I really like the concept of the Werepyre Slayer armor, especially the aesthetic, but I'm a bit sad that it's likely not going to be used at all due to the abundance of powerful darkness armors that are already available. (Including the Morningstar armor, which fills the dual Earth/Darkness resistance niche while being more broadly useful.) If I had to change one thing about it, I'd maybe give it a -3 blocking penalty, but in return give it an ability similar to the Paladin's level 9 ability, with the "weak" resistance effect used against Vampires and Werewolves, and the "strong" resistance effect used against Werepyres. (E.g., against Vampires and Werewolves, you use [armor Dark Res]*2/3 + [armor element res]*1/3, and against Werepyres you use armor Dark resist.] Granted, I don't know if that would make it too complex for a Rare GGB, but I feel that would actually make it very solid choice against Vampires and Werewolves, especially in warring.