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=ED= September 17th, 2021 - Roman's Infernal Aftermath

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9/17/2021 19:46:31   
Digital X
Beep Beep!


September 17th, 2021

Roman's Infernal Pursuit

Balance and big rewards are ready your enjoyment in this epic update!


Our classes were in dangerous need of balance changes, and these changes should bring some improvements to the performance of Tech Mages and Cyber Hunters.

  • Tactical Mercenary:
    Frenzy: Removed stun chance; increased cooldown to 5 turns
    Adrenaline Rush: Added 20% stun chance
    Mineral Armor: Changed stat requirements to Support from Dexterity

  • Tech Mage
    Reroute: Replaced with the skill Battery Backup
    Nanotech Shield: Changed to passive and added 5% fixed increase of all base stats:
    Level 1: 6% Damage Reduction
    Level 2: 7% Damage Reduction
    Level 3: 8% Damage Reduction
    Level 4: 9% Damage Reduction
    Level 5: 10% Damage Reduction
    Level 6: 11% Damage Reduction
    Level 7: 12% Damage Reduction
    Level 8: 13% Damage Reduction
    Level 9: 14% Damage Reduction
    Level 10: 15% Damage Reduction

  • Assimilation: Lowered energy absorption to 90% from 100%; increased the base energy values by 15 points per level

  • Cyber Hunter:
    Plasma Armor: Changed Stat requirements to Support from Tech
    Neurotoxin: Replaced with Malfunction, now known as Kernel Panic; improves with every 4.3 Support, with every 2 levels above 20

    Roman's Infernal Aftermath

    Did you complete Roman's Infernal Pursuit missions? Congratulations! Unfortunately, as of this update, these missions will be rare. However, the Mysterious Man boss can now be challenged by all for one more week!

    Cores Inventory Changes

    Because having the right core on the right piece of gear can be the different between a narrow defeat and victory, as of this update, no more cores should be limited quantity and will be in-stock all year long.

    Big Money!

    The old credit cap of 300 has been lifted on battle victories. Also, to encourage the 2v2 battle mode, the 2v2 multiplier on rewards has been greatly increased!

    Daily Mission Improvements

    Another method for earning quick credits has been completing missions. For the longest time, our daily missions were limited to 1 or 2 per day. This cap has been increased along with the reward amounts for completing these daily challenges. This opens up a great opportunity to add fresh daily missions to keep the available daily activities interesting and profitable!

    Leaderboard Culling

    If you viewed any of the All-time leaderboards, you're probably used to seeing the same faces for as long as you've been playing. Though the achievements of these EpicDuel legends are commendable, it can be discouraging for currently active players to see records that could take years to break. To address this issue, we'll be culling many of the All-time leaderboards based on the latest active date. Anyone who hasn't logged in since 2019 will be culled from the boards. If the called players want to see their names restored, all they need to do is log in!

    Item Fixes and Adjustments

    Infernal Surge, an armor core, was incorrectly available on primary weapons. Because of this, several players have this core equipped on their primary weapons. To fix this, we're removing the cores from the affected weapons and reinserting them into the inventory.

    Also, the Infernal Frostbane and Barrens Battlegear P were missing their base weapon damage. This will be fixed as of this update.

    Tags: Nightwraith

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