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Gifting to friends and faction

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All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions >> Gifting to friends and faction
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12/16/2018 20:52:44   

I suggest that when you gift, everyone on your friends list will take priority and recieve a gift, next will be your faction even if they're offline. The catch is the number of gifts you send out won't exceed the number of people in your room. 150 people in the room and you have 60 friends + fac members? the last 60 people to enter your room won't be gifted. To be fair, you friends/fac mems must have logged in in the last 7 days to get a gift.

You want to be helping your friends and fac as much as you can with creds, not enemy facs if it can be helped. Don't you hate it when you gift and now an enemy fac member beat you up with gear you helped him buy?

< Message edited by Grandma -- 12/16/2018 20:53:44 >
Epic  Post #: 1
12/16/2018 21:24:37   

Not supported.

This wouldn't be in the least fair to anyone who actually makes it into the gifting room/world because if they happen to be the last number of (insert total number of buddy list/faction members on gifter's list)

What happens if the gifter has 150 buddies on the list or a combination of 150 people from his buddy list/faction that have been actively coming online to meet this requirement and their are 150 people in the room? Unless those people are in the faction/on the buddy list they won't get gifts.

The event already has enough toxicity as it is with people getting upset due people missing gifts due to not being able to make it in time. this feature would only make this worse.
Epic  Post #: 2
12/17/2018 18:18:14   

not supported
Post #: 3
12/23/2018 17:22:34   
InFlamed Fury

If you were to have something like this go through, there should be no reason for anyone in the room to miss out on any of the gifts, if anything, this suggestion would make more sense if everyone in the room + whoever is online on the gifter's buddy list + whoever is online in the gifter's faction.

That's my 2 cents on this.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
12/24/2018 1:03:36   

Yeah but then what? A player who has 200 players on buddy list will have way more advantage than someone who has only 10.
Epic  Post #: 5
12/24/2018 17:30:21   
InFlamed Fury

Ahh that's a fair point, I didn't think about that, i retract my opinion on this.
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
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