@In Media Res The original thread is very likely to be this: (Taken from the records of Discord) Opened on the same date as this post: Dating the thread at April 6th 2019. The booster thread hasn't been active since the day after, meaning they theoretically should time out at the same time, but the benefit of the doubt could be given, saying the thread was deliberately pardoned by the mods for the topic being very hot. So we can take a look the the thread IMR linked: Created on April 25th 2019, and last active on on April 28th, this means that being 19 days apart, the Quickcast thread would have been deleted in 9 days had the original thread been deleted immediately before me opening this one. Unfortunately, again, using Discord's records, there's a message by me, dating 3 and a half months ago on August 5th 2019, that states my threads (since there originally had been two of them) had been deleted: While that last bit of evidence could be easily dismissed as even if we assume no ill intent on my part, I could have easily forgot to set the forum display setting to a longer time span, or simply missed the thread, but anything before that remains. I don't necessarily claim there was tampering, but I would very much appreciate it if there was any official word on the matter, and if that's possible, a necro of my original thread.