Blood Mages are still the worst class in the entire game. The update definitely helped in a way, but Blood Mages are still at a more severe disadvantage towards the other classes. Tactical Merc is still the best class. Starting with Fireball Debuff being the top thing to come out of this update for Blood Mages. It's alright, but it didn't really do much for the class overall. Dex BM builds are unusable for the most part. But I guess, Fireball is no longer the worst Skill in the entire game. Blood Instinct needs to increase with Technology. Blood Instinct increasing with Technology may allow Blood Mages to come out of being the worst class in the entire game and start having a chance against the other classes. Doing so will be the best thing Blood Mages can get after this update. And it requires minimal change. Tech Mages already have the same thing on their class with Technician. And Bounty Hunters already have Smoke Screen on Tech. This suggestion is the most necessary thing to allow Blood Mages to be on an even playing field with the other classes. Blood Instinct and Blood Shield cost reduced by 40 HP. Blood Instinct decreasing cost is best for the class to be actually playable. Blood Mages shouldn't have to spend 100 HP to protect against 50 extra HP damage they would have took. There is a reason blood Mages typically dont use Blood Shield when they get Malfunctioned. It is now pointless to use Blood Instinct because i'm not protecting myself from any damage if the opponent uses smoke screen. The Developers made a mistake assuming that 90 Energy is equivalent to 90 HP cost for a buff. The cost is too much for absolutely no gain in Life Point protection. 50 HP for both of them and Blood Instinct to increase with Technology is a must. Armor Passives need to be reduced. Removing 3% didn't do much to stop Tactical builds. And Cyber Hunters still need theirs reduced. 20% Max for Plasma/Mineral Armor and 15% for Hybrid. This is how you achieve balance in the classes. And Static Grenade is so ridiculous that i'm not even going to comment anything about it. Not taking the bait. Barbed Grenade cost needs to increase. 150-175 Minimum with 310 Max, as this Skill does more damage than a Skill with 310 Max does on average. 20 Energy increase does next to nothing with Reroute. Please remove the 15% chance for a critical on a Support attack. Also, please remove stun from Frenzy (and the Tactical Merc class altogether). Not all classes have to be unique or similar in this regard. It's too ridiculous to deal with 50 Energy Stun with Reroute. This idea was offered by a player who repeatedly offered horrible suggestions to the Epicduel Forums. Also, Raged up Tactical Mercenary multi Shot, is still a huge problem in PvP Matches. This alone can win an entire game and needs to be able to be deflected or gets the .28 scaling treatment that the old Fireball had. They dont even need to get a critical to win the game outright. Field Medic to 4 was something I was going to suggest months earlier but wasn't sure about, because I thought it would only change for all classes. But changing it to 4 on Heal loop classes definitely helps fight against them. This is quite good infact. However, Energy Parasite does not only lose against heal loops. If my Energy is stolen by another class, it is still impossible for me to do anything to stop them from healing that one time, or using my stolen energy to attack me/debuff me/buff themselves. Energy Parasite still needs a buff or a slight change so it can be usable when Energy is lower. I am explaining this for any Forum users who said Energy Parasite is not an auto game loss unless you use Strength. A max level Energy Parasite takes 75 Energy from someone with 300 Energy(Let's say from a booster/stealing my energy or whatever). Energy Parasite on Max Level literally takes 75 Energy from someone who has 300 Energy first turn. It will only take 132 Energy in total(57 the 2nd turn) if they, for whatever reason don't use their Energy 1st turn. Even still, 300-132 is 167. Did I prevent them from healing? Did I get enough Energy to heal myself? Did I change anything about the games outcome? Can I win if they Assimilate me afterwards? Maybe Energy Parasite buff receive 120% of drain or some sort of buff to the Energy drain. Also increase Minimum gained to 50. Overall. Best update this game had in a while, only when comparing it to the others. But lacking in the things talked about above.