to this Epoch variation on February 28th, 2020.
  • 'Ultra Boost', 'Shockwave', 'Soundblast', and 'Ultra Hex' skills were modified on February 5th, 2021.
  • 'Aim Boost Overload' was lowered from +300 Bonus to +150 Bonus on August 26th, 2022.
  • The following changes were implemented to Corrupted Doom Epoch on January 10th, 2025:
    • 'Sound Blast', 'Shockwave', 'Ultra Boost', and 'Timeshift' received various changes.
    • A permanent effect called 'Amplified Momentum' was added.

    Thanks to
  • Verlyrus for skill information.
  • TFS for class images, skill appearances, and updated skill information.
  • Rubioalto for rare tag and updated 'Aim Boost Overload' information.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 9:19:19 >
  • DF  Post #: 3
    3/13/2020 22:35:56   

    Artifact: The Eraglass

    Underworld Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Build up to 9 Momentum, beginning each battle with 0 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-9>[, double turns active])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Laser Slice', 'Pierce', 'Gunburst', and 'Final' skills.
  • Grants the player extra turns while at 5 Momentum or greater, but applies 'Underworld's Call', a permanent stacking debuff, to player (see other information).

    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock; at 5+ Momentum, can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 1 Momentum; (Pop-up: Empowered: [Power][, Defense][, Aim][, Heal])
    • Increases 'Power Boost' to +40% Boost.
    • Increases 'Defense Boost' to +80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance.
    • Increases 'Aim Boost' to +100 Bonus and +50 Crit.
    • Increases 'Health Boost' to a 5% player's max HP HoT effect.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    1 hit x 100% damage
    Skills either generate Momentum (max 9), or consume it for greater effect. Double turns (at 5+ Momentum) give you growing debuffs.
    Recover 15 MP and gain 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Recovers 15 MP; 1 hit of 100% damage; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock; at 5+ Momentum, can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills without resetting their durations; generates 1 Momentum (see below);
    • Increases 'Power Hex' to -40% Boost and -40 Crit.
    • Increases 'Defense Hex' to -80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and -80 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense.
    • Increases 'Aim Hex' to -65 Bonus.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Aim Hex Appearance

    Self: Purge effects, heal 50% max HP and 50% max MP.
    Completely fills your Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least 1 Momentum

    Effect: Recovers 50% of the player's max HP and MP; purges all status effects (excluding 'Stuffed', any Underworld Epoch effects, and permanent effects) from player; generates 9 Momentum. (Pop-up: Eraglass flipped. Healed 50%, cleansed, and momentum maximized.)

    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 59 (carries between battles)
    Charge Time: 9
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    6 hits x 50% damage (300%)
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; 2nd usage of 'Combo' skill to unlock

    Effect: 6 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 300% damage; generates 1 Momentum; skill icon changes to 1st use of 'Combo' after use.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 2 after use or if another attack is used.
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    3 hits x <83-150>% damage (<250-450>%)
    Self: +60 Def, +10 All, -20 Health for 4 turns. Attack with +200 Crit, +33% base dmg per Momentum over 3.
    Consumes all Momentum and reduces Underworld's Call. Requires at least 3 Momentum to use. | Consumes all Momentum and reduces Underworld's Call.

    Requirements: Level 18; player affected by at least 3 Momentum

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; applies 'The Death Note' (+10 All Resist, -20 Health Resist, +60 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to player for 4 turns inclusive; reduces 'Underworld's Call' stacks equal to Momentum consumed; deals damage based on Momentum consumed;
    • At 3 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 83.3% damage, amounting to 250% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 4 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 94.3% damage, amounting to 283% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 5 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 105.6% damage, amounting to 317% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 6 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 116.6% damage, amounting to 350% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 7 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 127.6% damage, amounting to 383% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 8 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 139% damage, amounting to 417% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 9 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 150% damage, amounting to 450% damage, with +200 Crit.
    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Other information
  • Each extra turn permanently applies 'Underworld's Call', a stacking debuff that affects Resistances, Boost, and Avoidance, to player. (Pop-ups: The Eraglass turns, sapping your stats. Attack once again! / The Eraglass turns. Attack once again!)
    • -1 All Resist, +1 Health Resist, +1 Immobility Resist, -1% Boost, and -2 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance are applied per stack, up to -30 All Resist, +30 Health Resist, +30 Immobility Resist, -30% Boost, and -60 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance at a maximum of 30 stacks.
  • With The Eraglass artifact equipped, this class loses its color-custom properties.
  • A unique widget was added to this Epoch variation on February 28th, 2020.
  • 'Timeshift' and 'Final' skills were modified on March 6th, 2020 and March 7th, 2020.
  • The following changes were implemented on February 5th, 2021:
    • A stacking debuff called 'Underworld's Call' was introduced.
    • 'Timeshift' skill was modified.
  • The following changes were implemented on February 23rd, 2024:
    • 'Underworld's Call' was modified as a permanent effect.
    • 'Timeshift' and 'Final' skills were modified.

    Thanks to
  • Verlyrus for skill information.
  • Jay for widget and skill buttons.
  • Solanaceae for corrections.
  • Rubioalto for updated 'Aim Boost' information.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 1:16:39 >
  • DF  Post #: 4
    2/9/2021 23:30:26   

    DragonByte Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Build up to 9 Momentum, beginning each battle with 0 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-9>[, double turns remaining: <x>])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Laser Slice', 'Pierce', and 'Gunburst' skills.

    1 hit x 165% damage to all targets
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 15

    Effect: 1 hit of 165% damage to all foes; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 1
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Laser Slice
    6 hits x 25% damage (150%)
    Target: (On hit) -<10-25> All res for 5 turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 6 hits of 25% damage, amounting to 150% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-10 All Resist, +10 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-15 All Resist, +15 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-20 All Resist, +20 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 3+ Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-25 All Resist, +25 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 12
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Self: +160 Avd for 2 turns.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Applies 'Fade Boost' (+160 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player for 2 turns.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 9
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts. Gain a double turn.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 1 Momentum; grants 1 turn of extra turns to player;
    • Increases 'Power Boost' to +40% Boost.
    • Increases 'Defense Boost' to +80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance.
    • Increases 'Aim Boost' to +100 Bonus and +50 Crit.
    • Increases 'Health Boost' to a 2.5% player's max HP HoT effect.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 16
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Health Boost
    Self: +<x> HP for 6 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost', 'Defense Boost', and 'Aim Boost' in sequence

    Effect: Applies 'Health Boost', a 1.5% player's max HP HoT effect, to player for 7 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    1 hit x 100% damage
    Skills either generate Momentum (max 9), or consume it for greater effect. Gain double turns from certain skills.
    Recover 15 MP and gain 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Recovers 15 MP; 1 hit of 100% damage; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes. Gain a double turn.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 1 Momentum; grants 1 turn of extra turns to player; (Pop-up: Concentrated: [Power][, Defense][, Aim])
    • Increases 'Power Hex' to -40% Boost and -40 Crit.
    • Increases 'Defense Hex' to -80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and -80 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense.
    • Increases 'Aim Hex' to -65 Bonus.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 16
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Aim Hex Appearance

    Self: +50 Boost/Bonus, +50 Crit, +50% Crit Damage for 3 turns. Gain 2 double turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Applies 'Overdrive' (+50% Boost, +50 Bonus, +50 Crit, +50% Crit Damage Multiplier) to player for 3 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum; grants 2 turns of extra turns to player. (Pop-up: Overdrive! Boost increased, +1 momentum!)

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 16
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Other information
  • Skill's MP cost was increased from 20 to 50 on January 12th, 2025.


    6 hits x 50% damage (300%)
    Gain a double turn.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; 2nd usage of 'Combo' skill to unlock

    Effect: 6 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 300% damage; generates 1 Momentum; grants 1 turn of extra turns to player; skill icon changes to 1st use of 'Combo' after use.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 2 after use or if another attack is used.
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    4 hits x 75% damage (300%)
    Self: Attack with +200 Crit. Gain a double turn.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 18

    Effect: 4 hits of 75% damage, amounting to 300% damage, with +200 Crit; generates 1 Momentum; grants 1 turn of extra turns to player.

    Mana Cost: 25
    Cooldown: 16
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Other information
  • With the Draconic Glowtooth artifact equipped, this class begins each battle with one extra turn per turn for 1 turn. (Pop-up: Let's get this started! 1 double turn.)
  • With the Draconic Glowtooth artifact equipped, this class can gain a turn of extra actions upon using certain skills. (Pop-up: <x> double turns remaining.)
    • DragonByte Epoch can only have 1 extra turn per turn; if a skill that grants a turn(s) of extra turns is used as the extra turn for that turn, the extra turn is instead delayed to the player's next turn.
    • The skills that grant an extra turn are as follows: 'Ultra Boost', 'Ultra Hex', 'Overdrive', 3rd use of 'Combo', and 'Hack'.
  • 'Overdrive' skill replaces 'Timeshift' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • 'Hack' skill replaces 'Final' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • 'Health Boost' values were lowered from 3% to 1.5% and 5% to 2.5% respectively on February 20th, 2021.
  • A unique widget was added to this Epoch variation on June 25th, 2021.
  • The following changes were implemented on January 10th, 2025:
    • The extra turns passive for this class were reworked.
    • Players are granted 1 extra turn for 1 turn instead of 2 at the beginning of the battle.
    • 'Laser Slice', 'Fade', 'Ultra Boost', 'Ultra Hex', 'Overdrive', 3rd use of 'Combo', and 'Hack' skills were modified.

    Thanks to
  • Verlyrus for skill information.
  • Jay for widget and skill buttons.
  • Rubioalto for updated 'Aim Boost' information.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 1:18:25 >
  • DF  Post #: 5
    2/10/2024 16:12:30   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Artifact: Epocharina

    Bardcore Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Build up to 12 Momentum, beginning each battle with 0 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-12>[, double turns remaining: <1-12>])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Laser Slice', 'Timeshift', 'Pierce', 'Gunburst', and 'Blade of Legends' skills.

    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Empowered: [Power][, Defense][, Aim][, Heal][, Mana])
    • Increases 'Power Boost' to +40 Boost.
    • Increases 'Defense Boost' to +80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance.
    • Increases 'Aim Boost' to +100 Bonus.
    • Increases 'Health Boost' to a 5% player's max HP HoT effect.
    • Increases 'Mana Boost' to a 40 MP HoT effect.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Health Boost
    Self: +<x> HP for 6 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.
    Turns into Song of Mana's Flow when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost', 'Defense Boost', and 'Aim Boost' in sequence

    Effect: Applies 'Health Boost', a 3% player's max HP HoT effect, to player for 6 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Song of Mana's Flow
    Self: Recover 20 MP for 6 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost', 'Defense Boost', 'Aim Boost', and 'Health Boost' in sequence

    Effect: Applies 'Mana Boost', a 20 MP HoT effect, to player for 6 turns.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    1 hit x 100% damage
    Skills either generate Momentum (max 12), or consume it for greater effect.
    Recover 15 MP and gain 2 Momentum.

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Recovers 15 MP; 1 hit of 100% damage; generates 2 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Epoch Aim Hex
    Target: (Auto) -40 Bonus for 7 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.
    Turns into Song of Demise when used. Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 3; target affected by 'Power Hex' and 'Defense Hex' in sequence

    Effect: Automatically applies 'Aim Hex' (-40 Bonus) to target for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Song of Demise
    Target: (Auto) -5 All for 7 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 3; target affected by 'Power Hex', 'Defense Hex', and 'Aim Hex' in sequence

    Effect: Automatically applies 'Song of Demise' (-5 All Resist, +5 Health Resist) to target for 7 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills without resetting their durations except 'Song of Demise' (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Concentrated: [Power][, Defense][, Aim][, Bard)
    • Increases 'Power Hex' to -40% Boost and -40 Crit.
    • Increases 'Defense Hex' to -80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and -80 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense.
    • Increases 'Aim Hex' to -50 Bonus.
    • Doubles the remaining duration of 'Song of Demise'.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Aim Hex / Song of Demise Appearance

    Self: Consume all momentum for double turns.
    Grants an extra turn after use.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; grants one extra turn each turn per Momentum consumed to player for a maximum of 12 extra turns; grants an extra turn to player after this skill is used. (Pop-up: Consumed momentum for <1-12> double turns.)

    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 24
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Blade of Legends
    8 hits x <4.5-75>% damage (<35-600>%)
    Consume all momentum in a powerful attack with +200 Crit.

    Requirements: Level 18

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; deals damage based on Momentum consumed with +200 Crit;
    • At 0 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 4.5% damage, amounting to 36% damage.
    • At 1 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 6.25% damage, amounting to 50% damage.
    • At 2 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 12.5% damage, amounting to 100% damage.
    • At 3 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 18.75% damage, amounting to 150% damage.
    • At 4 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 25% damage, amounting to 200% damage.
    • At 5 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 31.25% damage, amounting to 250% damage.
    • At 6 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 37.5% damage, amounting to 300% damage.
    • At 7 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 43.75% damage, amounting to 350% damage.
    • At 8 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 400% damage.
    • At 9 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 56.25% damage, amounting to 450% damage.
    • At 10 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 62.5% damage, amounting to 500% damage.
    • At 11 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 68.75% damage, amounting to 550% damage.
    • At 12 Momentum, performs 8 hits of 75% damage, amounting to 600% damage.
    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 14
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Other information
  • While the Epocharina artifact is equipped, this class gains additional color-custom properties from the player's dragon's skin and wings.
  • 'Blade of Legends' skill replaces 'Final' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • This Epoch variant was a re-released version of Eternal Epoch's skill set with various cosmetic differences like 'Blade of Legends' skill replicating the effects of the 'Final' skill from the original Eternal Epoch skill set.


    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 9:35:07 >
  • DF  Post #: 6
    2/10/2024 16:15:08   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Timeless Destiny Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Build up to 9 Momentum, beginning each battle with 6 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-9>[, double turns remaining: <1-6>])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Sound Blast', 'Timeshift', 'Pierce', 'Gunburst', and 'Final' skills.

    Sound Blast
    5 hits x 35% damage (175%)
    Target: (On hit) -<5-60> All res for 5 turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 5 hits of 35% damage, amounting to 175% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-5 All Resist, +5 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-20 All Resist, +20 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-40 All Resist, +40 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 3 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-60 All Resist, +60 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 18
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    4 hits x 50% damage (200%)
    Target: (On hit) 200% DoT, -20 Boost for 2 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: 4 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Shaken' (a 200% Magic weapon element DoT effect, -20% Boost) to target for 2 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 45
    Cooldown: 8
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Self: +200 Avd for 2 turns.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Applies 'Fade Boost' (+200 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player for 2 turns.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 14
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills, but reduces durations (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Overloaded: [Power][, Defense][, Aim])
    • Replaces 'Power Boost' with 'Power Boost Overload' (+60% Boost) and changes duration to 2 effective turns.
    • Replaces 'Defense Boost' with 'Defense Boost Overload' (+120 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) and changes duration to 3 effective turns.
    • Replaces 'Aim Boost' with 'Aim Boost Overload' (+150 Bonus, +75 Crit) and changes duration to 3 effective turns.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 17
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Aim Boost
    Self: +40 Bonus for 7 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2

    Effect: Applies 'Aim Boost' (+50 Bonus, +25 Crit) to player for 7 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock; during 'Timeshift', can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills, but reduces durations (see below); generates 3 Momentum; (Pop-up: Overloaded Hexes: [Power][, Defense][, Aim])
    • Replaces 'Power Hex' with 'Power Hex Overload' (-60% Boost) and changes duration to 2 effective turns.
    • Replaces 'Defense Hex' with 'Defense Hex Overload' (-150 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -150 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) and changes duration to 2 effective turns.
    • Replaces 'Aim Hex' with 'Aim Hex Overload' (-90 Bonus) and changes duration to 2 effective turns.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 17
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Power Hex Appearance

    Self: Consume all momentum for double turns.
    Grants an extra turn after use.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Consumes up to 6 Momentum; grants the player one extra turn each turn per Momentum consumed for a maximum of 6 extra turns; grants the player one extra turn after this skill is used. (Pop-up: Consumed momentum for <1-6> double turns.)

    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 20
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    7 hits x 21.4% damage (150%)
    Target: (On hit) +<10-99> Health res for 4 turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 8

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 7 hits of 21.4% damage, amounting to 150% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+10 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+33 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+66 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    • At 3 Momentum, applies 'Pierced' (+99 Health Resist) to target for 4 turns inclusive.
    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Other information
  • With the Timeless Lightsticks artifact equipped, the player will be permanently affected by 'Amplified Momentum' (+5X Crit), where X is equal to current Momentum, capped at +45 Crit at 9 Momentum.
  • 'Sound Blast' skill replaces 'Laser Slice' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • 'Shockwave' skill replaces 'Laser Blades' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • Does not have access to 'Epoch Health Boost' from the original Epoch skill set.
  • This Epoch variant was a re-released version of Corrupted Doom Epoch's skill set.
  • The following changes were implemented to Timeless Destiny Epoch on January 10th, 2025:
    • 'Sound Blast', 'Shockwave', 'Ultra Boost', and 'Timeshift' received various changes.
    • A permanent effect called 'Amplified Momentum' was added.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 9:18:49 >
  • DF  Post #: 7
    2/10/2024 16:16:55   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Artifact: Solo Adagio

    Virtuoso Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Build up to 9 Momentum, beginning each battle with 0 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-9>[, double turns active])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Laser Slice', 'Pierce', 'Gunburst', and 'Final' skills.
  • Grants the player extra turns while at 5 Momentum or greater, but applies 'Underworld's Song', a permanent stacking debuff, to player (see other information).

    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock; at 5+ Momentum, can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 1 Momentum; (Pop-up: Empowered: [Power][, Defense][, Aim][, Heal])
    • Increases 'Power Boost' to +40% Boost.
    • Increases 'Defense Boost' to +80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance.
    • Increases 'Aim Boost' to +100 Bonus and +50 Crit.
    • Increases 'Health Boost' to a 5% player's max HP HoT effect.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    1 hit x 100% damage
    Skills either generate Momentum (max 9), or consume it for greater effect. Double turns (at 5+ Momentum) give you growing debuffs.
    Recover 15 MP and gain 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Recovers 15 MP; 1 hit of 100% damage; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock; at 5+ Momentum, can only be used on extra turn

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 1 Momentum;
    • Increases 'Power Hex' to -40% Boost and -40 Crit.
    • Increases 'Defense Hex' to -80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and -80 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense.
    • Increases 'Aim Hex' to -65 Bonus.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Aim Hex Appearance

    Self: Purge effects, heal 50% max HP and 50% max MP.
    Completely fills your Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least 1 Momentum

    Effect: Recovers 50% of the player's max HP and MP; purges all status effects (excluding 'Stuffed', any Virtuoso Epoch effects, and permanent effects) from player; generates 9 Momentum. (Pop-up: Solo Adagio conducts the pace. Healed 50%, cleansed, and momentum maxed.)

    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 59 (carries between battles)
    Charge Time: 9
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    6 hits x 50% damage (300%)
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; 2nd usage of 'Combo' skill to unlock

    Effect: 6 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 300% damage; generates 1 Momentum; skill icon changes to 1st use of 'Combo' after use.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 2 after use or if another attack is used.
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    3 hits x <83-150>% damage (<250-450>%)
    Self: +60 Def, +10 All, -20 Health for 4 turns. Attack with +200 Crit, +33% base dmg per Momentum over 3.
    Consumes all Momentum and reduces Underworld's Song. Requires at least 3 Momentum to use. | Consumes all Momentum and reduces Underworld's Call.

    Requirements: Level 18; player affected by at least 3 Momentum

    Effect: Consumes all Momentum; applies 'The Death Note' (+10 All Resist, -20 Health Resist, +60 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to player for 4 turns inclusive; reduces 'Underworld's Song' stacks equal to Momentum consumed; deals damage based on Momentum consumed;
    • At 3 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 83.3% damage, amounting to 250% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 4 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 94.3% damage, amounting to 283% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 5 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 105.6% damage, amounting to 317% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 6 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 116.6% damage, amounting to 350% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 7 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 127.6% damage, amounting to 383% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 8 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 139% damage, amounting to 417% damage, with +200 Crit.
    • At 9 Momentum, performs 3 hits of 150% damage, amounting to 450% damage, with +200 Crit.
    Mana Cost: 50
    Cooldown: 19
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Other information
  • Each extra turn permanently applies 'Underworld's Song', a stacking debuff that affects Resistances, Boost, and Avoidance, to player. (Pop-ups: The Adagio Solo drags you along, sapping your stats. Attack once again! / The Adagio is inevitable. Attack once again!)
    • -1 All Resist, +1 Health Resist, +1 Immobility Resist, -1% Boost, and -2 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance are applied per stack, up to -30 All Resist, +30 Health Resist, +30 Immobility Resist, -30% Boost, and -60 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance at a maximum of 30 stacks.
  • With the Solo Adagio artifact equipped, this class becomes color-custom to player's trim color.
  • This Epoch variant was a re-released version of Underworld Epoch's skill set with various cosmetic differences like 'Underworld's Song' status effect replicating the effects of 'Underworld's Call'.
  • The following changes were implemented on February 23rd, 2024:
    • The widget for Virtuoso Epoch was added.
    • 'Underworld's Song' was modified as a permanent effect.
    • 'Timeshift' and 'Final' skills were modified.

    Thanks to Jay for skill buttons.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 1:17:39 >
  • DF  Post #: 8
    1/11/2025 18:25:01   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Artifact: Voicecatcher

    Lament Epoch's widget displaying Momentum.

  • Build up to 9 Momentum, beginning each battle with 0 Momentum. (Pop-up: Momentum charged: <0-9>[, double turns remaining: <x>])
  • Consume Momentum to empower the 'Punch', 'Laser Slice', 'Pierce', and 'Gunburst' skills.

    1 hit x 165% damage to all targets
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 15

    Effect: 1 hit of 165% damage to all foes; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 1
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Laser Slice
    6 hits x 25% damage (150%)
    Target: (On hit) -<10-25> All res for 5 turns.
    Consumes Momentum for greater effect. | Consumes <1/2/3> Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10

    Effect: Consumes up to 3 Momentum; 6 hits of 25% damage, amounting to 150% damage;
    • At 0 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-10 All Resist, +10 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 1 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-15 All Resist, +15 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 2 Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-20 All Resist, +20 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    • At 3+ Momentum, applies 'Sliced' (-25 All Resist, +25 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 12
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Self: +160 Avd for 2 turns.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Applies 'Fade Boost' (+160 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player for 2 turns.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 9
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Ultra Boost
    Self: Empower currently applied Epoch Boosts. Gain a double turn.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 10; at least one active 'Epoch Boost' to unlock

    Effect: Strengthens the buffs applied by 'Epoch Boost' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 1 Momentum; grants 1 turn of extra turns to player;
    • Increases 'Power Boost' to +40% Boost.
    • Increases 'Defense Boost' to +80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance.
    • Increases 'Aim Boost' to +100 Bonus and +50 Crit.
    • Increases 'Health Boost' to a 2.5% player's max HP HoT.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 16
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    Epoch Health Boost
    Self: +<x> HP for 6 turns.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 2; player affected by 'Power Boost', 'Defense Boost', and 'Aim Boost' in sequence

    Effect: Applies 'Health Boost', a 1.5% player's max HP HoT effect, to player for 7 turns; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A


    1 hit x 100% damage
    Skills either generate Momentum (max 9), or consume it for greater effect. Gain double turns from certain skills.
    Recover 15 MP and gain 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: None

    Effect: Recovers 15 MP; 1 hit of 100% damage; generates 1 Momentum.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Ultra Hex
    Target: (Auto) Empower currently applied Epoch Hexes. Gain a double turn.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; at least one active 'Epoch Hex' to unlock

    Effect: Strengthens the debuffs applied by 'Epoch Hex' skills without resetting their durations (see below); generates 1 Momentum; grants 1 turn of extra turns to player; (Pop-up: Concentrated: [Power][, Defense][, Aim])
    • Increases 'Power Hex' to -40% Boost and -40 Crit.
    • Increases 'Defense Hex' to -80 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and -80 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense.
    • Increases 'Aim Hex' to -65 Bonus.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 16
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Power Hex / Defense Hex / Aim Hex Appearance

    Self: +50 Boost/Bonus, +100 Crit, +50% Crit Damage for 3 turns. Gain 2 double turns.
    Generates 3 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6

    Effect: Applies 'Overdrive' (+50% Boost, +50 Bonus, +50 Crit, +50% Crit Damage Multiplier) to player for 3 turns inclusive; generates 1 Momentum; grants 2 turns of extra turns to player. (Pop-up: Overdrive! Boost increased, +1 momentum!)

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 16
    Damage Type: N/A
    Element: N/A

    Other information
  • Skill's MP cost was increased from 20 to 50 on January 12th, 2025.


    6 hits x 50% damage (300%)
    Gain a double turn.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 6; 2nd usage of 'Combo' skill to unlock

    Effect: 6 hits of 50% damage, amounting to 300% damage; generates 1 Momentum; grants 1 turn of extra turns to player; skill icon changes to 1st use of 'Combo' after use.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 2 after use or if another attack is used.
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    4 hits x 75% damage (300%)
    Self: Attack with +200 Crit. Gain a double turn.
    Generates 1 Momentum.

    Requirements: Level 18

    Effect: 4 hits of 75% damage, amounting to 300% damage, with +200 Crit; generates 1 Momentum; grants 1 turn of extra turns to player.

    Mana Cost: 25
    Cooldown: 16
    Damage Type: As weapon
    Element: As weapon


    Other information
  • With the Voicecatcher artifact equipped, this class begins each battle with one extra turn per turn for 1 turn. (Pop-up: Let's get this started! 1 double turn.)
  • With the Voicecatcher artifact equipped, this class can gain a turn of extra actions upon using certain skills. (Pop-up: <x> double turns remaining.)
    • Lament Epoch can only have 1 extra turn per turn; if a skill that grants a turn(s) of extra turns is used as the extra turn for that turn, the extra turn is instead delayed to the player's next turn.
    • The skills that grant an extra turn are as follows: 'Ultra Boost', 'Ultra Hex', 'Overdrive', 3rd use of 'Combo', and 'Hack'.
  • With the Voicecatcher artifact equipped, this class loses its color-custom properties.
  • With the Voicecatcher artifact equipped, click the skirt or sash to change between two appearances.
  • 'Overdrive' skill replaces 'Timeshift' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • 'Hack' skill replaces 'Final' skill from the original Epoch skill set.
  • This Epoch variant was a re-released version of DragonByte Epoch's skill set.


    Thanks to
  • Verlyrus for skill information.
  • Jay for skill buttons.
  • lily_0321 for other information.
  • Boko for color custom information.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/15/2025 9:39:25 >
  • DF  Post #: 9
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