 ArchKnight DragonFable
Chaos Hydra ??? Location: Chaos Beast Hydra, Chaos Duo Escherion and Hydra Level: As player Damage: Scaled Damage Type: Magic Element: ??? HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Stats STR: Level*5/4 DEX: Level*5/4 INT: Level*5/4 CHA: 0 LUK: Level*15/16 END: Level*15/16 WIS: 0 Avoidance and Defense Melee: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Pierce: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Magic: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Block: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Parry: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Dodge: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Offense Crit: 15 + LUK/10 Bonus: 5 + Level/5 Boost: 0% Resistances Shrink: 300 Immobility: 150 Attack Types Attack Type 1 - Chaos Hydra approaches and repeatedly bites the target for [2+2X+2Y] hits of 100% damage, where X is the number of 5 turn cycles completed, and Y is calculated via [% of HP lost / 10]. Attack Type 2 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 - Chaos Hydra approaches and breathes chaotic gas onto its target for 5 hits of 100% damage, amounting to 500% damage; additionally applies one of the following effects;- Upon [4n+1]th use: Applies 'Chaotic Gas' (-75 Bonus) for 1 turn. (Pop-up: The Chaotic Gas attempts to reduce your Bonus!)
- Upon [4n+2]th use: Applies 'Chaotic Fumes' (-200 Crit) for 1 turn. (Pop-up: The Chaotic Fumes attempts to reduce your Crit!)
- Upon [4n+3]th use: Applies 'Chaotic Glow' (-50 Boost) for 1 turn. (Pop-up: The Chaotic Glow attempts to reduce your Boost!)
- Upon [4n+4]th use: Applies 'Chaotic Corrosion' (-50 All Resist, +50 Health Resist) for 1 turn. (Pop-up: The Chaotic Corrosion attempts to reduce your All resist!)
Other information Every 5 turns, Chaos Hydra heals 1% of its maximum HP, and adds 2 more hits to Attack Type 1. Chaos Hydra cannot go below 1 HP by any direct damage and can only be defeated by DoT effects. Chaos Hydra follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Repeat, with Attack Type 2 selecting an effect with respect to n (the number of times that specific effect has been used previously). Thanks to Solanaceae for information.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/4/2025 12:00:19 >