I've addressed this on numerous occasions, and I'll repeat what I've said before: RNG in moderate amounts is okay in a game like EpicDuel, since it allows for occasional upset victories and riskier strategies to help make the game more interesting; however, there is entirely too much RNG in the game at present, especially considering the trend in the last couple of years towards faster builds. The shorter a battle is, the more effect any given RNG-related incident will have on the outcome of the battle. That said, I think blocks and deflections are fine conceptually. Maybe we could argue about how much damage is reduced, but I think they work fine as general battle mechanics. There are three RNG effects I think need a serious overhaul or outright elimination: 1. Critical hits. These should be changed in one of two ways: a) Keep the RNG aspect based on support, but make crits either add a flat damage value or make crits add a % more damage. b) Eliminate the RNG effect entirely and make crits specific to certain cores or skills as a 100% chance, but with either a detrimental effect to the user or an advantageous effect to the target. I think this is the better option. 2. Stuns. These should not be based on RNG, period. In the current meta, they are far too powerful; getting stunned a single time at any point in the battle is often enough to determine the outcome. Similar to the second option for crits listed above, skills or cores that have a stunning aspect should have a 100% chance to stun, but with detrimental effects to the user or advantageous effects to the target. Obviously, the extra effects should be significantly stronger than those for crits. 3. Damage ranges. This is something that hardly anyone talks about, but I think it's actually quite important. Most players at level 40s have weapons which can deal damage in a range of 50 to 100 different values. In addition, Defense and Resistance also have a wide range of values that can be subtracted from incoming damage. This means that any weapon-based attack (which, in the current core-heavy meta, is most attacks), can have a value in a range of 100 different values at best, with the range usually being closer to 150 or even 200. When most attacks or every attack is subject to these ranges, you can gain or lose literally hundreds of HP in just a few attacks, which obviously is going to tip the scales of the battle significantly. All that said, I think that all damage ranges should be severely dampened or outright eliminated. Obviously, I know that changing even one of these things would result in a ton of changes needing to be made elsewhere, but I think it's necessary. RNG is far too strong a factor in PvP and needs to be mitigated by whatever means necessary.
< Message edited by CactusChan -- 6/15/2020 14:55:10 >