 ArchKnight DragonFable
Girl (Iconoclasm) Location: Iconoclasm Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue Girl: So, Notha, have you thought about what you'll do after the academy? Girl: ... Girl: Well, I'm going to be a priestess, in service of the Makers! Girl: You know, I hear there's going to be a party after the next festival. Girl: Well, yes... Girl: They're always special! There will be food, and dancing, and music, all in praise of the Makers, of course. It'll be a good time! Girl: You should come! Girl: ... Girl: Notha! Celebrating is a form of service to the Makers, you know! Girl: Look, Notha, I'm sorry I'm a little boring for your... sensibilities, but you... Girl: ... Girl: Notha... I...
< Message edited by Jay -- 9/1/2021 1:36:52 >