Honestly, on my first try, I just coasted through with Panic. On my second try, I used PCO once, and then just beat it with Necromancer's absurdly powerful spells while keeping myself safe with Rend Mana's eleshield, which works absurdly well due to the Heart's mana regen meaning I could cast it over and over again and since reducing its mana prevents its nukes. On my third try, I used Paladin, which was really easy. I just used Paladin Armaments with Searing Radiance toggled. Daimyo and Fairy Godmother kept me healthy, and I just beat the Heart to death by repeatedly clicking the attack button. I even ended up finishing the fight with full HP/MP bars. That involved the least cheese and required absolutely zero effort, but I doubt this fight requires Paladin to be done since Cray has said so himself. So, I was going through the Forums to find a way to do this fight "legitimately" without Paladin or cheese strats. I basically wanted to reduce energy and darkness resists as much as possible. I decided to go with Predator of the Night and Conglomerate Frankenshield. I also found Darkheart Mirror, which is absolutely perfect but unfortunately rare and costs Z-tokens (If anyone has it, please try it out and give me a reply! I'm grasping at straws here). I then used Murderator Gauntlet. So, what happened after all my effort? I almost got one-shotted (27 HP left after the first turn). I tried again with a subtractive darkness misc to bring both energy and darkness to <20%. I lost two-thirds of my health on my first turn. I'm guessing using low resistances is an inherently faulty route considering my results.