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RE: Armours - Read the first post!

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9/13/2023 14:56:17   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Grimtide Charming Swashbuckler

FD Darkness armour. Attack is two hits.

Effect: At the end of your turn, the monster becomes Dazed (3/28 chance of daze, 1 round). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with CHA/LUK, resist with CHA/LUK).
Lvl	10G	10Z	35Z	60Z	85Z	110Z	135Z	143Z
PLvl	19	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
BR%	157	232	271	319	385	460	559	559
Stat	225.4	390.4	476.2	581.8	727	892	1109.8	1109.8
BtH Mod	2	5	7	9	11	15	19	19
Fire	100	98	98	98	96	96	96	94
Water	92	78	69	64	57	51	44	42
Ice	95	91	89	89	88	88	83	80
Wind	100	98	98	98	96	96	96	94
Earth 	95	91	89	89	88	88	83	80
Energy	120	105	105	105	105	105	105	100
Light 	120	105	105	105	105	105	105	100
Dark	88	74	66	61	54	47	41	39
Melee	33	37	39	42	46	50	54	55
Ranged	31	35	37	40	44	48	52	53
Magic	29	33	35	38	42	46	50	51

A-MCP	79	396	814	1474	2409	3971	5324	5940
A-MCS	39	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 176
9/13/2023 14:56:49   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Grimtide Hydrocampus

MC FO Darkness armour. MC bonus is +105 Initiative, Initiative Boost causes you to deal +50% damage if you get the jump in combat.

PLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
BR%	115	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH Mod	0	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
Fire	100	100	96	95	94	94	94	93	91
Water	99	94	84	72	63	57	51	45	42
Ice	99	98	94	84	84	83	81	76	74
Wind	100	100	96	95	94	94	94	93	91
Earth 	99	98	94	84	84	83	81	76	74
Energy	102	102	100	100	97	97	97	95	95
Light 	110	110	105	105	105	105	105	105	100
Dark	96	91	80	67	60	54	48	42	39
Melee	29	32	36	39	42	46	49	52	55
Ranged	29	32	36	39	42	46	49	52	55
Magic	21	22	26	29	32	36	39	42	45
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 177
9/28/2023 22:47:37   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Devil Geiger

FO Fire armour, Energy/Darkness secondaries, neutral Wind/Earth, weak to Water/Light, weakest to Ice. 2-hit normal attack. Has the following effects.

Armour causes all healing on you to be halved, since prior 5% Melee MCs have been worth +12.5% healing, this is worth 20% Melee, this allows the following effect.

You gain an increasing damage bonus as your foe attempts hits on you while in the armour. Each attempted hit is added to a counter, you deal +3% Melee damage with all weapon attacks/specials/spells per point on the counter, capping out at +30% Melee, this is assumed to cap out after 5 turns, resulting in an average of +24% Melee per turn in a 10-turn fight.

Take -9 MRM to cause you to heal after every hit from a weapon attack/special/spell, = to (7.5 / 0.85)% Melee, this specifically ignores any bonuses/penalties to healing, so it's the only reasonably doable way to get some healing in while in the armour, and is capped at healing 4 times in a turn.

MC compresses the Infernal Fistquake skill, this is a spell-like skill, follows your weapon type for Melee/Ranged/Magic, and is locked to Fire damage, getting ele-comp to damage, deals 3 hits. This charges 100/100/125% Melee in HP cost for Melee/Ranged/Magic weapons, and adds 2 points to the counter for the damage bonus effect.

Level	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150B
PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
BtH	7	9	12	14	17	19
Fire	66	58	52	47	42	39
Water	88	88	86	84	83	82
Ice	100	100	100	96	96	96
Wind	79	79	78	76	74	71
Earth	79	79	78	76	74	71
Energy	70	62	56	51	46	42
Light	88	88	86	84	83	82
Dark	70	62	56	51	46	42
Melee	21	24	27	31	34	36
Ranged	21	24	27	31	34	36
Magic	21	24	27	31	34	36

< Message edited by Kamui -- 9/28/2023 22:57:39 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 178
11/9/2023 19:04:08   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Abyssal Bloodzerker

MC FO Darkness armour

Effect: Whenever you use a weapon attack or special, you pay HP equal to [HPCost] on the first attempted hit, all weapon/special attacks for the turn then deal +20% damage, this boost is /0.75 if you're wielding a Magic weapon.

MC: Comes with a toggle, Abyssal Fury. Costs [SPCost] SP per turn. This causes your weapon attacks to be upped to skill level (*2 BR, Magic weapons gain a further *4/3 BR multiplier, stat damage is upped to STR/4 (etc)) and locks them to Darkness damage.

Scales according to level; below are sample numbers:
Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19

Melee	32	35	39	42	45	48	51	55
Ranged	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
Magic	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46

Fire	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
Water	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
Ice	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
Wind	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
Earth	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
Energy	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
Light	97	97	95	95	95	95	95	95
Dark	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39

HPCost	8	14	21	30	39	49	60	70
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 179
11/9/2023 19:04:18   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Tenebromancer Bloodmage

FO Darkness armour.

Effect: Whenever you cast a spell, you pay HP equal to [HPCost] and the spell deals +50% damage. This doesn't affect Heal-element spells.

MC: Comes with a Darkness spell, Blood Abyss. Costs MP. Two hits, Magic Darkness. This is treated as a spell. Yes, it gets the above effect.

Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19

Fire	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
Water	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
Ice	94	88	82	79	76	73	69	68
Wind	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
Earth	93	84	75	71	65	61	56	54
Energy	95	92	88	87	86	85	83	83
Light	97	97	95	95	95	95	95	95
Dark	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39

Melee	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
Ranged	23	26	30	33	36	39	42	46
Magic	32	35	39	42	45	48	51	55

HPCost	40	71	107	148	193	243	298	348

Base	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
Rand	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1110
BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38
EleComp	1.26451	1.42856	1.56359	1.82082	1.86326	1.86326	1.86326	1.84977
MPCost	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 180
11/15/2023 20:50:10   
 formerly In Media Res


Bonus Summer '23 Donation reward: Wishweaver's Battlegear

Wind armour.

Mounted: Spellcaster-lean armour, default attack is 2 hits.
Skill is Wishweaver's Exchange. Spell-like Wind skill, 2 hits, costs HP, gets eleComp to damage, follows weapon type. It deals x0.5 damage and you heal SP equal to x9/8 the damgae dealt, to a max of 200% Melee (784 SP at level 153).

Dismounted: FO armour. Default attack is 4 hits, is locked to Wind, and get eleComp to damage.
Skill is Wishweaver's Siphon. Weapon-based skill, 3 hits, gets eleComp to its SP cost. It deals x0.5 damage and you heal HP equal to the damage dealt, to a max of 200% Melee.

Bonus: Take -6 blocking. When attacking with a weapon or spell, inflict Element Vulnerable (+14.3% damage, 0 turns/this turn only, Wind). The mob can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with Mainstat/LUK, resist with END/LUK).
PLvl	55	75	95	115	135	150B
BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
BtH	7	9	12	14	17	19
Fire	98	98	98	95	95	95
Water	75	75	73	73	71	66
Wind	67	59	53	47	42	39
Ice 	70	62	56	50	45	42
Earth	110	110	110	105	105	105
Energy	75	75	73	73	71	66
Light	70	62	56	50	45	42
Dark	98	98	98	95	95	95
Melee	30	33	36	40	43	45
Ranged	30	33	36	40	43	45
Magic	30	33	36	40	43	45
AQ  Post #: 181
11/22/2023 19:07:19   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Fallen Angel's Vindication

Neutral Darkness armour. Normal attack is 2 hits.

Comes with 3 skills:
  • Unbroken Loyalty: Toggle, pay 20% SP for a boost to pet and guest damage. The damage is +17.5% at 0 STR and +25% at expected STR (max: 26.5%)
  • Commander's Onslaught: Darknes Melee weapon-based skill. Efficient (x1.8 baseline instead of x2). Instead of STR, it uses 1.25*(STR+CHA)/2 for BTH and damage. If used with Fallen Angel Ambition (the crossbow) then this enhances the weapon's default attack.
  • Ashen Meditation: Once per battle lean change, FO or FD.

    Bonus: Takes -9 blocking (already factored in) for the following effects:
  • Once per battle when you are hit, if you are below 50% health then you gain 1 turn of Pet+Guest Celerity.
  • After your pet or guest attack, it can inflict your foe with Poison (Pet Power:0.2, Guest Power:0.3, 2 turns, heal HP equal to damage dealt). The mob can resist with a save at a +0 bouns (inflict with CHA/STR, resist with END/LUK).

    PLvl	55	75	95	115	135	150B
    BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BtH	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Fire	95	94	93	90	87	81
    Water	70	65	60	57	53	50
    Ice 	95	94	93	90	87	81
    Wind	98	97	97	95	93	91
    Earth	70	65	60	57	53	50
    Energy	98	97	97	95	93	91
    Light	110	100	100	100	100	100
    Dark	67	59	53	47	42	39
    Melee	29	32	35	39	42	44
    Ranged	21	24	27	31	34	36
    Magic	29	32	35	39	42	44

    < Message edited by Ianthe -- 11/23/2023 16:51:08 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 182
    11/22/2023 19:07:43   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Infernal Angel's Liberation

    FD Fire armour,, 2 Hits. MC grants it +105 Initiative boost, and it pays -3 MRM to gain +5 to all status potency, and a further -3 MRM to enable skill compression. Skills function as follows.

  • Unchained Threnody: Once/battle toggle that lets you swap from FD lean to Spellcaster lean or vice versa.
  • Consume the Chain: 1 Hit SP-cost spell-like healing skill, consumes up to 400% Melee worth of Burn on the enemy to boost the healing received. Uses your weapon's mainstat for the stat bonus.
  • Woe Upon Abaddon: 4 Hit SP-cost spell-like skill that sacrifices 75% of its damage (so 150% Melee before ele-comp is factored in) to attempt to inflict 6 turns of (50 x ele-comp)% Melee Fire Burn on the enemy. Inflicts with (STR/DEX/INT for Melee/Ranged/Magic weapon)/LUK vs foe STR/LUK (breaking the chains before they burn you). Neutral save.

    FSB: If using the Infernal Angel shield and an Infernal Angel weapon, the status potence effect on the armour is tripled to +15.

    PLvl	55	75	95	115	135	150B
    BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BtH	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Fire	67	59	53	47	42	39
    Water	98	97	97	95	93	91
    Ice 	110	100	100	100	100	100
    Wind	98	97	97	95	93	91
    Earth	95	94	93	90	87	81
    Energy	95	94	93	90	87	81
    Light	70	65	60	57	53	50
    Dark	70	65	60	57	53	50
    Melee	24	27	30	34	37	39
    Ranged	32	35	38	42	45	47
    Magic	32	35	38	42	45	47

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/8/2024 4:54:46 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 183
    12/8/2023 17:20:56   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Rock 'n' Rollin' Bard of War

    Earth armour. Fully Defensive

    Normal attack is two hits, +5 BTH lean. (And the *0.8 damage from the weird lean thing.)

    Comes with a skill, Ukulele Hero. This is treated as a spell, so it doesn't respect your weapon special and you don't apply weapon effects. Three hits, Magic Earth. Uses CHA for stat damage/BTH.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    PowLv	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Water	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Ice	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Wind	100	100	100	100	99	99	99	93
    Earth 	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
    Energy	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Light 	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Dark	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Melee	22	26	29	32	36	39	42	45
    Ranged	32	36	39	42	46	49	52	55
    Magic	27	31	34	37	41	44	47	50
    Base	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
    Rand	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
    Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1110
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38
    SPCost	57	100	151	208	271	342	419	490

    SKILL #1 - Inspire Pet*
    Click to toggle on**. You take *1 damage instead of *0.8. In return your pet gains Celerity. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus††:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Click again to toggle off***.

    SKILL #2 - Inspire Guest
    Click to toggle on‡‡. Your guest gains Celerity. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus††:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Click again to toggle off‡‡‡.

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/8/2024 4:57:33 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 184
    12/9/2023 0:22:20   

    ^Not the The real info subs

    Real One

    Rock 'n' Rollin' Bard of War


    SKILL #1 - Inspire Pet*
    Click to toggle on**. You take *1 damage instead of *0.8. In return your pet gains Celerity†. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus††:
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Click again to toggle off***.

    SKILL #2 - Inspire Guest‡
    Click to toggle on‡‡. Your guest gains Celerity†. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus††:
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Click again to toggle off‡‡‡.

    SKILL #3 - Ukulele Hero$
    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Earth
    Damage 5-16 12-35 19-56 30-90 45-134 63-189 79-237 95-284
    Stat% 71.84 132.45 181.92 260.78 352.69 453.94 523.7 581.3
    BTH 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38

    SPCost 57 100 151 208 271 342 419 490
    Stat bonus to damage is CHA/4. Stat bonus to BTH is CHA*3/40 + DEX*3/40 + LUK/40.
    Post #: 185
    12/14/2023 15:29:25   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Plasmastrike Guardian Dragon Form

    Energy clone of other <element>strike Guardian Dragon Forms, scales between the level tiers shown, with sample #s below. For resists, Main is Energy, Ally is Light/Wind, Neutral is Fire/Ice, Poor is Darkness/Earth, Oppose is Water.

    FO. 2 Hits. 2 Hit Energy Skill.

    Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153
    B/R	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BtH	7	9	11	14	17	19
    Main	68	60	53	47	42	39
    Ally	74	69	64	58	54	48
    Neutral	82	80	79	78	75	71
    Poor	91	91	89	88	88	87
    Oppose	97	97	97	96	96	95
    MRM	35	38	41	44	47	48
    Base	51	72	96	124	154	179
    Rand	104	144	194	247	309	358
    Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BtH	14	19	24	29	34	38
    EleComp	1.64469	1.77671	1.83616	1.84977	1.84977	1.86326
    Magic	159	214	278	349	427	490
    MelRan	127	171	222	279	342	392

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/8/2024 4:58:03 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 186
    1/5/2024 9:05:40   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Trickster's Hide

    FO 2 Hit Wind armour. MC gives you -6.25% HealRes, making healing more potent (this is less than the Nickelclad shield since the armour itself has a skill that can heal you). Also pays -3 MRM to compress 3 skills.

    Trickster's Gambit: Toggle that charges 15% Melee in SP per turn, causing enemy attacks to have -9 BtH, and each of your strikes from weapon/special/spell attacks that hit attempt to inflict a -5 BtH lean Berserk status on the enemy for 4 turns. This inflicts with WpnMainstat/LUK vs mob's CHA/LUK (basically them keeping their composure), this has a -20 penalty to the save. SP cost is paid after the first attempted hit each turn from either you or the enemy. If neither of you attempts a hit in the round, no cost is paid.

    Trickster's Reach: 2 Hit Weapon-based skill, 175% Melee baseline (instead of 200%), locked to Ranged Wind. 100% Melee of that damage goes to damage; the remaining goes to HP healing. The healing is based on an expected player attack and is worth 75% *[hits attempted]/[hits connected] *[armour offensive mod] Melee.
    - Bonus: if you're fighting a monster with at least normal power (power 100+) then the first time you use this skill, the 75% above is replaced by 70% and you have a 25% chance of receiving one health potion.

    Multifarious Mastery: 4 Hits. Locks your weapon attacks to Melee Wind (this affects bows/wands too, and gives the appropriate spell-like boost for the ele-lock), and after your first attempted weapon hit (so bows/wands will still work) if you do not currently have Celerity on you and have enough SP, you will pay 100% Melee in SP and grant yourself & your misc item one turn of Celerity. This can happen once per round, and if you already have Celerity, you'll still have your attacks locked to Melee Wind, but don't pay the SP cost or gain Celerity.

    Finally, if using both the shield and one of the weapons from this set, enemy attacks have a further -6 BtH.

    Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	115	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BtH	0	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	101	99	96	94	92	91	88	85	82
    Water	99	97	94	85	83	82	79	76	74
    Ice 	98	96	91	79	77	74	72	68	67
    Wind	95	88	78	70	60	54	48	42	39
    Earth	110	102	100	100	95	95	95	90	90
    Energy	99	97	94	85	83	82	79	76	74
    Light	98	96	91	79	77	74	72	68	67
    Dark	101	99	96	94	92	91	88	85	82
    Melee	25	27	31	34	37	41	44	47	50
    Ranged	25	27	31	34	37	41	44	47	50
    Magic	25	27	31	34	37	41	44	47	50
    A+2SP	141	190	713	4906	38729	311437	2510055	20236032	96820667
    A+2SS	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/8/2024 4:58:44 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 187
    1/9/2024 0:09:01   
     formerly In Media Res


    Guardian Giftbox '23: Winter Warden

    FD Ice armour.

    Normal attack is two hits. It takes -25% damage and inflicts Choke (-(21*hits/attempts)% damage [*0.75 for Magic], 2 turns) (inflict with MainStat/LUK' resist with END/LUK).
    - This effect also extends to 100-proc weapons.

    MC: comes with 3 skills:

    Ice skill, 2 hits.
    - When used with a 100-proc weapon, it's a spell-like skill. Follows weapon type, gets eleComp to damage. It takes -100% Melee damage and inflicts EleVuln (4 turns, +(25 * hits connected)/1.4/0.85 damage, Fire+Ice) (inflict with MainStat/LUK' resist with END/LUK).
    - Otherwise, it's a weapon-based skill. Follows weapon type, gets eleComp to reduce SP. The skill is overcharged (250% Melee baseline) and takes a further -100% Melee to inflict EleVuln (as above).

    Toggle with two effects.
    - Pay 12.5% SP per turn. For each time you're hit (max 4/turn), your foe becomes Choked (-5.25% damage, 2 turns) (inflict with END/LUK, resist with END/LUK).
    - Weapon attacks and Frostbark take -12.5% damage. Each hit (max 4/turn) leaves your foe Choked (-5.25% damage [*0.75 for Magic], 2 turns) (inflict with MainStat/LUK' resist with END/LUK).

    Toggles between off/Ice/Fire. Ice gets spell eleComp to damage. Has two effects.
    - Pay 12.5% SP per turn. For each time you're hit (max 4/turn), your foe starts Burning (power: 0.625, 2 turns) (inflict with END/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK).
    - Weapon attacks and Frostbark take -12.5% damage. Each hit (max 4/turn) leaves your foe Burning (power: 0.625 [*0.75 for Magic], 2 turns) (inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with DEX/LUK).

    FSB: When used with the weapon and shield, you gain +5 Status Potency.

    Bonus: When used with 0-proc Winter Warden weapons, the damage is brought up to 100-proc standards.
    PLvl	55	75	95	115	135	150B
    BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BtH	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Fire	120	120	110	110	105	100
    Water	68	61	55	50	45	42
    Ice 	65	58	52	47	42	39
    Wind	100	100	96	96	95	90
    Earth	68	61	55	50	45	42
    Energy	100	100	96	96	95	90
    Light	83	82	82	80	79	75
    Dark	83	82	82	80	79	75
    Melee	33	36	39	43	46	48
    Ranged	30	33	36	40	43	45
    Magic	32	35	38	42	45	47

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 1/17/2024 13:06:47 >
    AQ  Post #: 188
    1/9/2024 6:46:25   


    Trickster's Gambit: Toggle that charges 15% Melee in SP per turn, causing enemy attacks to have -9 BtH, and each of your strikes from weapon/special/spell attacks that hit attempt to inflict a -5 BtH lean Berserk status on the enemy for 4 turns. This inflicts with WpnMainstat/LUK vs mob's CHA/LUK (basically them keeping their composure), this has a -20 penalty to the save. SP cost is paid after the first attempted hit each turn from either you or the enemy. If neither of you attempts a hit in the round, no cost is paid.

    For the 150 version, the status page says : "[...] Target takes a --15 penalty to BTH, and deals 85% damage."

    The monster deals x0.85 or x1.85?
    AQ  Post #: 189
    1/26/2024 23:22:01   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Tribal Shaman

    Scaling Caster lean Earth armour, take x1.25 damage, deal x1 damage with armour attacks, spells deal x(1 + 4 x 0.75 x (IncDmgTkn - ArmrDmgDlt) / 2) = x1.375 damage. MC compresses three skills, which function as follows.

    Bear Spirit: Pay 44% Melee SP (SP1) to apply +25% DmgDlt Empowerment to your pets for 4 turns, affecting all elements. Quick-cast, can cast once/turn.

    Falcon Spirit: Pay (40 x 0.85 x 2 x 1.1 = 74.8)% Melee SP (SP2) to apply Celerity to your pet for 2 turns. Quick-cast, can cast once/turn.

    Wolf Spirit: Pay (15 x 4 x 0.4 x 1.1 = 26.4)% Melee SP (SP3) to apply +12.75 BtHBoost to your pet for 4 turns. Quick-cast, can cast once/turn.

    PLvl	55B	75B	95B	115B	135B	150B
    CostLv	58	77	97	117	137	152
    SP1	56	75	98	123	150	172
    SP2	95	128	166	209	256	293
    SP3	34	45	59	74	90	103
    BR%	277	334	394	454	514	559
    Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
    BtH	7	9	12	14	17	19
    Fire	70	65	60	57	53	50
    Water	95	94	93	90	87	81
    Ice	98	97	97	95	93	91
    Wind	110	100	100	100	100	100
    Earth	67	59	53	47	42	39
    Energy	70	65	60	57	53	50
    Light	95	94	93	90	87	81
    Dark	98	97	97	95	93	91
    Melee	38	41	44	48	51	53
    Ranged	30	33	36	40	43	45
    Magic	38	41	44	48	51	53
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 190
    2/23/2024 17:30:08   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Lovestruck Plate

    FD Light armour, MC compresses a skill. Skill is spell-type, charges 100/125% Melee in SP (Not-Magic/Magic weapon), matches held weapon's damage type and element, deals 200% Melee at base. When cast, the skill will eat up to 400% Melee worth of Bleed on the enemy, converting it to bonus damage (so skill does max of 600% damage). Also pays 3 MRM (already factored in to below numbers) to boost Bleed damage by +15%.

    Lvl	10Z	35Z	60Z	85Z	110Z	135Z	143Z
    PLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    BR%	232	271	319	385	460	559	559
    Stat	390.4	476.2	581.8	727	892	1109.8	1109.8
    BtH Mod	5	7	9	11	15	19	19
    Fire	91	89	89	88	88	83	80
    Water	98	98	98	96	96	96	94
    Ice	98	98	98	96	96	96	94
    Wind	78	69	64	57	51	44	42
    Earth	105	105	105	105	105	105	100
    Energy	91	89	89	88	88	83	80
    Light 	74	66	61	54	47	41	39
    Dark	105	105	105	105	105	105	100
    Melee	32	34	37	41	45	49	50
    Ranged	30	32	35	39	43	47	48
    Magic	34	36	39	43	47	51	52
    A-MCP	396	814	1474	2409	3971	5324	5940
    A-MCS	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 191
    3/2/2024 13:24:39   
    And Pun-isher


    Armor reward from the rare monster hunt for Kero the ChronoCroaker:

    Kam says:



    MC FD Water armour. Normal attack is two hits.

    Comes with 3 skills:

    Kero Trigger
    Quickcast skill. First cast, you pay 100% Melee in SP and receive Defence Loss (-15 blocking, 2 turns) and Element Vulnerable (+17.86% damage, 2 turns, all elements). This sets a restore point, like Purple Rain. Casting it again has you pay 100% Melee in SP and receive Element Empowerment (+25% damage, 4 turns, Water+Energy) and also rolls you back to the restore point. You gotta wait at least 2 turns before restoring.

    Storm Pillar
    Weapon-based skill, four hits, Energy, follows weapon type, baseline of 300% Melee damage. Casting it requires paying 100% Melee in SP and the rest in HP. The attack takes a -100% Melee penalty and inflicts Element Vulnerable (2 turns, +51% damage, Water+Energy). The mob can resist with a save at a -20 penalty (inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with END/LUK). Also, if used against a Drowning foe, you have a (hits/attempts) chance of gaining Celerity (Player+Misc only, 1 turn) and Element Empowerment (2 turns, +38.2% damage, Water+Energy) at the end of the attack. This last effect can only trigger once per battle.

    Second in Eternity
    Weapon-based skill, one hit, Water, follows weapon type, baseline of 250% Melee damage, costs SP. Autohits and deals x0.85 damage.
    - Against foes with Freedom, it deals standard damage.
    - Otherwise, it deals -108% Melee damage and has a (hits/attempts) chance to leave your foe Drowning (1 turn). The mob can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with END/LUK).

    Bonus: The armour takes -3 blocking. Once per battle, the first time a hit takes you below 50% HP, you gain Celerity (Player+Misc only, 1 turn).
    Level	10Z	35Z	60Z	85Z	110Z	135Z	143Z
    PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153
    BR%	232	271	319	385	460	535	559
    Stat	390.4	476.2	581.8	727	892	1057	1109.8
    BtH	5	7	9	11	15	18	19
    Fire	81	74	72	70	68	63	62
    Water	76	69	62	54	47	41	39
    Ice 	99	97	96	95	93	92	89
    Wind	99	97	96	95	93	92	89
    Earth	81	74	72	70	68	63	62
    Energy	105	100	100	100	100	100	95
    Light	88	87	86	80	76	72	70
    Dark	88	87	86	80	76	72	70
    Melee	31	33	36	40	44	48	49
    Ranged	31	33	36	40	44	48	49
    Magic	31	33	36	40	44	48	49
    MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
    MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Post #: 192
    3/4/2024 18:10:21   
    And Pun-isher


    Missing info sub request: Blazing Reflective Armor. Via Kam:


    Blazing Reflecting Plate

    FD Fire armour, Fire primary, Light secondary, Water tertiary, neutral to Earth/Wind, weak to Ice/Dark/Energy. MC is a 2-hit spell-like skill that deals Fire damage, matches player's weapon type, and attempts a (Hits x 2) turn -(25 x MobFireRes) Blind. The mob gets a -20 penalty to the save, inflicts with (STR/DEX/INT depending on player's weapon type)/LUK, mob resists with DEX/LUK. Skill pays 98% Melee for this effect.

    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    B/R	130	190	250	310	370	430	490	559
    Stat	166	298	430	562	694	826	958	1110
    BtH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	19
    Fire	94	82	73	63	56	49	44	39
    Water	97	88	82	78	74	69	65	55
    Ice	100	98	95	92	92	91	90	90
    Wind	98	93	89	83	82	81	80	80
    Earth	98	93	89	83	82	81	80	80
    Energy	100	98	95	92	92	91	90	90
    Light	95	85	76	69	63	57	51	44
    Dark	100	98	95	92	92	91	90	90
    Melee	29	32	35	38	41	44	47	50
    Ranged	29	32	35	38	41	44	47	50
    Magic	29	32	35	38	41	44	47	50
    Post #: 193
    3/22/2024 16:13:07   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Legion Monsterlord Armour

    FD Water armour, MC compresses 3 skills.

  • Monsterlord's Searing Will: Toggle, charging 5% Melee in SP per turn, paid when Burn status effects deal damage, to cause Burns to deal +20% damage.

  • Monsterlord's Commanding Will: Toggle, charges 10% Melee in SP per turn for pets, and 15% Melee in SP per turn for guests, causes them to deal +25% damage, paid on first hit those attackers attempt per turn.

  • Monsterlord's Blazing Will: Toggle, charges 50% Melee in SP per turn, charged separately on first attempted pet and/or guest attack (so if both attack, charges 100% Melee in SP total that turn), causing their strikes to attempt a 4-turn 25% 12.5% Melee <attack element> Burn, inflicting with CHA/LUK vs mob DEX/LUK, 50% save. This can trigger up to 4 times per turn per attacker, so 4/turn for pet, 4/turn for guest.

    PLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    BR%	115	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BtH Mod	0	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	100	100	96	95	94	94	94	93	91
    Water	96	91	80	67	60	54	48	42	39
    Ice	99	98	94	84	84	83	81	76	74
    Wind	100	100	96	95	94	94	94	93	91
    Earth 	99	98	94	84	84	83	81	76	74
    Energy	110	110	105	105	105	105	105	105	100
    Light 	102	102	100	100	97	97	97	95	95
    Dark	99	94	84	72	63	57	51	45	42
    Melee	29	32	36	39	42	46	49	52	55
    Ranged	21	22	26	29	32	36	39	42	45
    Magic	29	32	36	39	42	46	49	52	55

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 3/22/2024 18:10:11 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 194
    4/25/2024 16:10:44   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Summary of updates for the Light Realm Champion set pieces

    Light Realm Warhammer: Now has tweaked graphics for MRM forms, otherwise is unchanged. It still deals +(5 x Blocks / Attempts / 0.15)% Dmg after any turn where the enemy attempted an attack on you, with Blocks being # of hits you blocked and Attempts being the # of hits enemy attempted. If it's the first turn the weapon is equipped, or enemy didn't attempt any attacks the previous turn (due to a stun or something), then you just deal +5% Dmg. This effect is already pretty potent, giving you up to +33.33...% DmgDlt if you block all hits the mob uses, and as a Light weapon, it's fairly easy to pair it with a Blind effect, even outside of the set. Still has a 20% proc special, and 0.1 base lean, with -5 BtH lean.

    Light Realm Protector: This shield's prior form made you take less damage based on % of hits blocked in the prior turn, basically an inversion of the weapon's effect. Except if you're blocking, then that means you're likely negating a good % of the damage anyway, so this effect is pretty much wasted. So instead, now its MC effect is +20 Blind Potence, and you take +(20/1.4)% Dmg to heal yourself for (20 x 0.85 x Blocks / Attempts / 0.15)% Melee at start of turn.

    Light Realm Champion: Still FO Light, first skill comes in Cleaving Radiance and Brilliant Radiance, armour-like attack and spell-like attack, respectively, and when selecting one you can also choose if it'll be MP or SP cost. CR gets ele-comp to discount the cost, BR gets ele-comp to boost damage. Wrath of the Light Realm is now always available, still spell-like, costing SP or MP (player choice), and now sacrifices 100% Melee of the skill's damage to attempt a permanent Blind effect on the foe. 100% Melee is worth 60 MRM, has a -20 penalty to the save, so /0.7, then give /0.85 since these will require a hit, then /10 due to it being a permanent effect, and finally /3 since it's split among 3 hits, so a total of ~3.36 MRM. So each of the 3 hits that lands attempts a permanent -(3.36 x MobLightRes) BtH Blind on the foe, -20 penalty to save, inflicts with WpnStat/LUK vs mob INT/LUK.

    FSB: Set bonus previously enabled access to the second skill of the armour, now it will instead do two things. First, all attacks done now gain the same effect as the weapon, you deal +(5 x Blocks / Attempts / 0.15)% Melee with all weapon attacks, specials, and spells, same +5% Melee bubblewrap if no attempted enemy hits the prior turn, or if it's the first turn. Second, the Blind applied by the armour's 2nd skill gets a x1.05 boost, so it goes up to ~-(3.53 x MobLightRes) BtH Blind per connected hit.

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 4/25/2024 16:31:24 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 195
    5/17/2024 22:04:44   
     formerly In Media Res


    Mage Outfit

    Neutral Energy armour. Normal attack is 2 hits.

    Scales 10->14->18->22->26->30
    PLvl	10	30	50
    BR%	130	190	250
    Stat	166	298	430
    BtH Mod	1	3	6
    Fire	95	86	80
    Water	100	100	100
    Ice 	98	95	95
    Wind	96	91	84
    Earth	96	91	84
    Energy	92	80	70
    Light	95	86	80
    Dark	98	95	95
    Fire	-5	-14	-20
    Earth	-4	-9	-16
    Water	0	0	0
    Energy	-8	-20	-30
    Ice 	-2	-5	-5
    Light	-5	-14	-20
    Wind	-4	-9	-16
    Dark	-2	-5	-5
    Melee	27	30	33
    Ranged	25	28	31
    Magic	30	33	36
    TITLE - BATTLE MAGE (passive)
    The first two spells you cast in battle deal +12.5% damage.

    LEVEL 1 - STONE DRIVEER (active)
    Efficient Earth spell, 4 hits, costs 60% standard MP and deals 150% Melee in damage.

    LEVEL 2 - ARCANE DISORIENTATION (toggle, title)
    Pay 20% Melee in SP per turn. After attacking with a Magic spell or weapon attack, your foe becomes Choked (-24% damage, 1 turn), subject to a save at a -20 penalty (inflict with INT/LUK, resist with END/LUK).

    LEVEL 3 - ABLATIVE WARD (passive)
    Take -12.5% incoming damage for the first 4 turns.

    Standard Water spell, 4 hits. Takes -50% damgae and leaves the foe Choking ([hits connected] turns, -42*[elecomp]% damage) subject to a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/LUIK, resist with END/LUK).

    Overcharged Energy spell, 4 hits, gains +25% damage for +[50% Melee] MP. -20 BTH lean.

    (Prismatic) Master Mage Outfit

    FD Energy armour.

    Comes with two skills, Stone Driver and Lightning Barrage (as above).
    PLvl	105	135	135	153
    BR%	415	460	505	559
    Stat	793	892	991	1109.8
    BtH Mod	13	15	16	19
    Fire	63	62	58	55
    Water	100	100	100	100
    Ice 	88	87	84	83
    Wind	81	79	75	74
    Earth	81	79	75	74
    Energy	51	47	42	39
    Light	63	62	58	55
    Dark	88	87	84	83
    Fire	-37	-38	-42	-45
    Earth	-19	-21	-25	-26
    Water	0	0	0	0
    Energy	-49	-53	-58	-61
    Ice 	-12	-13	-16	-17
    Light	-37	-38	-42	-45
    Wind	-19	-21	-25	-26
    Dark	-12	-13	-16	-17
    Melee	42	45	47	50
    Ranged	40	43	45	48
    Magic	45	48	50	53
    Level	95	110	125	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Price	2871	3674	4620	5940
    Sell	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	105	120	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	G
    Price	884079	4229509	20236032	96820667
    Sell	442039	2114754	10118016	48410333
    AQ  Post #: 196
    5/23/2024 17:30:12   
    Jakau Ryuu

    Same deal as over in the Weapons thread, I recently managed to salvage from Photobucket an old Armour image I submitted to the AQ Encyclopedia years ago; issues and limitations with image hosting mean I'm currently hosting it on my site, but having it elsewhere would be ideal.

    Watermark-free image for the Reindog Sleigh Rider is currently here.

    < Message edited by Jakau Ryuu -- 5/23/2024 17:38:04 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 197
    6/1/2024 16:48:04   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    Sovereign's Reign Plate

    FO Energy armour, has two toggles as MC bonus. First one is a CHA Drive, same values as Old Glory/Glory of the First, but with CHA. Second one causes you to have -6 MRM on incoming attacks, but reduces guest costs by 10% Melee.

    FSB: If in the full set, after first attempted hit (weapon/special/spell) attempts a 1 turn +(20 / 1.4)% universal EleVuln, uses (Higher of WpnMainstat or CHA)/LUK vs enemy CHA/LUK, 50% save.

    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    B/R	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat	456.4	581.8	713.8	854.8	977.8	1109.8
    BtH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Earth	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Water	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Energy	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Ice	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Light	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Wind	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Dark	97	97	97	96	96	95
    MRM	35	37	40	43	46	48
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 198
    6/6/2024 17:14:19   
     formerly In Media Res


    From the new Rainbow Path quest: Sinister/Overflowing Typhon Shard. Kam says:

    Darkness/Water FD armors, separate versions, 2-hit attack. MC pays for compressing two toggles detailed below, and further -6 MRM grants +10 All Status Potence, already factored into the numbers below.

    Resists are Main < 2 x Ally < 2 x Neutral < 2 x Weak < Opp

    Sinister: Darkness < Earth/Water < Ice/Wind < Fire/Energy < Light
    Overflowing: Water < Earth/Dark < Ice/Wind < Fire/Light < Energy

    Legendary Visage: Charges 50% Melee in SP on the first attempted weapon/special/spell hit per turn to, at end of player turn, attempt a -(50 x MobEleRes x Hits / Attempts /1.4/(0.6/0.4))% DmgDlt Panic on the foe. This has a -10 penalty to the save, so is assumed to last ~1.5 turns (0.6 for inflict rate, 0.4 for chance to cleanse it, so 0.6/0.4 = 1.5). Inflicts with WpnMainstat/LUK vs mob's CHA/LUK. If all hits connect, this will be ~23.81% damage penalty before resists are factored in.

    Terrifying Onslaught: Locks attacks to armour's element, also pays 50% Melee in SP per turn. Attack is given a boost to damage similar to the EleComp boost most spell-like abilities built-in to armours are given. 30% Melee of the SP cost goes toward attempting to inflict a 4-turn (7.5 x EleComp)% Melee Burn after each hit of the armour's attack while this toggle is active. This inflicts with WpnMainstat/LUK vs mob's DEX/LUK, 50% save. The other 20% Melee of the SP cost goes towards healing the player's HP for 10% Melee after each hit of the armour's attack while this toggle is active.

    Also has Lv 31/85/125/143 Z Token versions, costing 737/2409/4620/5940 tokens each.

    PLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    BR%	310	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat	562	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BtH	8	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    CostLv	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
    50SP	15	23	40	60	83	109	137	168	196
    Main	95	86	78	68	61	54	48	42	39
    Ally	97	94	90	78	74	72	68	63	60
    Ntrl	98	97	93	88	85	83	82	78	77
    Weak	100	100	99	93	92	91	90	90	90
    Opp	110	110	110	110	110	110	101	100	100
    Melee	23	25	30	33	36	40	43	46	49
    Ranged	20	21	25	28	31	35	38	41	44
    Magic	21	23	28	31	34	38	41	44	47
    A+2SMCP	141	190	713	4906	38729	311437	2510055	20236032	96820667
    A+2SMCS	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333

    < Message edited by Kamui -- 6/6/2024 18:12:35 >
    AQ  Post #: 199
    7/12/2024 18:11:42   
     Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

    New Wave Bard of War

    Reskin of Bard of War. Same resists and everything, but shuffled around to have Water primary resists.

    Water armour.
    Skill 1: Toggle, attempts to give your Pet Celerity, take additional 0.2 damage
    Skill 2: Toggle, attempts to give your Guest Celerity, take additional 0.2 damage.

    Normal attack is two hits, +5 BTH lean. (And the *0.8 damage from the weird lean thing.)

    Comes with a skill, Ukulele Hero. This is treated as a spell, so it doesn't respect your weapon special and you don't apply weapon effects. Three hits, Magic Darkness. Uses CHA/4 (+LUK*3/8 on an LS) for stat damage and CHA*3/40 + DEX*3/40 + LUK/40 for stat BTH.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150G
    PowLv	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153
    BR%	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
    Stat%	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
    BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Water	91	80	71	61	54	48	42	39
    Ice	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Wind	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Earth 	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Energy	100	100	100	100	99	99	99	93
    Light 	96	91	90	90	88	88	80	80
    Dark	93	88	76	72	69	65	63	60
    Melee	22	26	29	32	36	39	42	45
    Ranged	32	36	39	42	46	49	52	55
    Magic	27	31	34	37	41	44	47	50
    Base	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
    Rand	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
    Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1110
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38
    SPCost	57	100	151	208	271	342	419	490

    < Message edited by Ward_Point -- 8/15/2024 21:54:23 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 200
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