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RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions

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10/14/2021 15:08:46   
Crimson King

- Increased drop rate when in a party (and the party members are in the room)

- Faster movement speed for some classes (ninja, chunin, dragon shinobi, yami no ronin, blademasters) or keep the double click sprint functionality only to some few.

- More aggressive monsters to make some environments feel alive/dangerous, especially harsh ones like deserts and caverns.

- Weapon weakness (less damage when dealing with selected monster species) which is going to sum with the next 2 topics
-Elemental Amulets (or monster amulet): Adds a "monster kind" tag to the player when equipped (with human or dragon kind being the default). To buy any amulet would be necessary rank 10 on MonsterHunter and a drop from a high level monster from said species.
- Currently we have 5 "elements" (chaos, dragon, elemental, undead and human) so I propose adding 5 more for higher diversity and balance: Spectral (for ghosts-like), Beast (for animal-like creatures), Fiend (for demon-like), Artificial (machine-like) and ??? (for unidentifiable creatures).

- Pet NPC (based on DragonFable's "invite as friend" feature): A temporary battlepet which gives the area's quests, restricted to the map of origin (once the player leaves the assigned map with the pet equipped they become a yellow question mark). The idea is to make the npcs more of a partner, someone you are actually helping, fighting alongside and less of a lazy guy telling what should be done.

-Armors that when equipped to certain classes will trigger different animations (I had package armors in mind to be clear).
> In the topic of skills animations, some of the most recent ones are made pointed to the 'camera' and not to the character 'front' which can make it seem a bit off. Also, some skills animations are so big detailed and slow they simply lag the game too much (understandable for special classes like vhl, lr and dot tho). I like the work you've been putting into classes over the years, just tried some constructive criticism.

That's all, thanks.
Post #: 26
10/17/2021 3:31:02   

Storyline Reset/New Game+

There should be an option to reset the storyline while keeping all our levels, reps and items for when we just wish to experience the story all over again.

For many of us it has been years since we have completed the parts of, or the entirety of the storyline. It would be a nice touch to allow us to restart the storyline from the beginning and experience the story all over again, quests and cutscenes and all. While it is possible to restart the story by creating a new account, it's not the same as it is too much of a hassle to grind through levels with the new account when we just wish to experience the story while keeping all our levels and items.

There should be an option to reset the questlines of specific areas, or the storyline in its entirety. This should also extend to side stories such as Doomwood I and II, and Skyguard, where events relevant to the main storyline take place.

I understand that this can be exploited to grind for faction reps, so to counteract that, when we reset the questline for a specific area, or in its entirety, there can be a version of the storyline quests that offer no rep rewards for the area that has been reset, we can call it New Game+ mode. Alternatively the quests can stay the way they are, since farming for faction rep isn't usually that hard anyway. It's your call.

The backgrounds should also revert according to where you reset the story. For instance, if you reset the Swordhaven story, King Alteon should be restored to his throne, or if you reset the chaos finale, all the areas previously afflicted with chaorruption such as Arcangrove and Mobius should be restored, and area backgrounds should progress the way they do when you first play through the storyline.

There can be a special counter of how many times you've reset the story, and there can be rewards for the more times you complete the storyline.

There can also be an optional version of the story at a higher difficulty to adjust for our higher levels.

Obviously, resetting the story should not take away our completion badges, and we should still have the option to revert to the completed state of the story should the need arise.

That is all from me.

< Message edited by bargoth125 -- 10/17/2021 3:46:23 >
Post #: 27
10/30/2021 15:58:22   
x x x

the PvP could be good, with balances and not buggin everytime u become stunned then your skill just enter in cooldown without doing anything, less dodge mechanics cause it's litterally impossible to every person with eyes to miss a lot of attacks in other person that was in front of you, could exist good rewards idk, maybe pvp items that deals more damage to players, but not just 2 to see everybody using the same items like apothesois, nsod, legion revenant or void highlord, that type of thing kill the game, when everybody is just equal idk same items everywhere
AQW  Post #: 28
11/3/2021 14:11:40   

@cyrenius I really like your idea on that really insane difficulty farm, it would provide more players to stick to the game and love the farm aspect of aqw even more, even if it's hard, it really is worth the grind to get something really hard in the game
Post #: 29
11/3/2021 14:16:13   

I would like to address my idea/concern here, I have posted this on another thread and idk how this forum works basically, I have registered this account yesterday so bear with me people pls

now here is it i'll paste what i have said just incase it doesn't get read in the player suggestion thread.

aqw is dying and what aqw can do is:

to make bad legend items into free player either by farm or by shop

make some npc's and monster design into armors/weapons/helmets/capes/hairstyles etc (the cool and badass design of that npc or that monster or boss that you want to equip for your set but is not available to get? make that farmable)

make more free player classes by the use of merged maxed reputations like stonecrusher and blazebinder (most reputations have no use and they can make the most out of these useless reputations to make into something worth the farm).

make custom armor/helm/weapon/cape design from items in your inventory (for example you can create your own custom item like merging the design of exalted apotheosis and nsod, you can crop, edit, colorize, merge, etc the possibilities are endless), you can personally use your own custom item/s that you created, you can also copy or gain inspiration from other player's design, either aqw will review all custom made items made by all players or if the design is popular, if they like it they will release a shop version or boss drop version or farmable version or merge version of it. aqw having weekly top custom picks releases from all players (let's say 5-10 best custom design per week? or per month?)

they could also make that weapon slash effect color customizable (that white and light blue from sword basic attack? imagine that being black and red like sepulchure's slash)

Post #: 30
11/3/2021 17:12:32   

Effect Reset on Entering a Duel

There are some classes that can be prestacked prior to entering a duel in Doomarena. Corrupted Chronomancer, Master of Moglins and Frostspirit Reaver are among the most notorious examples of such classes. When someone prestacks their classes prior to a duel, it gives them a massive advantage over their opponent to the level where the duel becomes irrelevant. In a way, it's a misuse of the intended use of those classes. In the spirit of balance, I feel that this issue should be rectified.

As it happens, it's actually be a fairly easy-to-counteract issue, we just have to set it up where all active effects are automatically neutralized upon start of a duel.

It would also effectively negate the use of tonics and elixirs in pvp, for people who abuse them by stacking potions.
Post #: 31
11/4/2021 19:07:38   

Ability to Replay Cutscenes

This is an extension to my previous suggestion regarding story replayability. I would still like to be able to start an area from scratch on a whim, but failing that we should at least have access to all cutscenes that we have unlocked.

There are a troubling number of cutscenes in game that seemingly can't be replayed after the area is cleared. The ones that I have noted so far are the intro cutscene in the tutorial, some of the early cutscenes in Xan's area in the volcano, the intro to Doomwood as well as some key cutscenes in Doomwood such as the ones in Temple of Light and the part where we knock out Artix and put him in jail. This is simply unacceptable, any cutscene that we have unlocked should be easily replayable.

Additionally I've noted that some of the main story cutscenes in Dwarfhold, specifically Vath's trap and the escape from the Dwarfhold prison, are not available in the Book of Lore, and are only viewable in Tavern. Again, this should not be the case, these cutscenes should be available in the Book of Lore, and in the right order.

These are only the missing cutscenes that I have found so far. I'm sure there are many others that can no longer be viewed after clearing the game, however these are just some of the most striking ones to me. In any case, all cutscenes should be available and be easily accessible after clearing an area.
Post #: 32
11/4/2021 22:51:31   
x x x

how can stunned targets dodge skills? idk maybe the game need to have a dodge reduction while stunned cause its hard to miss a target that cant move
AQW  Post #: 33
11/5/2021 3:19:55   
x x x

Why necrotize warrior set dont give bonus damage to players? like the full set gives 100% more damage to players. I feel like pvp is a forgotten area of the game :/
AQW  Post #: 34
11/5/2021 14:15:15   

Expanded Monster Type Tags

I've noticed that some monsters have no tags at all, and for some other monsters there are no suitable tags available.

For instance, fiends of the Nulgath Nation are typically tagged as either Undead or Elemental, neither designation being truly fitting. Likewise Celestial and some Infernal monsters are often erroneously tagged as Human, and Makai and beasts such as wolves, bears and spiders don't have a type designation at all. I've also noticed that Pactagonal Knights in Prison have no designation either, when they should be classified as Human.

I think first of all, we should have new suitable monster type tags such as Angelic, Demonic and Animal, and secondly make sure that each monster is given the correct designation.

Post #: 35
11/26/2021 12:37:48   
Crimson King

Movement variation suggestion

>New walking animations for some classes: Floating and Ninja style

>Classes and monsters with abilities to slow down the player movement speed

>Classes with different movement speed

>Elixirs, tonics and/or potions that increase/decrease player movement speed

>Aggressive monsters that chase players at normal movement speed

Post #: 36
12/3/2021 11:35:15   

Still working on the page. I have a few suggestions for the devs to look at, I decided to create a website. I don't know if website links are forbidden here, I see people posting links here, this website does not have any advertising except for the webhosting posting its own ads since I have not paid to upgrade. I am not making any money on this site, it is strictly to communicate with players and devs, especially devs, my ideas for improvements to AQW.


< Message edited by Cyrenius -- 12/18/2021 23:15:10 >
Post #: 37
1/7/2022 12:22:09   
Crimson King

Potions suggestion

-Health and mana potions should not occupy inventory space, as in aq3d

-Health and mana potions should auto equip when logging in, in that order

-Potions, elixirs and tonics should be given as quests rewards on new events (in non-loopable or as daily quests) as a way to aware players about its existence. Some people can go all the game without equipping something on their last slot and its not their fault

-Place marks on map showing where there are potions shops

-Put some random merchants on maps that sell cheaper potions than you can buy on /alchemyacademy. This was the point of feet foot philtre sold in /airstom: to be a cheaper version of potion of evasion but got removed from there and put in a super convenient location like ???

-Place /alchemyacademy and /dragonrune on map

Not related but I noticed recently that when a monster dies far from its respawning spot it returns doing a moonwalk. Maybe this is a bug, maybe a design choice but it seems wrong.
Post #: 38
1/11/2022 23:38:13   

Hey, here are my suggestion to the game, tried to keep it as reasonable as possible. :)

The first two would need to implement a new system to even work but here it is, so basically a lot of good old items are being wasted because they are members only and members wont really care about them, so I thought of two ways to balance this out and have old art being used again, increase player activity, and increase membership purchases.

What the system needs is a sort of Boolean variable on all items that defaults to "false" called something like "isConverted", and you could basically make said item eligible to players by changing this Bool to true(the player object would have a list of items that the player have converted before, at every log in the server would check this list and change the default "false" in every item the player has on "isConverted" to "true"), here are the two ways to use this system:

First, to increase player activity in the game:

Periodically change member items of old bosses to be usable for non-members, it would look similar to rare item gifting, but a lot of old art could be used so its a lot less work(provided you have the system for it), these events would be like some periodical seasonal events of some sort, with having like 5-10 bosses dropping them each week, and rotating them out, this could also follow the time of releases making new players more likely to do old stories.

Second, to increase membership purchases:

Give member players the ability to change X amount of items to non-member in like a month, so they can use them after their membership expires, while at first this may some counterproductive there is a psychological process that goes through the player which actually would increase sales, this is how it goes:
At times of economic uncertainty, people wont feel safe having something that can be taken away from them the moment they stop paying, making member items unused, however, there are many guides on the net what to do when someone is member which includes many items that are member to get, but non-member to use.
We can conclude from it that people like the safety of having permanently usable stuff, which explains why ac items sell a lot better than member items

So when a player has this ability, but only for a certain amount of times/month, it would be really addicting, mainly because it isn't forced, people have the choice of doing this or not but doing it would benefit them a lot, so the more membership you buy, the more items you can convert, therefore more people will buy membership, this could also be fed with an increased amount of newly released member items.

My other suggestion would be for the client options. I think some analytic should run in the background to check which are the settings in game that are being changed most of the time, and having those setting be in the front, that would make the new player experience a bit less daunting.

Some other random suggestions:
-Give armors a property that checks whether it has a leg or not(for ghost looking or floaty armors and so on), and if the armor doesn't have legs, then have them change the running animation to something else that would work with that general type of aesthetic(thinking along the lines of like some "Naruto run" without legs, that would look like some haunting movement I think, this animation would also be very easy to make since it just needs the arms be stretched to the back and that's it, no actual movement needs to be animated).
-Auto turn in specific quest would also be nice, great help in farming, however i understand its a bit harder to implement than auto accept quests because it cannot turn in during battle, which is likely to happen during the grind.
-Tab to cycle through every monster in the room(would help with bosses that have adds with them)

< Message edited by barkvarosz -- 1/13/2022 1:58:36 >
AQW  Post #: 39
1/16/2022 14:38:04   

Monster-Specific Loot Table/Tracker

- A loot table window which can be opened in one of two ways, the first is by clicking Loot Table, which would be added to all monster's and bosses' Options drop-down menu list.
- This window would contain an entire list of items that each monster or boss can currently drop, in the style of the Custom Drops UI item list.
- Just like in the Custom Drops UI, each drop would be clickable for an on-screen preview, with a green tick next to each item you have across all inventories.
- The window would be in the exact same style as the new Travel Menu, with scroll support for longer lists.
- The second way to open the Loot Table could additionally be to have an option in the Advanced Options for an on-screen display button just like the Travel Menu [+], that would display the most recently killed monster's loot table, and refresh with each toggle of the window via the button.

Function: I'm not a game-designer or coder or anything of the sort but I believe a lot of the functionality for this could already exist in the game. The list itself could potentially pool each monsters' item drop list from some database-like source (which may already exist) and display them as a simulation of said monster dropping one of each item at once. Like I said in the Explanation above, the visual would be in the style of the Custom Drops UI housed in the Travel Menu window.

AQW revolves entirely around collecting stuff and unless you have some kind of excel spreadsheet of all things you've collected over the years, it can be quite time consuming to track loot that you've collected from a specific monster or boss. I'm sure adding a function such as this would require a tremendous amount of work and time; however, it would be extremely useful to see something like this added to the game.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

< Message edited by apricity -- 1/16/2022 14:40:34 >
AQW  Post #: 40
1/19/2022 17:52:55   
Crimson King

The recent tercessuinotlim updates have been bothering me, so I came here to suggest some changes:

1- "Incorrect cave paths no longer send the player out of the map." Tercessuinotlim is supposed to be a maze and the first NPC you encounter there clearly states this: "...Hah! Be warned - this place has no rhyme or reason! Everything you think should be will never be...."

2- "Most monsters no longer aggro the player when they move." This is one of the most fun aspects of this place: A harsh environment, a dangerous place, somewhere you can get killed by just standing there. You call this annoying BUT IT MAKES SENSE AND IS PART OF THIS PLACE'S IDENTITY.

3- "Taro, Swindle, and the Twins’ rooms are now directly connected to each other." Same as above:This place is meant to be a maze, and when you put everything so conveniently placed like this, it simply removes one of the major aspects of this place.

To be clear: I'm not complaining about accessibility or QOL changes, I'm complaining about the lack of attention and understanding of the game you is working on. Sometimes I even wonder if you guys know what are you doing or if you even care anymore. I think the game just ceased to be fun by now.

Post #: 41
1/20/2022 11:13:02   
Crimson King

Could you please fix guns and whips new animations? The problem is they are very inexpressive and don't match the game's cartoon aspect at all. How to make it better: Get the animation "Cast2", do some tweaks and we get a perfect gun animation
Post #: 42
1/29/2022 15:08:15   
dra suzumebachi

some degree of enemy balancing would be great i mean i beat the frozen pyromancer (a level 80 5 star) yet i can barely touch noxus (who is a a level 40 4 star)
Post #: 43
2/1/2022 9:28:11   

I revised my suggestions for three ultimate item sets, a member, a free player, and an AC version. They can be viewed my website, which I linked earlier.

I hope the AE team implements them, as I feel they will be tremendous assets to the game.

Also suggested a few other niceties, including saving cosmetic sets and automatic sorting of bonuses.
Post #: 44
3/4/2022 17:57:12   

Ok so sometimes servers go offline for a brief moment, I presume because of server maintenance or something of the sort. I'm wondering, is it possible to implement some sort of timer or warning like e.g "in 5 minutes, this server will go offline"? This would be good to avoid moments where people work on a quest only for it to be reset by the server going offline before they can reap the rewards. If it's possible to make such a timer or warning, please consider it. Thank you.
Post #: 45
3/5/2022 9:26:48   
Crimson King

Ground runes suggestion: Select some old rune capes and sell ground runes version of them

>Request: Change the Shadow lichlord runes cape to "ground rune" item and adjust its perspective, I bet no one would complain. Also, bringing the other versions would be cool (emerald, ruby, golden etc.)

Refurbished items suggestion: Search in the database for items that no >>active<< players have in their inventory and put them on sales again (note: I don't know how hard it is or if there are enough items that fits in this category, so sorry)

Thank you.
Post #: 46
4/4/2022 21:57:52   


Swordhaven Mansion Level 100 Weekly (Member / Legend, 300k AC's badge)

Location: Swordhaven Mansion

Swordhaven Mansion (300k AC's)
Active Membership
Rank 10 Hollowborn
Hollowborn Doom Knight
Classic Hollowborn Paladin Armor

5 Champion Drakath Insignias
5 Ultra Drago Insignias
2 Ultra Avatar Tyndarius Insignias
7 Doom Fragments

100 million Au
4 Weekly Tokens

Member / Legend Level 100 Weekly

Location: Hollowdeep

Active Membership
Rank 10 Hollowborn
Hollowborn Doom Knight
Classic Hollowborn Paladin Armor

5 Desolich's Skulls
13 Void Scales
50 Sapphire Orbs

50 million Au
2 Weekly Tokens

Free Player Level 100 Weekly

Location: Hollowdeep

Rank 10 Hollowborn
Classic Hollowborn Paladin Armor

5 Desolich's Skulls
1,000 Ultimate Darkness Gems
500 Void Aura

50 million Au
1 Weekly Token

Weekly tokens will be redeemable in a shop, which will be usable for in-game rewards. Maximum earnable in a week: 1 for free players who do not own the Swordhaven Mansion, 3 for members / legends who do not own the Swordhaven Mansion, 7 for owners of the Swordhaven Mansion who are members / legends. Owners of the Swordhaven Mansion must also be active members / legends to take the Swordhaven Mansion weekly. Cap should be 1,000.

Examples of rewards:

Dragon Scythe of Elementals (weapon, 30-30, 85% Human, 85% Undead, 85% Dragon, 85% Chaos, 85% Elemental): 21 weekly tokens, Prince Darkon's Poleaxe, Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny, Legion Dragon Blade of Nulgath, Empowered Blade of Chaos, Infernal Flame Khopesh)
Empowered Exalted Apotheosis (weapon, 30-30, 65% All Monsters): 21 weekly tokens, Exalted Apotheosis
Empowered Infernal Flame Pyromancer (armor, 50% All Monsters, 50% EXP, 50% Au, 50% Rep, 50% Class): 42 weekly tokens, Infernal Flame Pyromancer, Drago's Royal Guard, Empowered Bonfire Altar, Awe-scended, Head of the Legion Beast)
Armor Closet (save your cosmetic suit upon login!): 7 weekly tokens
250 AC's: 3 weekly tokens (this will be a legitimate way to earn free AC's!)

< Message edited by Cyrenius -- 4/5/2022 0:08:30 >
Post #: 47
4/5/2022 14:59:39   
Crimson King

Necklaces that apply damage boosts

>The necklace will always overwrite any bonus damage the equipped weapon have;
>All of them should be rewards from quests given by a npc in /doomarena or whoever fits better the role;
>The boost damage should be the same as the referred item necessary to accept quest;
>Don't need to be necklaces, they can be rings, earrings or whatever sounds better;
>The description graphics are somehow important too.

Some suggestions below.

-InDOOMinus necklace
Must have Necrotic Sword of Doom;
-Heaven charm
Must have Exalted Apotheosis;
-Chaotic amulet
Must have Chaos Avenger class;
-Eternal dragon amulet
Must have Eternal Dragon of Time class (or the highest dragon-damaging item in game right now, I'm not sure);
-Collar of Blinding Light
Must have Blinding Light of Destiny;


Thank you.
Post #: 48
4/15/2022 16:39:37   

Instead of adding boosts to weapons and items, add necklace slot items which add boosts to the game.
Maybe even go so far as to add necklaces which would allow players to use classes in different ways.

As most classes only work with certain enchantments, giving necklaces such as +x% health, dodge chance, or defense would be nice way to make classes a bit more versatile.
Post #: 49
5/10/2022 17:11:44   

Hello! First time posting on the forums.
First and foremost, the suggestion listed below has not been plagiarized from another individual/party. If it is the case, it is from unawareness and not intentional.

Suggestion: Artist Acknowledgement
I feel this should of been implemented at the start. To put artist credits on item descriptions. A simple name of the artist added to an item description allows players to know who the artist is, gives more acknowledgement and credits to the artist who created that content. I'm not sure how items are taken account of, if there is a master database of all items categorized but it would be a huge ask to go back to implement this to previous items, but I would suggest this to be used in the future.
Post #: 50
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