One can check the Top characters in OlymPax 2021 and compare those characters of the forumers who posted in this thread to see the differences between the two war counts. About this, fleeing from the occasional high-gold monster was what I did my last day, and AQ's own leaderboard reflected only the monsters that I actually beat- otherwise yeah, my count would have been a few dozen higher. What I did notice causing differences between my clan win count and my total OlymPax count was that at the beginning, for a few days after the event started I wasn't actually in a clan, and beat about five waves or so to see what the monster pool was like and test things. Some people may have gone further than that, and with a good setup, it would have only taken a couple hours. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But if it's anything other than that, the team would have to look into it, yes.