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Ideal gearing up guide for AQ Worlds from beginning to end-game from an 18 month hardcore player

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11/19/2020 17:46:43   

Ideal gearing up guide for AQ Worlds from beginning to end-game from an 18 month hardcore player

I learned this from experience. Some of which I did do right, some of which I did wrong and wish I had done right after the fact. I urge you to follow my advice to get the most out of the game, regardless what stage you’re at, especially if you’re starting new!

First of all, I highly suggest you get a membership. The cost is well worth it! If you get a year, it’s less than 20 cents a day. Although if you would like to try it out first, get three months. And get the extra 5,000 AC’s for $5, it’s well worth it!

Select the Infinity Titan as your bonus package. It’s a very powerful class and one of the six support classes.

I suggest you obtain ALL six support classes for versatility in boss battles. They are:
Legion Revenant (free, although I highly suggest you obtain a farming pet for 2,000 AC’s around Dage’s birthday due to the 40,000 legion token requirement, well, actually 42,000, as you need to get Infinite Legion Dark Caster to unlock it)
LightCaster (1,000 AC’s, and a 7 or 8 hour quest line to unlock)
Stonecrusher (free, just requires grinding 3 reputations)
Infinity Titan (purchase a membership or an AC package of $9.95 or greater)
Archpaladin (free and a moderately difficult quest chain)
Lord of Order (free, 10 days to unlock due to 10 daily quests)

My two most preferred classes are Legion Revenant and Lightcaster. So you will usually find me with one of them on. My best gear is, by default, set to Wizard enhancements.

It’s optional (LightCaster is very powerful on its own), but you can get Void Highlord or Yami No Ronin as well if you want one of the two most powerful single target DPS classes in the game.

I recommend you focus on your “to all monsters” weapons in this order:
Burning Blade (you can get it at any level, although you need to be level 25 or 30 to get it without help, it’s +15% to all monsters)
Burning Blade of Azebeth (+30% to all monsters, requirement for LightCaster)
Necrotic Sword of Doom (+51% to all monsters, most powerful “to all monsters” weapon in the game)

I also suggest you obtain the following other weapons:
Blade of Awe (for Blade of Awe enhancements)
Hollowborn Shadow of Fate (or some other variant of the Blinding Light of Destiny)
Evolved Dragon Blade (or some other variation of the Dragon Blade)
Chaorrupter Unlocked

I also suggest you obtain for the rest of your gear:
Sepulchure’s Doom Knight armor (requires membership)
Doom Lord’s War Mask
Fable Forest Elements Cloak (or better yet, right now as we speak, grab the back blade from the Sailor of the Celestial Skies for Talk Like A Pirate Day before it goes away)

Always enhance as frequently as you can! They are worth the cost! And if you have Blade of Awe enhancements, choose them over other weapon enhancements! And choose either Health Vamp (+50% damage plus weapon heals you) or Spiral Carve (+100% damage plus procs increase crit chance for a certain number of seconds, I forget how many, I think it’s 12 or 15), I prefer Health Vamp myself.

< Message edited by Cyrenius -- 11/23/2020 9:42:09 >
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