Not entirely sure if I need additional gear or what, but I can't seem to beat this Gauntlet (and I've been at it for awhile now). Any help would be greatly appreciated. *My Stats: INT & END: 200 & WIS: 45, Weapons Equipped: Exalted Apothesis w Blade of Awe/Lucky Hammer (shown) & Soulforged Scythe (Ice) w Ice Scythe & Lucky Hammer (shown) Accessories Equipped: Wings of the Unraveler III, Tentacle of the Dominion III, Fierce DragonLord Helm, Magi Sentinal Helm (Wrath), Leaf of Flux III, Uaanta's Blaster IV (Charging), Elemental Unity Defender I, Crystal Notched Belt V, Legion Bracer & 5 Potions + Hero's Diet, Cocoaberry Juice, & Instant Pierogi Pets Equipped: Avalon (Pet Dragon) w Protection: 199, Fighting: 1, Assistance & Mischief: 200 see * for context