It's not a bug. Rather, the status effects don't seem to get renewed, presumably because it would be unnecessary, as the status effects are permanent. Werepyre only needs to remove the effect once because of that. As to a way to get through the fights without resorting to defensive measures: one could easily just stack Kindred Charges and plow through all the fights. Since Kindred does not consume any other resources, it makes the lack of healing a complete non-issue. It's not even necessary to reduce the status effects through staying in the same section because of Kindred's damage output, but it would obviously make the boss far easier. I find the updated Paladin armors to be incredible for the sustainability necessary for the quest, and they do just as well for blitzing the quest. I was able to defeat the boss without reducing the status effects at all and without using a single potion. Resplendent Surge is truly an amazing defensive skill.