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RE: JhyShy's Weirdo Workshop

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11/9/2022 7:42:49   

Crippling Crusader Set
Cripple rework- Still a save but instead of just STR and DEX. It is now all 3 mainstats (Either that or just target the highest main stat)
Full FSB: Passively inflicts a considerable amount of Cripple
Partial FSB (Misc + Shield + Armor)- Passively inflicts a small amount of cripple
Info: I wanted this to primarily be a set for most FO builds, specifically warriors and FO Rangers, but it's open for every FO build. (Just to clarify this does not compress elements, water and light are 2 separate versions)

Cripple Crusader
MC FO Water/Light armor. MC is spent on compression
Appearance- Water (Armored Defender of Battleon with Silver Savior's Magical Wrap as a removable cape)/ Light(Gilded Defender of Battleon with Battleon Savior's Magical Wrap as a removable cape)
Cost: Gold

Elements- Water/Light (Separate versions)

Animation- 2 hits

You gain an FO lean
You gain 2 skills

Flavor Effect-
Sacrifices -3 MRM to deal +7.5 damage against crippled enemies
Sacrifices -3 MRM (that or take more damage) to passively get ele empower if the enemy has cripple (the higher the cripple the higher the ele empower)

Crippling Cascade- Locks the armor into either Water or Light, sacrifices Accuracy and SP to inflict cripple on the enemy ( replaces shield or weapon to this match this armor's variant) ( Light version)
Crusading Cascade- Water or light skill that consumes the cripple to give the you both a stat boost (to your highest main stat) and Ele empower (If you max 2 or all main stats is sacrifices some ele empower to give you a boost on those stats as well)

Description- TBA

Crippler Blade of [Element]
MC Melee Sword/Magic Staff/Ranged Spear weapons. MC for compression
Appearance- Water (Illustrious Savior's Blade) Light (Glorious Savior Blade)
Cost: Gold

Type: Melee/Magic/Ranged respectively
Element: Water or Light

Has no true special
Follows regular 0-proc bonus
Has 2 modes
Damage mode and Crippler mode. Damage mode has the regular MC, Crippler mode sacrifices MC and 25% damage to inflict cripple onto the foe

Flavor Effect-
Sacrifices -3 MRM to deal extra damage against crippled enemies

Description- TBA

Crippler Cover
MC Water or Light shield. MC Pays for potency
Appearance- Go wild just follow the aesthetics of the set TBH
Cost: Gold

Gives -20 Cripple potency

Flavor Effect-
Pays -3 MRM, Imbues you with either light or water (depends on version) along with the ability to inflict cripple with the imbue.


Crippler Moglin
MC Water or Light Pet. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Water (Illustrious Defender Pet) Light (Glorious Defender Twilly Pet)
Cost: Gold

Animation- 3 hits

Has 3 modes, Damage mode, Empower mode, Cripple mode
Damage mode uses it's MC as well as some SP to deal damage, Empower mode sacrifices all damage to give you a stat boost (+Mainstat) which ever is highest (or which weapon type you are currently using at that moment) if the enemy is affected by cripple, the pet gives a biggest stat boost but doesn't consume the cripple, Cripple mode sacrifices MC and half it's damage to inflict cripple on the enemy


Crippling Visor
MC Water or Light Misc. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Water (Silver Savior Visor) Light (Golden Savior Visor)
Cost: Gold

Gives the player -20 cripple potency
Gives you +50 LUK and CHA
Makes you take less damage from either Water or Light
Compresses a weapon

Crippler's Hammer
MC Water or Light Hammer. Hammer is spent on compression
Appearance- Water/ Light

Type: Melee/Magic/Ranged
Element: Water or Light (Depends on misc)

Pressing the handle will change it's type
Pressing the head will preform an overcharged skill that sacrifices some damage to inflict cripple onto the opponent.

Removed the SP thing on the misc
Added a compressed weapon to the misc so Adventurers can have another level of compression
Added stats on the misc
Added resistances to the misc

Added an imbue to the shield

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 1/13/2023 8:51:56 >
Post #: 51
11/22/2022 0:06:02   

Mighty/Agile Lt. Lore's robes
MC FO Ice armor with good water resistance. MC is spent on compression (2 versions 1 focused on STR and 1 for DEX)
Appearance- LT. Lore's armor maybe with a sword on it's side like Dragon's leathers
Cost: Gold

Elements- Ice (Has 2 versions)

Animation- 4 hits

You gain an FO lean
You gain 1 skill

Flavor Effect-
Player takes more damage to gain a toggle to lock the armor to either melee or ranged (depends on the version of the armor) and ice element

Mighty version-
Warrior regeneration- Sacrifices damage and accuracy to heal SP per attack

Agile version-
Dragoon's regeneration- Sacrifices the turn and overcharged SP cost to heal HP

Description- TBA
Post #: 52
1/15/2023 5:31:57   

Shadowsteel Longsword
MC Darkness Melee/Magic/Ranged Sword/Spear. MC for compression
Appearance- This guy's sword at the back
Cost: Gold

Type: Melee/Magic/Ranged respectively
Element: Darkness

Has no true special
Follows regular 0-proc bonus
Compresses an MC Darkness armor

Description- TBA

Shadowsteel Knight
MC FO Darkness Armor. MC for compression
Appearance- Obsidian Grovebreaker from AQW

Element: Darkness

Animation: 3 hits

Player gains the FO lean
Gains 2 skills

Shadow fused Entropy- Efficient weapon's based darkness skill. (4 hits)
Entropic Strike- Overcharged weapons based darkness skill, inflicts overwhelming hate (emulates the cold' effect) (8 hits)

Description- TBA

Eldritch Bow of the Arcane
MC Ranged Darkness Bow. MC for compression
Appearance- Something like this by LootTavern!!
Cost: Gold

Type: Ranged
Element: Darkness

Has no true special
Follows regular 0-proc bonus
Compresses 4 Modes. First mode is regular damage mode (5% damage MC). Second Mode makes the bow deal more damage and deal more hits (3 hits) but takes 15% MP. Third mode also takes 15% MP per turn but makes pets and guests deal more damage. Fourth mode combines the two modes to make the player both deal more hits and damage along with pets and guests but siphons 30% MP per turn.

Description- TBA

Staff of the Elements
MC OmniElemental Magic Staff. MC for compression
Appearance- Something like This by LootTavern!!
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Neutral (Hits with random elements every turn)

Flavor effect: Player takes more damage to gain another toggle to heal MP per attack (MP heal is dependent on the damage dealt)

Has no true special
Follows regular 0-proc bonus
Compresses 2 Modes. First mode is a damage mode that siphons 20% MP per attack and deals random elements per turn. Second mode sacrifices 50% damage to boosts spells, if using an omni element spell (Like eye of chaos or elemental unity) the boost increases.

Description- TBA

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 1/15/2023 5:47:11 >
Post #: 53
2/13/2023 11:21:04   

So, for me, as I said, I didn't feel too hot about the illustrious set, so here is a rework I thought of to both stay true to the intended design and not make it peepeepoopoo against regular mobs

Illustrious Savior of Battleon -
MC FO Water armour. Normal attack deals 3 hits (MRM spread stays the same)

Flavor Effects:
- Takes additional damage to pay for it's trigger and cover it's down trigger. (Rather than -MRM because the set seemed to focus on +MRM on it's FSB and effects, also keep the trigger while not needing to deal -5% less damage to normal enemies)

MC: Compresses 2 skills:
- Toggle between dealing +20% damage with armour attacks/spells or gaining +12 blocking vs enemy attacks. Has reduced cost when fighting bosses, has increased cost and lower values when not fighting bosses. (To keep in tune with what seemed to be the original intention but also letting us use the toggle against regular mobs)
- New skill "Battleon Fury": Locks the armor to water and brings it up to skill damage level. Has reduced cost when facing bosses, has increased cost against regular enemies. (So the armor can at least have a damaging skill, though quenching bloodzerker might be better for damage, this might be able to fill the niche of a hopefully cheaper but definitely less risky damaging skill the gives consistent damage)

Shield can stay the same, shields aight for what it does

Illustrious Saviour of Battleon Armaments-
Melee/Ranged/Magic Water Sword/Glaive/Sword
Accuracy and lean stay the same with no special

Flavor effect: Makes the player take more damage to pay for it's downtrigger when facing regular enemies. When triggered it still makes the player take more damage to deal more damage against bosses.

Trigger effect: Does 20%+ more damage against bosses.

MC: Toggles either to either deal full damage or heal HP based on hits dealt. Devoured Apex can be a good basis as they're both healing weapons with triggers

FSB: Stay the same with +40% damage or +24 MRM, for the heal mode of the weapon maybe it can boost the heal?

I know it's been like a day since the release but hopefully the staff at least consider this!
Post #: 54
2/25/2023 8:23:28   

Zealot's Fury
MC FO Light armor with secondary water resistance. MC is spent on compression
Appearance- An armor with primarily gold and with hints of blues, the armor has something like this on the shoulders/upper part of the armor. Armor is basically a knight with zealot's wrath aesthetics

Elements- Light with a water secondary

Animation- 4 hits (Like the king's reign attack animation)

You gain an FO lean
You gain 2 skill

Flavor Effect-
Player takes more damage to deal more damage

Zealot's Wrath- Toggle that locks the armor to light

Zealot's fortune - Toggle to either have better LS damage, Better LS chance or a mix of both (Not making them type specific cuz players might want another effect in different fights)

Description- TBA

MC Light shield. MC Pays for a toggle
Appearance- Something like illustrious savior's shield with gold and blues

Gives a +50 LUK toggle.

Post #: 55
2/25/2023 9:37:51   

Chromatic Champion's Blade
MC Omni Element Sword
Appearance- Rainbow blade with hints of crystal
Cost: Gold (It also costs more since it also compresses other stuff and has to pay for them)

Type: Melee/Ranged/Magic
Element: Omni Element

Has the 132/109 thing
Has no Special
Rather than the regular 0-proc bonus, whenever the weapon attacks it deals a prismatic burn equal
Uses MC for compressing an armor and a skill
Clicking on the blade will activate a spell based skill that inflicts prismatic burn on the opponent (4 hits) or equip Chromatic champ form (Basically opens a menu like arms of carnax)
Clicking on the hilt will make you switch from either melee, magic or ranged

Flavor Effect-
Player takes more damage to have access to Chromatic champ form

Description: TBA

Chromatic champ Form
MC FO neutral armor. MC is spent on having two skills
Appearance- Dragon that has the same body as sunscale but with different colored crystals and a rainbow eye

Animation- 3 hits (Animation is basically Akriloth's wrath armor but with an additional hit)

You gain a FO Lean

Flavor effect-
Take another -3 MRM to heal back 50% of what prismatic burn or chromatic channeling does on the opponent
If used with the weapon, the armor's passive chromatic channeling will increase

1.Rainbow Rampage- Makes the armor locked to omni element but passively deals prismatic burn

2.Chromatic Chaos- Efficient weapons based omni element nuke that applies chromatic channeling on the opponent (8 hits each hit deals 1 of every element, animation is basically sunscale but is rainbow)

Info: It has so much going on, yeah. But I wanted to balance that with the fact it's not reliable due to it's random element nature.

Post #: 56
8/24/2023 10:12:07   

Horde's Ire RhyWork
MC Spellcaster Earth and Wind Armor. MC used for compression
Appearance- Remains Same

Element: 40/40 Earth and Wind

Animation: 1 hit

Player gains the Spellcaster lean
Pays -6 MRM for 2 skills
Takes extra damage for flavor effect

HOMEWORK (All caps is intentional) - Pays 653 MP, seeks between earth and wind (4 hits)
Advanced study - Toggle that pays SP to give the player +INT

Flavor effect:
Regular attack deals -20% to gain +INT if the hit connects (Prompt: Hitting the opponent has given you the insight you need!) (If you miss: You did not pay the tuition fee. You are not applicable for scholarship.)

Credits: CHAOTIC for helping me, especially giving the idea of the flavor effect.

Description- Same
Info: Well, I mean, the thing looks like a spellcaster lean armor, also, more spellcaster support, hooray!

Protector Armor RhyWork
MC Neutral* Water/Earth/Light/Energy armor. MC is spent for compression
Appearance- Remains Same

Element: 39 on the given flavor

Animation: 3 hits

Player gains the Neutral* lean
Player gains 1 skill
Pays takes extra damage 1 skill

<Skilled, Adept, Evolved, Developed>Change: Once per battle you can choose any given lean (Neutral, FD, FO)
<Skilled, Adept, Evolved, Developed> Charge: A toggle
In FD mode: Imbues weapons with the given flavor element and makes it deal bleed, takes SP to give the player -20 Bleed potency and the ability to make the enemy bleed
In Neutral mode: Imbues weapons with the given flavor element and makes it deal -50% damage to gain +MRM for each hit landing
In FO mode: Imbues weapon with given flavor element and takes SP to inflict Elemental Vulnerability to the given element of the armor
<Skilled, Adept, Evolved, Developed>

Flavor effect:
Gains <Skilled, Adept, Evolved, Developed>Change as a skill

Credits: FD Master bigs for helping

Description- Same
Info: Tried to make it cohesive with the other items of the set

Wicked King RhyWork
MC FD* Armor. MC is used for compression
Appearance- Remains Same

Element: 39 Fire/42 Darkness

Animation: 2 hits

Player gains the FD* lean
Pays -6 MRM for 1 skill and 1 flavor effect

WICKED ASCENSION (All caps is intentional) - Armor changes appearance to the Titanic Wicked King* but this time not titanic
- Turns the armor into a spellcaster lean armor
- Normal attack deals less damage but inflicts Haunted
- Changes Wicked inferno to Wicked Blaze

Wicked Blaze - 4 hit fire spell, pays 653 MP and pays damage to inflict prismatic burn

FD Skills:
Wicked Inferno - 4 hit fire spell. New change is that it can also deal melee damage
Heckish Haunting - Makes normal attacks deal less damage but inflict prismatic burn

Flavor effect:
Gains Heckish Haunting as a skill.

Description- Same
Info: I just have to give justice to such a wicked design

Post #: 57
9/16/2023 7:36:55   

Professional Magician
MC Spellcaster Light armor. MC is spent on compression
Appearance- This art made by Zipper! The male and female are separate armors, so any gender can wear any of the two armors
Cost: Gold

Elements- Light

Animation- 2 hits

You gain an Spellcaster lean
You gain 1 skill

Flavor Effect-
Sacrifices -20% damage in it's auto attack to give the opponent a worse save against dazzle

Dazzling performance!!- A 6 hit attack that deals light damage, sacrifices -50% damage (Or 25% if it's too much) to inflict dazzling

Details on skill-
- Skill animation is mega hyper extravagant, you're trying to dazzle and make your opponent lose themselves in your performance, ideally the animation includes lots of stars, spotlights and special effects!
- Dazzling is on a CHA save specifically, why? Because if they remove dazzling or aren't inflicted they aren't impressed by your performance!

Description- You may not know real magic but your performance might as well be! Dazzle your opponent with Spectacular and Amazing special effects
Info- F2P LIGHT SPELLCASTER HOORAY!!! Honestly, Ideally I think this armor would be a good reward in a pride event

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 8/21/2024 14:08:46 >
Post #: 58
10/1/2023 8:03:01   

Pestilence's Bow
MC Wind/Darkness Bow. MC is spent on compression
Appearance- Pestilence's bow
Cost: Gold (It also costs more since it also compresses other stuff and has to pay for them)

Type: 100 Proc Ranged
Element: Wind*

Clicking on the string will change the bow's element and mode (The order is: Wind, Darkness, Wind Poison, Darkness Poison)
The poison modes sacrifices 25% damage and a bit of SP to inflict poison on the enemy
Has no Special
Rather than the regular 0-proc bonus, whenever the weapon hits, there is a chance it inflicts a heavy poison on the enemy (OR, something else that fits, Disease!)
Uses MC for compressing a skill
Clicking on the bow itself will fire off "Scourge of the world"

Scourge of the world:
Costs 392 SP, and sacrifices 50% damage to inflict disease.
If the enemy is poisoned with a power of 15+ the skill does full damage while still inflicting disease
If the enemy is a primordial and poisoned with a power of 15+ the skill deals full void damage but now inflicts the Godscourge (ALTHOUGH, there can be lore reasons why this isn't allowed, so if not, go with disease!!)

Flavor Effect-
Player takes more damage to cover the downtriggers of the weapon

Description: Left when the traitor was dealt with, it is a symbol of betrayal and malice to the pantheon.
Info: WOOHOO Brand new compression bow! Seems like a perfect opportunity as well to make another poison one too!!

- I intentionally made the poison modes weaker compared to the lost talon bows as to not step on their niche too much
- I also thought about adding a blood cost, because lore wise I figured this thing would be riddled with diseases and leftover Godscourge
- I also thought of adding a berserk toggle but, it already has so much going on
Post #: 59
10/15/2023 11:36:19   

"Elemental Disempowerment: [Element]"
Weakens an enemy's attack on that specific element
What's the point of this?: The point of this is to have a stronger choke but not on all elements, sacrifices general damage reduction for greater damage reduction on a specific element
Special thanks to @CHAOTIC for the idea

Greater Light Blade of Victory:: Rhywork
MC Light Malee/Magic Sword. MC for compression
Appearance- Same
Cost: Gold

Type: Melee*
Element: Light

Clicking on the blade will swap modes
Clicking the handle will swap MRM
Has no true special
Instead of having the regular 0-proc bonus, it has the chance to inflict "Element Disempowerment" on the enemy
Compresses 2 Modes. First mode is a damage mode that has the regular +5% damage MC and the second mode sacrifices damage and SP to inflict "Elemental Disempowerment: Darkness" which weakens the enemy's Darkness damage by -15%.

Description- Same
Info: The quest was a grind for a glorified Yulgar weapon, that won't do

Greater Dark Blade of Victory: Rhywork
MC Darkness Malee/Magic Sword. MC for compression
Appearance- Same
Cost: Gold

Type: Melee*
Element: Darkness

Clicking on the blade will swap modes
Clicking the handle will swap MRM
Has no true special
Instead of having the regular 0-proc bonus, it has the chance to inflict "Element Disempowerment" on the enemy
Compresses 2 Modes. First mode is a damage mode that has the regular +5% damage MC and the second mode sacrifices damage and SP to inflict "Elemental Disempowerment: Light" which weakens the enemy's light damage by -15%.

Description- Same
Info: The quest was a grind for a glorified Yulgar weapon, that won't do

Loremaster's Tome: Rhywork
MC Neutral Tome. MC for compression
Appearance- Same
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Neutral

Clicking on the book will swap modes: First mode is Normal Mode, Second mode is Efficient Mode and the Third Mode is Overcharged Mode
Normal mode is the one we have right now
Efficient mode sacrifices damage but lessens MP consumption
Overcharged mode deals greater damage but consumes more MP

Spells: Same

Description- Same
Info: What's the point of this? Cause I love this tome and it's a shame it doesn't have any efficient or overcharged spells
Post #: 60
10/17/2023 10:11:52   

Angelic Robes RhyWork
MC Spellcaster Light Armor. MC used for compression
Appearance- Remains Same

Element: 39/42 Light and fire

Animation: Remains same

Player gains the Spellcaster lean
Gains 2 skills

Flavor Effect:
Pays -6 MRM to increase heal damage

Angelic Presence: QC skill that pays 100% Melee to decrease the MP spent on the next healing spell you have
Angelic Grace: Standard healing spell

Description- Same
Info: Thing is, while it is the only light spellcaster lean armor we have, I feel like that shouldn't be the only thing going for it, gave it fire resistance as well for an extra niche of compression, ALL HAIL HEALING
Post #: 61
11/23/2023 12:39:27   

Comedy of Errors
MC Wind Tome. MC Pays for Compression
Appearance- Book with the tragicomedy masks on the covers
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic (100 proc) (Tome)
Element: Wind

If spells are disabled, does a wand attack
If attack button is pressed a UI appears

1. Tragicomedy
- Toggle, if used the spells of the tome will be buffed in some way if the enemy misses or fails to inflict a status
Status Pop up: You laugh at your enemies' mistakes, their error fuels your delight

2. Toon Forth
Conjures up random heavy objects in the sky that drop on the enemy (Animation is Anvil first, then sink, then a corpse of a Roc. 3 hits)
- Efficient wind spell
- If buffed, will inflict [Crushed, renamed Panic]

3. Divine Comedy
Conjures up the Tragicomedy masks and the smiling mask starts laughing whilst the sad mask starts crying then they fall on the enemy (6 hits)
- Overcharged Wind Spell
- If buffed will give the player with [Fortified Delight, renamed Eleshield for all elements]

4. The Tempest
Conjures up wild and windy storms and ends with a ship crashing on the enemy (4 hits)
- Regular Wind spell
- If buffed will inflict [Stranded, renamed Disease]

5. Much ado about nothing
-Regenerates 395 MP
Status Pop up: Your enemy fumes over their unlucky endeavor. It fuels your delight

Info: Another wind tome but this time with a bit of a PLAYful twist

MC Earth Staff. MC for compression
Appearance- A wooden staff with a slap hand at the end of it
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Earth

Clicking on the Staff will swap modes
Has no true special
Instead of having the regular 0-proc bonus, it has the chance to give "Hysterical (Gives the player better generic potency)" on the player
Compresses 2 Modes. First mode is a cripple mode that makes earth spells a chance to inflict fragile and the second mode inflicts "Out of breath (Renamed Panic)" both modes sacrifices 25% damage

Info: Figured to make a simple earth spell staff
Post #: 62
2/23/2024 3:14:28   

Mecha Knight Set Rhywork
Full MC bonus: Increases health gained back to 35%
Info: With the new stat revamp, I'd figured to rework again into a Rhywork my old suggestion in favor for warriors, hope it's good.

MechaKnight PowerSuit
MC N Darkness and Energy armor
Cost: Gold



Elemental Resists- 40/40 on Darkness and Energy

Flavor effect - Gains -6 MRM for 1 skill and +6.25 health resist

You gain an N lean
You gain 3 skills

1. Ancient Grakma Rage
- Toggle that gives the player berserk but also heals 25% to health based on hits connected, have to pay 25% damage, caps at 3 hits

2. Technological Might
- Toggle to lock the armor into Darkness on the first click and Energy on the second click

3. Scan Battlefield
- Toggle that let's the player choose between an FO or FD Lean

Info- Instead of making it directly compete with something like Angel of Souls, why not give it a new niche entirely, with the advent of the new FD warriors and FO Warriors not having an armor that heals and covers Energy and Darkness as a dual resist, I figured to let them both have this one to cover those niches, some may think the armor has too much skills but I thought it was justified because not only was this a yearly MC set but it also came off the back of a long saga

Mecha Knight Hammer/Maul
MC Darkness and Energy Melee/Magic weapons. MC Pays for compression
Cost: Same

Type: Melee/Magic respectively
Element: Darkness and Energy

Has no true special
Sacrifices it's special bonus to gain a Burst heal boosted by giving up the no-proc bonus that can only happen once per turn (Think Caissa)Has 4 modes, Regular Darkness and energy damage and a mode that sacrifices 25% damage and 5% SP to heal based on hits connected, caps at 4 hits, can be darkness or energy based on mode. Click on head to activate heal mode and click on handle to choose between Darkness and Energy

Info: HEALING, always love it, these niches aren't covered yet by these elements so I figured why not.

MechaKnight Bow
MC Darkness and Energy Bow. MC pays for compression
Cost: Same

Type: Ranged (100 pro)
Element: Darkness/Energy

Animations- 2 hits

Has no true special
Sacrifices no true special for an Elevuln effect boosted by giving up the no-proc bonus that can only happen once per turn (Think Caissa)
Has 4 modes: Pure Damage (+5% damage) and Heal mode which sacrifices 25% damage to heal you based on hits connected, caps at 4 hits. Click on the head for mode and click on the string for element

Description: Same
Info- Random bow on an FO armor? Sure, with the new Rhywork I made it fits in with the FD mode then

MechaKnight Defender
MC Darkness and Energy shield. MC Pays for compression
Cost: Gold

Flavor Effect-
Sacrifice -3 MRM to give +12.5 health resist

Toggle to either Energy or Darkness

Info- Believe it or not, we don't have a proper energy and darkness shield compression yet, so I figured something basic like this is needed, flavor effect is to make it more desirable.

Misc: Stay the same, except replace LUK with END and give it +6.25 health res
Pet: Stay the same, pet is generally useful, I'd add another pet with the same animations but different functionality, for example:
Model 350
MC Darkness and Energy Pet. MC Pays for compression
Cost: Gold

Has 4 modes. Toggle to either Energy or Darkness and toggle the drill to swap between Damage mode and a mode that reduces foes healing and boosts the player's

Info- This one is to keep in with the Rhywork and still keep the actually good thing that came into the set.

Info: Originally, this was supposed to heal based on damage dealt but leans and maths got involved and this is what I went with.

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 3/30/2024 10:43:56 >
Post #: 63
3/21/2024 15:59:40   

FSB: If weapon and armor are used together:
Choke on the weapon skill is increased
Eleshield on the armor toggle is increased

Awesome Drip Sword
MC Triple Compression: Water, Fire and Ice Melee/Ranged/Magic weapons. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Body of Eternity sword but theme and aesthetics of League competitor
Location- Z-token shop
Cost: 4,160 tokens

Type: Melee/Ranged/Magic
Element: Water*

Has no true special
Has the no special bonus
-3 BTH lean and 32 to 32 damage range
Makes the player take more damage to pay for the triple compression
Toggle on the hilt to switch elements: Water first then Fire then Ice
Toggle on the blade to activate a menu:

Swag on (Depends on weapon element)
- Equips Dripped out Garbs
Drip or Drown
- A (Water, Fire, Ice) weapon skill that inflicts choke on the opponent. Costs 100% melee, sacrifices 25% damage for the choke
Message pop ups:
When successful saves
"Your foe is choked up from your Aura"
"You are HIM/HER"
"Your foe isn't built for this"
"Your foe ain't ever gonna recover from this"
"They weren't familiar with your game"
When unsuccessful save:
"You ain't built for this"
"Your foe ain't impressed"
"Your aura isn't all that"
"The lights were brighter than expected"
"A little more and you'll start choking yourself"

Description- This blade is used by those who want to spice up on dunking on their opponents, swag on them, style on em, do whatever just remember to not get cocky. Use it's versatility to your best abilities playa
Info: TRIPLE COMPRESSION, my first token item so I figured to create something big, something huge and something that would draw eyes on the item.

Dripped up Garbs
MC FO Water, Ice, Fire triple compression armor. MC is spent on compression of skills
Appearance- League's Competitor garb from AQW (White and Black for Water, Orange for Fire, Ice blue for Ice)
Location- Weapon above

Animation- 4 hits (Use animation from Fallen King armor)

MRM- Bad

Elemental Resists- There are two ways to go about this:
39/42/42 (Primary resist changes depending on what element you chose to enter via the weapon) and give it -6 MRM to compensate for the triple compression

Elecomp- Bad

You gain an FO lean
You gain 3 skills

Description: Show your opponent who's boss and have your aura and energy shrug off those weak hits your opponent is dealing
- Toggle that gives the player an eleshield via hits connected. Costs 15% melee

Description: You're locking in, you realized that your opponent ain't built for this and your up for the sweep.
- Toggle to lock the armor into Water, Ice, Fire respectively. Each click cycles between them, pays 20% melee.

Description: You aren't the only thing hot around here, light your foe up with your guns (No not your arms put them down) and have them leaving choked up and on a t-shirt by the end of it
- Weapon based skill that pays 65% melee to inflict Choke on opponent. Element is based on the chosen element of the second skill.
Animation: Player whips out two guns and sprays the opponent, deals 5 hits

Info- I took inspiration from both Entropy and Carnax packages. The idea here is that the weapon and armor is versatile and compresses a lot of things but is bogged down by not being able to master all of it. Jack of all trades master of none situation. It purposefully has bad elecomp so it can balance the armors versatility and the weapon's choke is weak since it also covers tons of elements.

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 3/30/2024 10:43:14 >
Post #: 64
3/26/2024 11:03:20   

Fabled Emblazoned Sword
MC Light and Fire Melee Sword. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- The short sword made by Dracelix, commissioned by Lily
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million gold

Type: Melee
Element: Light*

Has no true special
Sacrifices it's special bonus to gain a +STR boosted by giving up the no-proc bonus that can only happen once per turn (Think Caissa)
Has 4 modes, Regular Light and Fire damage and a mode that sacrifices 25% MP and makes the player take 15% more damage to give a +STR boost that is based on hits connected (Caps at 4 hits) and a damage boost, light or fire based on mode. Click on the blade to switch elemental modes and click on handle to choose between regular damage or resource damage

Description- A short sword from a time long past, it shall be in service only to the most fabled heroes of the land, it's last wielder was apparently a Crimson Dragonlord that fought in the calamity.
Info: I figured to make a light and fire weapon since we only have one, although not generic I'm sure it can be serviceable even to those without MP. Inspiration: Guardian Dragon inn boss fight from DF

Fabled Ranger's Bow
MC Light and Fire Ranged Bow. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- The Bow made by Dracelix, commissioned by Lily
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Ranged
Element: Light*

Has no true special
Sacrifices it's special bonus to gain a +DEX boosted by giving up the no-proc bonus that can only happen once per turn (Think Caissa)
Damage range of 32-32
Click on the string to swap elements
Click on the top of the bow to use the power shot skill that is overcharged and is 2 hits
Click on the bottom of the bow to use the cripple shot skill that deals 2 hits and sacrifices 75% damage for a blind on the opponent. Costs 392 SP

Description- A Bow from a time long past, it shall be in service only to the most fabled heroes of the land, it's last wielder was apparently a golden Ranger that fought in the calamity.
Info: A bow that's a bunch of references to DF, and we also don't have a light and fire compression bow, so I figured this would be great for elemental coverage. Inspiration: Ranger class from DF

Fabled Illuminated Staff
MC Light and Fire Magic Staff. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- The Staff made by Dracelix, commissioned by Lily
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Light*

Has no true special
Sacrifices it's special bonus to gain a MP heal boosted by giving up the no-proc bonus that can only happen once per turn (Think Caissa)
Weapon deals -20% damage to make fire and light spells have give the player fire and light ele empower
Click on the staff to swap elements
Click on the top of the staff to open a menu that let's you choose between two spells (Element of the spells depend on the element of the staff)

The Phoenix - Overcharged spell that puts all cost into damage

To Ashes - Efficient spell that does more damage the more negative statuses the player has, purges the player of those negative statuses

Description- A Staff from a time long past, it shall be in service only to the most fabled heroes of the land, it's last wielder was apparently a young Pyromancer that fought in the calamity.
Info: A Staff that's also a bunch of references to DF, figured to make this one a pyromancer reference and let spellcaster mages have compression for their inventory. Inspiration: Pyromancer Class from DF

Fabled Golden Spear
MC Light and Fire Ranged Spear. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- The Spear made by Dracelix, commissioned by Lily
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Ranged
Element: Light*

Has a 20 proc special
Weapon deals +20% damage but makes the player take more damage
Click on the handle to swap elements
Click on the blade to use an overcharged skill (Element is dependent on mode) that inflicted either a light or fire Defloss (Animation uses the dragon spirits from the Dragonlord class)

Description- A Spear from a time long past, it shall be in service only to the most fabled heroes of the land, it's last wielder was apparently shared by a Crimson Dragonlord and a Golden Ranger that fought in the calamity.
Info: Figured to make a simple spear that is very effective at the same time. Inspiration: Bulwark Dragonlord Class from DF

Fabled Illuminating Wand
MC Light and Fire Magic Wand. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- The Wand made by Dracelix, commissioned by Lily
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Light*

Has a 20 true proc special
Gives the player -BTH but the weapon deals +10% more damage
Click on the handle to swap elements
Click on the top of the wand to open a menu that let's you choose between two spells (Element of the spells depend on the element of the staff)

Lava Fountain - Spell that deals 4 hits, sacrifices -50% damage to stun the enemy

Burn - Overcharged spell that deals 7 hits and sacrifices -50% damage to inflict burn on the enemy based on hits landed

Description- A Wand from a time long past, it shall be in service only to the most fabled heroes of the land, it's last wielder was apparently a young Pyromancer that fought in the calamity.
Info: Again, a simple wand for all the wand mages out there. Inspiration: Pyromancer Class from DF

Fabled Golden Quiver
MC Light and Fire Misc. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- The Quiver made by Dracelix, commissioned by Lily
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Element: Light*

Click on the misc makes the player take -50% damage from either light or fire attacks
Gives +50 DEX and +50 LUK
Gives Bow and Bow type attacks +20% damage

Description- A Quiver from a time long past, it shall be in service only to the most fabled heroes of the land, it's last wielder was apparently a Golden Ranger that fought in the calamity.
Info: Simple damage misc for Fully defensive rangers and those that use bows.

Lowered the spear's +25% to +20%
Changed spear's burn to defloss
Changed staff reducing spell cost to making them give the player ele empower
Made the staff remove negative statuses only

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 3/30/2024 10:42:45 >
Post #: 65
3/26/2024 12:09:02   

Royal Runaway Ribbon
MC Light and Wind Misc. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Pink Ribbon with Gold highlights and ends
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Element: Light*

Gives +50 DEX, +50 INT and +50 CHA
Click it to open a menu
First button let's you choose between resisting Light or resisting Wind
Second button let's you choose between 2 modes:
A spell booster based on DEX, at 250 DEX it deals +15% damage
A 100 proc booster based on INT, at 250 INT it deals +15% damage

Description- A fancy ribbon from a far away land, with it's design it seems to indicate it's made for royalty.
Info: Hybrid misc for DEX/INT hybrids, I hope it's not too bloated

Lowered the boosts from +25% to +15%

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 3/26/2024 14:26:53 >
Post #: 66
3/27/2024 7:51:32   

Virgo's Immense Bow
MC Earth Bow. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Virgo Bow made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Ranged
Element: Earth

Has no true special
Sacrifices it's special bonus to give itself a toggle
Damage range of 32-32
Toggle: Click on the string to sacrifice 10% worth of MP to boost damage
Click on the bow to swap between regular damage mode and auto-hit mode

Description- A Bow that exemplifies what it means to be smart. Realistic, focused, practical and systematic, these values will help you destroy your foes efficiently and accurately.
Info: Since Virgo's are all about being realistic, busy and all around smart? Figured to make it so that a lot of the variables here like BTH, damage range, etc.

Taurus' Crippling Axe
MC Earth Melee Axe. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Taurus Axe made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Melee
Element: Earth

Has no special
Has the regular no special boost
Has -10 bth
Toggle: Click on the Axe to go into 3 modes: Regular damage mode, Crippler mode where you will inflict cripple onto the opponent and but also have the chance to cripple yourself as well based on hits landed

Flavor effect:
The player will take -10% damage but will sacrifice -MRM

Description- An Axe that exemplifies what it means to be relaxed. Take some time, doesn't matter what happens to you, just as long as your opponent is down and crippled.
Info: Since Virgo's are all about being relaxing, I figured to make one that's strong but debilitates you as well

Pisces' Intuitive Chakram
MC Water Ranged Chakram. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Pisces Chakram made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Ranged (100 proc)
Element: Water

Has no true special
Instead of a regular no special bonus, the weapon has the chance of making the opponent's attack deal only 50% of what is intended
Toggle: Click on the Weapon to go into 2 modes: Regular damage mode, Choking mode where it inflicts choke on the opponent but sacrifices 50% damage

Description- A weapon that exemplifies what it means to be intuitive. Absorb all the knowledge about your opponent, buy yourself more time by making them hurt you less.
Info: I think this is what being a Pisces??

Aquarius' Assertive Wand
MC Water/Wind Wand. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Aquarius Wand made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Magic (100 proc)
Element: Water*

Has no true special
Instead of a true special it has the chance to repel any statuses the enemy has made
Click on the weapon to go into 4 modes: First and Second is regular water and wind damage, Third and Fourth giving you a damage boost on enemies with boss boost

Description- A wand that exemplifies what it means to be Assertive. Inflict greater damage against stronger enemies, and ignore the hexes they try to inflict on you.
Info: I honestly drew a blank on what I could say about this aside from cool effects not used for wands yet

Gemini's Spontaneous Nunchuks
MC Wind Melee and Ranged Nunchuks. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Gemini Nunchuks made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Melee*
Element: Wind

Has no true special
Instead of a true special it has the chance to give the player celerity
Click on the weapon to go into 4 modes: First is Melee Wind, Second is 100 Proc ranged, Third is Melee wind that sacrifices SP to give the player celerity based on enemy wind resist, Fourth is 100 Proc ranged wind that gives the player celerity based on enemy wind res

Description- A pair of nunchuks that exemplifies what it means to be Spontaneous. Use an array of styles to beatdown your enemy and even give yourself a random burst of energy.
Info: Figured to make this all about unpredictability and make it versatile

Libra's Balanced Crossbow
MC Wind Ranged Crossbow. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Libra Crossbow made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Ranged (100 Proc)
Element: Wind

Has no true special
Instead of a true special it makes the player have -15% damage but heals SP based on hits connected
Clicking on attack will open a menu:

Fire Barrage - 4 hit wind attack, consumes one charge

Fire Libra Shot - 2 hit wind attack that deals +100% damage but consumes 4 charges and heals the enemy's SP

Description- A crossbow that exemplifies what it means to be Balanced. Heal your energy, relax, and if you help yourself, you must also help your enemy.
Info: Figured to make it like timekiller since we don't have enough of those

Scorpio's Mysterious Fan
MC Water Ranged Fan. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Scorpio Fan made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Ranged (100 Proc)
Element: Water

Has no true special
Instead of a true special it has the chance to inflict a greater blind on the enemy
Click on the weapon to go into 2 modes: First is regular damage mode, second is a blind mode to give the enemy blind but sacrifice -50% damage

Flavor effect-
Weapon deals -15% damage but gives the player +MRM

Description- A Fan that exemplifies what it means to be Mysterious. Evade your enemies, use your fans to blind them to make them not be able to see your guise.
Info: Figured to go and make this all about being mysterious and evasive like the sign itself

Aries' Ambitious Kris
MC Fire Melee Sword. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Aries Kris made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Melee
Element: Fire

Has no true special
Instead of a true special it gives the weapon a toggle
Toggle: Sacrifice -3 MRM and 15% SP to make the weapon trigger against Enemies with boss boost
Click on the weapon to go into 2 modes: First is regular damage mode, second is a +STR mode that sacrifices 25% SP to give the player a +STR based on hits connected (Caps at 8 hits)

Flavor effect-
Weapon deals +10% damage and +8.5bth but gives the player -MRM and makes them take more damage

Description- A Fan that exemplifies what it means to be Ambitious. Remember, you are number 1. You are head and shoulders above the rest, sacrifice your defenses to show how you are dominant above all.

Capricorn's Patient Lance
MC Earth Magic Lance. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Capricorn Lance made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Earth

Has no true special
Instead of a true special it gives the weapon +bth
Click on the weapon to sacrifice your turn but unleash an overcharged spell the next turn

Flavor effect-
Weapon deals -25% and makes you take more damage from enemies but makes your earth spells inflict earth elevuln and defloss

Description- A Fan that exemplifies what it means to be Patient. Take your time, study, persevere, and when the moment is right, strike at your opponent with absolute force.
Info: Figured to make this all about sacrifices and pay offs, making you sacrifice a bit of time for a bigger pay off in the end.

Cancer's Protective Katar
MC Water Melee Katar. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Cancer Katar made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Melee
Element: Water

Has no true special
Instead of a true special it makes the player take -10% less damage from enemies
Click on the weapon to swap between two modes: Regular damage mode and Ele shield mode, sacrifices 50% damage to give the player an eleshield

Flavor effect-
Weapon deals -15% but makes you take -15% damage from enemies

Description- A Fan that exemplifies what it means to be Protective. Look out for yourself, protect yourself from the harms of the world, let only few in.
Info: What if it just inflicted cancer on the opponent instead?

Sagittarius' Curious Bow
MC Fire Ranged Bow. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Saggitarius Bow made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 48 Million Gold

Type: Ranged (100 proc)
Element: Fire

Has no true special
Instead of a true special it gives the player +bth
Click on the weapon to swap between 3 modes: Regular damage mode, an Auto-hit mode, an "all out" mode where it sacrifices 20% melee to deal more damage and make your attack 4 hits instead of 2

Flavor effect-
Weapon gives the player -MRM but let's them break out of stuns at the cost of 100% melee in SP

Description- A Fan that exemplifies what it means to be Curious. Explore, navigate, never let anyone stop you in your pursuit of knowledge and your goals.
Info: This is my symbol so I'm biased, the auto hit is there due to the fact Sagittarius are said to not be afraid to explore outer reaching unexplored areas and this translated to me as an auto-hit mode, while all out mode is all about it being passionate and intense. This all combines for the fact Sagittarius are described to be adaptable

Leo's Royal Tome
MC Fire Tome. MC Pays for Compression
Appearance- Leo Tome made by Heartie
Location- LTS
Cost: 72 Mil gold

Type: Magic (100 proc) (Tome)
Element: Fire

If spells are disabled, does a wand attack
If attack button is pressed a UI appears

1. Center of attention
- Toggle, if used the spells of the tome will be buffed but the player will spend 20% melee in MP per turn and be inflicted with a permanent defloss and omni elemental vulnerability as long as the weapon is equipped

2. Dramatic Showing
Conjures 3 Lions that attack the opponent
- Efficient fire spell
- If buffed, will deal more damage

3. Romantic Ravage
Conjures fire stars that fall onto the opponent
- Overcharged Fire Spell
- If buffed will give the player the status [Empassioned, +bth]

4. Vivacious Courage
Conjure 4 roaring lions
- Overcharged QC fire spell that gifts the player Elemental empower
- If buffed will also heal the player

5. Basking in the spotlight
-Regenerates 395 MP
Status Pop up: You bask in the spotlight, content with it's gaze

Description: A Tome that exemplifies what it means to be Royalty. You are the center of attention, you deserve all the gazes of the world, all eyes must always be on you.
Info: Fire tome that I hope can compete with Book of Burns

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 1/6/2025 18:38:58 >
Post #: 67
3/27/2024 11:05:02   

Winter Wonderland Prime Peak Bow
MC Light, Ice and Energy Ranged Bow. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Halcyon Bow of Blessings from AQW
Location- LTS
Cost: 121 Million Gold**

Type: Ranged (100 proc)
Element: Light*

Makes the player take more damage to pay for the compression
Has no true special
Sacrifices it's special bonus to gain a blind boosted by giving up the no-proc bonus that can only happen once per turn (Think Caissa)
Click on the string to swap elements (Light then Ice then Energy)
Click on the the bow to swap between regular damage mode and Blind mode which sacrifices -50% damage for blind

Description- A Bow that perfects the balance of the Winter Elemental culture, a prime weapon gifted to you for your immeasurable help to the Umazen.
Info: I figured to why not create a bow that covers multiple elements for FDBR, since we don't have a free Ice and light compression nor an Energy and light compression bow at all, I figured to kill 4 birds with one stone. **Part of the power of the item is payed with increased gold costs

Forest Royalty Bow
MC Earth and Wind Ranged Bow. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Forest Rouge Bow from AQW
Location- LTS
Cost: 72 Million Gold**

Type: Ranged (100 proc)
Element: Earth*

Has no true special
Sacrifices it's special bonus to gain a Bleed boosted by giving up the no-proc bonus that can only happen once per turn (Think Caissa)
Click on the string to swap elements (Earth then Wind)
Click on the the bow to swap between regular damage mode and Bleed mode which sacrifices -50% damage and 15% melee in SP for bleed

Description- A Bow built for royalty in nature, lost to time and to the elements, which begs the question, if this is what is left of the rulers of this forest, what has happened to them and this forest? It's carving seems to say "Let those that bring ruin to nature run their blood through birch trees".
Info: Having a bow with an important elemental compression be tokens? (Earth and Wind) that doesn't seem fair, so I made this to intentionally power creep that token costing bow. Aside from that though, we also don't have a bleed bow for earth and wind so I figured to once again kill 3 birds with one stone. **Part of the power of the item is payed with increased gold costs

NorthLand's Eagle Bow
MC Ice Ranged Bow. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- IceStorm Archer's Bow from AQW
Location- LTS
Cost: 72 Million Gold**

Type: Ranged (100 proc)
Element: Ice

Has no true special
Has regular no special bonus
Click on the the bow to swap modes, Regular Damage mode and Auto-hit mode

Description- A Bow that comes from the frozen Northern lands, it's reach is far and it's arrows inescapable, this bow was mysteriously left atop the abandoned guardian tower.
Info: I was deciding whether to give this bow an auto hit mode or a bleed mode, since 3 modes on a weapon is said to be too much I figured to step away from that design philosophy of mine here. **Part of the power of the item is payed with increased gold costs

LightBringer's Bow
MC Light Ranged Bow. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Lightweaver's Bow from AQW
Location- LTS
Cost: 72 Million Gold**

Type: Ranged (100 proc)
Element: Light

Has no true special
Instead of regular no special bonus, it swaps it out in favor of a -5 generic potency status
Click on the bow to use the click skill which does 2 hits and costs 100% melee in SP and does -50% to inflict a light defloss and a dazzled status on the opponent

Description- A Bow that comes from the Lightbringers, mysterious, dangerous. You still don't know how this bow ended up in your hands
Info: DAZZLE BOW. Saw this bow design and knew I had to use it. **Part of the power of the item is payed with increased gold costs

Edits: Clarified some things
Added a new bow suggestion
Removed the Umazen stuff, to make it easier to implement

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 3/30/2024 10:40:53 >
Post #: 68
4/5/2024 9:33:14   

Ancient Royal Mage

Royal Mage Robes
MC Spellcaster lean Ice and Light armor. MC pays for compression
Appearance- AQW's Royal Swordhaven with Royal Mage cape and tome
Cost: 121 Mil Gold**

Animation- For spellcasting use animation of legion marauder's skill


Elemental Resists- 40/40 on Ice and Light

You gain an Spellcaster lean
You gain 2 skills

1. Ancient Swordhaven Knowledge
- Spell that sacrifices SP and the player's turn to give the player +INT (weaker Arcane amplification)

2. Swordhaven's Prime
- Spell that seeks between Ice and Light (Standard is Ice)

Description- Long lost robes recovered from the long lost West. It's forlorn status hasn't dulled it's beauty and magic in the slightest.
Info- Figured to make compression items for spellcaster mages. **Gold cost pays for some of the armor's power

Royal Mage Staff
MC Ice or Light Magic staff. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- AQW's Royal Mage staff
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Comes in Ice or Light flavors

Has no true special
Has a toggle: Makes spells have +20 bth lean and pays 40% SP to give ice or light spells +20% damage

Description-Long lost staff recovered from the long lost West. It's forlorn status hasn't dulled it's beauty and magic in the slightest.
Info: Was hoping to make this compression but it would be too much in one weapon.

Royal Mage's Floating tome
MC Ice and Light shield. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- AQW's Royal Mage floating tomes
Cost: Gold

Toggle to either Ice or Light

Description- Long lost spellbook recovered from the long lost West. It's forlorn status hasn't dulled it's beauty and magic in the slightest.
Info- Figured to make this one simple and accessible to all the builds as we don't have an ice and light compression shield.

Royal Mage's Notes
MC Ice and Light Misc. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- AQW's Royal Mage's Spellbook
Cost: Gold

Toggle to defend against either Ice or Light attacks
Gives +50 INT
Makes spells and spell type attacks deal +20% damage

Description- Long lost Notes recovered from the long lost West. It's forlorn status hasn't dulled it's knowledge and magic in the slightest.
Info- Kept this one simple but effective for spellcasters.
Post #: 69
8/21/2024 15:07:18   

DracoGrenwog Set
Info: Originally meant for FO Ranger + Warrior hybrids but I thought beyond that and figured it'd be more efficient as armors to just be separate armors for both FO Rangers and FO Warriors

DracoGrenwog Garb
MC FO Water with Light Seconday armor. MC is spent on compression
Appearance- DracoGrenwog with DracoGrenwog Helm Alongside DracoGrenwog Side Blades for Slayer Mode, Resting DracoGrenwog Spear for Hunter Mode
Cost: Gold

Elements- 39 Water and 42 Light

Animation- 3 hits

You gain an FO lean
You gain 3 skills

Flavor Effect-
Sacrifices -3 MRM to gain +105 Initiative

Hybrid's Change - Once per battle, let's you swap between Slayer Mode (Warrior focus) and Hunter Mode (Ranger Focus), default is Slayer Mode
Grenwog's Rage (Slayer Mode) - Changes attack to 4 hits, sacrifices a small amount of SP to gain an increase in non special damage for Slayer Mode. This changes to
Dragon's Patience in Hunter Mode - Each time a weapon doesn't activate it's special proc, the proceeding special proc hit will be boosted (Weapon skills are boosted as well)
Dragon's Essence (Slayer Mode) - Locks element to water, sacrifices SP to gain a heal on hits connected. This changes to
Grenwog's Essence in Hunter mode - Locks element to water, Specials are also locked to water, Reduces BTH by -10 and sacrifices SP to deal increased damage

Description- With Beasts of Lore further evolving, there have been rumors of fusion of monsters going around, and if this anything to go by it may no longer stay as a rumor now. Destroy your enemies with the might of the Dragon and the sheer rage of the Grenwog!
Info- Figured to give Warriors a solid FO Water for the meantime, alongside trying to stay within the theme of the build and the armor

Grenwog Dracoclaw
MC Melee Water Sword/Spear. MC for compression
Appearance- Grenwog Dracosword from AQW for Melee, Grenwog Dracospear from AQW for Ranged
Cost: Gold

Type: Melee/Ranged Respectively
Element: Water

Has no true special*
Weapon has two modes: First mode is a 0-Proc, grants a boost of damage as a silent proc (Think Caissa). Second mode makes the weapon a 20-Proc that makes the player take more damage but let's them deal more damage in return
Click on the handle to swap between Melee and Ranged
Click on the blade to change modes

Description- Strike with the consistency and courage of a dragon or batter your opponents with the rage and randomness of the Grenwog!
Info: I've never seen a weapon like this before so I figured to go with it since it seems like a good and versatile idea

Dracogrenwog Jr.
MC Water Pet. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Dracogrenwog guard from AQW
Cost: Gold


Has 2 modes
Dragon Mode: Has +10 bth, deals 4 hits, increases damage the longer the pet is in this mode (caps at 10 turns), sacrifices a bit of SP like Spotter Drake for this effect
Grenwog Mode: Has -15 bth, deals 3 hits, has a chance to randomly increase damage (Fury strike), Sacrifices SP like Spotter Drake for boosted damage

Description- This freak of a hybrid is dangerous, luckily it's on your side, make it strike with either the essence of it's draconic half or pulverize your enemies with it's grenwog half!
Info- Figured a nice multi hit and stacking pet would work great

Draco Grenwog Visor
MC Water Misc. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Dracogrenwog slayer helm
Cost: Gold

Has two modes
Dragon Mode: Makes you take x0.5 from water attacks and boosts your attacks the longer the fight goes on (Caps at 10 turns)
Grenwog Mode: Makes you deal +30% more with your water attacks and decreases bth by -10

Description- Make this visor give you the vision of a dragon or the blinding rage of a grenwog!
Info- I think it's a pretty dope misc all things considered?

Edit: Put both armours into one instead
Made some changes to the pet and misc
Put both weapons into one instead

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 8/23/2024 7:00:07 >
Post #: 70
8/22/2024 8:55:03   

Fairytale Set
Info: A Wind and Light compression spellcaster armor focused on random effects of Pixie dust
FSB: Increases power of statuses inflicted

Fairytale Royalty
MC Spellcaster Wind and Light armor. MC is spent on Generic potency
Appearance- Fantasia Fairy from AQW with Cloud Dreamer wings
Cost: Gold

Elements- 40/40 Wind and Light

Animation- 2 hits

You gain a Spellcaster lean
You gain 2 skills
MC is spent on giving the player generic potency

Power of Pixies - Spends an absurd amount of SP to randomly inflict one of these statuses on spells (Dazzle, Daze, Sleep, Blind)
Fairytale End - Regular costing Spell that seeks between Wind or Light (Wind is default) 6 hits of straight pixies flying towards the enemy

Description- The power of pixies and magic is by your side! Transform and obliterate your enemies bringing them to a fairytale end!
Info- Very nice Wind and Light compression armor for mages, alongside bringing light to randomized effects

Fairytale's edge
MC Magic Wind and Light Spear. MC for elemental compression
Appearance- Fairytail Queen's Scythe from AQW
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Wind**

Has no true special
Instead of the usual no proc bonus, it gains a silent proc that randomly inflicts one of these statuses (Dazzle, Daze, Sleep, Blind)
Sacrifices 50% spell damage to randomly inflict one of these statuses (Dazzle, Daze, Sleep, Blind)
Click the handle to switch between wind and light, wind spells are boosted in wind mode and light spells are boosted in light mode

Description- The secret edge of the fairytales, break it hard to them and swat their fairytale story down!
Info: Honestly just wanted a compression spellbooster

Magical Gecko Duo
MC Earth Pet. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Magical Gecko Duo from AQW
Cost: Gold


Has 2 modes
Damage mode - Sacrifices MP to boost damage, has -15bth (Do those eyes look like it knows how to properly hit something?), 4 hits
Eater Mode - Randomly eats one of the random effects inflicted on the enemy for increased damage, has -15bth, 5 hits

Description- These cute little guys pack quite the punch, these geckos are natural creatures of burden used by pixies
Info- The eater mode was the one I'm most iffy with for this pet not gonna lie, was originally gonna do an MP version of the wishweaver pet

Fairy Wand
MC Wind** Misc. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Night Nymph Wand from AQW
Cost: Gold

MC is used to compress a wand weapon
+50 INT and CHA +40 LUK
Gives a small amount of generic potency

Description- A larger version of the wands fairies use, wielding it will give you a better chance of inflicting fairy dust towards your opponent
Info- Based this off of Sunburst Amulet with the amount of things an item can do

Fairy's Forest Wand
MC Magic Wind and Light Wand. MC for elemental compression
Appearance- Night Nymph Wand for Wind and Cosmo Fairy wand for Light
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Wind**

Has a true special
Gives the player generic potency but makes them take more damage
Sacrifices SP to randomly inflict one of these statuses (Dazzle, Daze, Sleep, Blind)
Click the handle to switch between wind and light, in wind mode wind spells will make the player sacrifice SP to inflict one of the above statuses, same with light mode for light spells

Description- This wand will help you live out your dreams of a fairytale and destroy all the obstacles that keep you away from that dream

Edit: Clarified some stuff

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 8/22/2024 15:26:37 >
Post #: 71
8/22/2024 15:24:51   

Spellbound Ascendant
Info: A Water and Energy compression set for Spellcasters focusing on burns and void damage
FSB: Burns inflicted will have increased power

Spellbound Ascendant
MC Spellcaster Water and Energy armor. MC is spent on Burn potency
Appearance- AQW Archmage with Arcane floating sigil as a cape
Cost: Gold

Elements- 40/40 Water and Energy

Animation- 2 hits

You gain a Spellcaster lean
You gain 2 skills
MC is spent on giving the player burn potency

Spellbound Ascension - 4 hit efficient spell that seeks between water and energy, if the enemy has an absurd amount of burn then the spell eat the burn and will become a true void spell (Animation is firing off blue lightning mixed with the Arcane sigil appearing beneath the player's feet)
Arcane Incantation - Regular costing Spell that seeks between Water and Energy, sacrifices damage but inflicts Water and/or Energy burn (If both elemental resistances of the monster are equal, then it will work like Cysero's Phone booth) 6 hits

Description- Let the flow of Mana guide you, and strike with the suddenness of magic, these garbs shall ascend you to a power of magic you have rarely seen.
Info- God that description sucks, but anyhoo, I figured that AQW really made a good design for their Archmage to use it here in AQ alongside providing more elemental coverage for spellcaster mages

MC Magic Water and Energy Staff. MC for elemental compression
Appearance- ArchMage's Staff from AQW
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Water**

Has no true special
Instead of the usual no proc bonus, it gains a silent proc that randomly inflicts a void burn (Like Eternal Champion Weapon)
Sacrifices Weapon damage to boost either Water or Energy spell damage (Swap elements by clicking the handle)
Clicking the orb at the top will make the player sacrifice SP to inflict a Water or Energy burn for spells of their respective elements (Burn element is dependent on what element the staff is on)

Description- Magical Guidance manifested, use this divine staff to burn your enemies with divine mana
Info: Another compression item for spellcasters cause why not? Also burn focus because that'd be a niche that isn't covered yet.

Spellbound Guiding Sigil
MC Water** Misc. MC Pays for burn potency
Appearance- Arcane Floating sigil from AQW
Cost: Gold

MC is used to give burn potency
+50 INT and LUK
Sacrifices SP to inflict enemies with [Burn] Weakness

Description- A guiding sigil that can lead you across leylines and mana dynamics
Info- Based this off of Arcane Rift Key on how many things an item can do and how strong it can be

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 8/23/2024 12:06:48 >
Post #: 72
12/22/2024 9:31:33   

I wanted to make these suggestions to primarily help Spellcaster mages have more basic but solid options that can help fill gaps, that is my primary objective. So with that said, a suggestion I would also like to give is:
PLEASE MAKE THE "Northern River Style: Relentless Erosion & Praetorian Onslaught: Burning River's March" HAVE MP+INT VERSIONS PLEASE

Illuminate Ultra: Rhywork
MC Light Spell. MC used for compression
Appearance- Same
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Light

Animation - Same (Remains 6 hits)

Once clicked, a menu will pop up with two options:

Ultra Dazzling - Sacrifices 50% damage and inflicts self elevuln to all elements to inflict Dazzle on the opponent
Illuminate Ultra - Inflicts Self Elevuln to boost damage

Description- Same
Info: The description said this would be the spell to master before becoming an Archmage and I loved that superstition, so I wanted to match that superstition with power fitting it. I also wanted to give mages basic but solid options since they need that before splintering off to much more niche and whacky options.

Hot and Cold: Rhywork
MC Fire and Ice Spell. MC used for compression
Appearance- Two dragons are summoned. The one on the right is colored like a fire dragon and the one on the left is colored like an ice dragon
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Fire**

Animation - The two dragons breath their elemental breath, if it's fire they breath fire and blue fire and if it's ice they breath orange ice and blue ice onto the opponent (5 hits)

If the opponent has equal fire and ice resistance, it will deal both elements once you choose an option like Winter Whisper
Once clicked, a menu will pop up with two options:

Burning Presence - Sacrifices half the spell's damage to inflict burn on the opponent, burn will be fire or ice depending on which the enemy is weaker to
Pure Power - Inflicts Self Burn to boost damage

Description- Whether it's hot or it's cold, a yes or a no, whether you're in or out. These two dragons will always love what they do: Being Dragons
Info: Revamped this old spell idea of mine, made it more modern and to help what spellcasting mages need these days, compression and basic but good spell options.

Seaweed Skeletons
MC Water and Darkness Spell. MC used for compression
Appearance- A bunch of skeletons pop out of a river like portal
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Water**

Animation - A circular river-like portal spawns below the enemy and 3 skeletons start whipping the opponent with seaweed and a skeletal arm that's wrapped in seaweed (3 hits)

Seeks between Water and Darkness, if both resistances are equal then it deals both elements like Winter Whisper
Comes in 2 flavors in the shop:
Normal Version: Costs regular MP costs
Overcharged Version: Costs extra HP to boost damage by +50%

Description- Summon a portal to a river of haunted skeletons! Please don't mind the fact they were having a swell time swimming and having a vacation.
Info: Another compression option that would be nice for mages, I took the basis of Goggplant spell and gave it an extra flavor, I think it's a good basic option for mages.

The Golden Wind
MC Light and Wind Spell. MC used for compression
Appearance- Player summons a swarm of harpies to speed blitz the opponent
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Wind**

Animation - Several Harpies fly at speeds of Mach Whatever to hit the opponent (Same speeds as the bats of Nocturnal Night Raiders) (5 hits)

Seeks between Light and Wind, if both resistances are equal then it deals both elements once you choose an option like Winter Whisper
Opens a menu when used:

Golden Piercer - Sacrifices half the spell's damage to inflict bleed
Winding Chase - Normal Spell damage

Description- Call upon a flock of harpies to blitz your opponent like there is absolutely no tomorrow.
Info: I'm running out of stuff to say, wow. Made this to help compress more spells, yeah I legit believe compression stuff should be a priority.

Catatonic State Smash
MC Earth and Darkness Spell. MC used for compression
Appearance- Player summons a coffin where a buff skeleton emerges and starts wailing on the opponent
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Earth**

Animation - Player summons a large coffin where a buff skeleton bursts out of it then starts doing clotheslining the opponent ending in an elbow drop "BY THE ELEMENTAL LORDES BY THE'GALIN AS LORITHIA AS MY WITNESS THAT MONSTER IS BROKEN IN HALF" pops up at the top (5 hits)

Seeks between Earth and Darkness, if both resistances are equal then it deals both elements once you choose an option like Winter Whisper
Opens a menu when used:

UNDEAD CHOKEHOLD - Sacrifices half the spell's damage and self inflicts a blind to inflict choke on the opponent
CATATONIC SMASH - Overcharged Spell Damage, inflicts self elevuln and blind to gain a boost in damage by 50%

Description- Summon an absolute monster of an undead skeleton and watch her beat your opponent to death! Okay wait maybe she's going too far- OH GODS STOP THAT SKELETON NOW SHE'S BREAKING THEM IN HALF COVER YOUR EYES.
Info: Funny reference to both BNHA and Wrestling, one of my favorite interests.

Abandoned Wizard Experiment
MC Neutral Spell. MC used for compression
Appearance- The player does, uh, things
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Neutral**

Animation - For the harm spell: The player summons a purple portal that breaks and results in firing off purple lightning blasts that result in a purple fire (8 hits)
For the Omni Elemental spell: The player summons a colorful gradient portal that breaks and results rainbow twinkles that result in a multi colored explosion (8 hits)

Harm spell receives the always useful penalty
Omni elemental spell receives the omni elemental boost
Opens a menu when used:

Otherworldly Harm - Costs extra HP and inflicts self elevuln to boost damage by 50%
Astral Assault - Costs extra HP and inflicts self elevuln to boost damage by 50%

Description- An abandoned experiment by an ambitious wizard looking to become an Archmage by any means necessary, it seems they disappeared before completing it. Perhaps you can use this as a stepping stone to your own academic journey.
Info: Wanted to make solid options for these niches that barely have any spells (And the omni elemental spell is guardian locked, because of course it is), and I also wanted it to be compressed to make room for other spells a spellcaster would want for options. Hopefully this isn't too OP or needs to be separated because I really want these to be together in one spell.

Changed boost from 100% to 50%
Clarified the boost for Abandoned Wizard Experiment
Changed Self inflict elevuln to self inflict burn in Hot and Cold and clarified some stuff on it
Clarified some stuff

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 12/22/2024 13:28:46 >
Post #: 73
12/22/2024 13:08:50   

Sapphire Royalty Set
Info: A Light Spellcaster Mage set focused on Prismatic burns
FSB: Prismatic Burns inflicted will have increased power

Sapphire Fae Royalty
MC Spellcaster Light armor. MC is spent on Burn potency
Appearance- Faerie Guardian from AQW, Both gender suits are separate so any gender can wear any armor with these wings as a removable cape
Cost: Gold

Elements- 39 Light

Animation- 2 hits

You gain a Spellcaster lean
You gain 1 Toggle
You gain 1 Skill
MC is spent on giving the player burn potency

Royal Fae Presence - Spends SP to inflict a prismatic burn on any spells
Royal Fae's Fallen - Spell that spends HP to inflict prismatic burn

Description- Who- Who mailed you these? These royal garments attached with a letter from a "Secret Fae Admirer" for your "Special day with them"?? In any case these are some formidable spellcasting garbs. Inflicting spells with prismatic burns.
Info- Wanted to make a pretty solid but still pretty quirky set for spellcaster mages, while still remaining solid without it's gimmick. Hope I succeed.

Royal Faerie Staff
MC Magic Light Staff. MC for elemental compression
Appearance- Faerie Guardian's Staff from AQW
Cost: Gold

Type: Magic
Element: Light

Has no true special
Instead of the usual no proc bonus, it gains a silent proc that randomly inflicts a Prismatic burn when casting spells (Like Eternal Champion Weapon)
Sacrifices Weapon damage to inflict prismatic burn on the opponent when using a light spell
Clicking the orb at the top will perform a spell that's 4 hits and sacrifices half it's spell damage to inflict prismatic burn on the opponent

Description- A staff too??? How was this mailed to you??? Well, putting that aside for now, this is a real good staff for dishing out prismatic burns with your light aligned spells. Still, how was this mailed to you.
Info: It was by this point I decided to go full hog on the Prismatic burn table and forgo the light burn route.

Royal Faerie Bow
MC Ranged Light Bow. MC for elemental compression
Appearance- Faerie Guardian Bow from AQW
Cost: Gold

Type: Ranged
Element: Light

Has no true special
Instead of the usual no proc bonus, it gains a prismatic burn potency
Has two toggles one regular damage mode and one sacrifices MP to inflict prismatic burn on hit

Flavor Effect:
Sacrifices 3 MRM to gain one skill that is counted as a SPell: 4 hits of arrows fired in the sky and sacrifices damage to inflict prismatic burn

Description- A Bow too??? How was this mailed to you??? Well, putting that aside for now, this is a real good bow for dishing out prismatic burns at the cost of your Mana. Still, how was this mailed to you.
Info: Welp, figured to cook a quirky bow.
Post #: 74
1/1/2025 8:07:18   

Broomstrider Package Rhywork #1
Full MC bonus: Gains more generic potency
Info: With the new stat revamp, I figured to keep going with the whole "Cluttered aspect" of the set, since it feels like this set is based off of students and student mages and one thing I know about being a student, you're a cluttered generalist still trying to find what you wanna do so you wanna do all of it (To varying effects) alongside the fact you aren't as efficient as masters yet. The package also now comes with a Non-CC Broomstrider Armor
Goal: To make this set worth the 100 dollar price tag of the set

MC Spellcaster Wind armor



Elemental Resists- Same

Flavor effects:
- Sacrifices 20% weapon damage to gain +INT depending on how many hits the spells in this armor land. (+50 INT) (So only Blustery Barrage and Mana Siphon will work with this mechanic)
- Sacrifices 9 MRM to gain generic potency

You gain a Spellcaster lean
You gain 2 Spells

Spells- Remain the same

Info- I figured to keep the overcharged aspect of the whole set, since in my perspective, student mages can seem to overdo it on spells, sometimes drain too much energy on a spell, etc.

Skyward Focus
MC Wind Magic Wand*. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Wand held by the player when in the broomstrider armor
Location- The package

Type: Magic respectively
Element: Wind

Animation - 4 hits

Flavor effect:
- Sacrifices Weapon damage to give a toggle
- When used with the Broomstrider Armor, the spells in the wand gain EleComp

Has no true special
When you press the weapon, a menu will pop up:
Arcane Focus - Toggles between making wind spells inflict Wind elevuln, Wind Ele empower or Wind Poison
Skyward Ascent - Overcharged wind spell, sacrifices spell damage to inflict wind elevuln to the enemy and wind ele empower to the player (Split it so it wouldn't be too strong)
Sage's Curse - Normal wind spell, sacrifices spell damage to inflict wind poison
Focus Gale - Efficient wind spell, eats enemy poison to inflict player wind ele empower

Description- This wand doubles as a focus for new upcoming wizards such as yourself! Containing intermediate spells and powers to help your magical and academic journey!
Info: I wanted to keep the randomness and overall inefficiency aspect of the whole set and theme as I said, so hopefully this is still good despite the randomness.

Sage Ward
MC Wind shield. MC Pays for compression
Appearance- Sweater in the look of the clothes worn by the player in broomstrider
Location- The Package

Flavor Effect-
- Sacrifice -6 MRM to give the player a skill that costs SP and the player's turn alongside 75% of the damage to be dealt to inflict a status bomb of Wind Elevuln and Wind Poison
- When used with the Broomstrider Armor, the statuses gain further power

Gain Generic Potency

Description- This, Ward? (It's just your sweater?) will help you deal hexes to your enemies when you use it's magics on them! (You just threw your stinky sweater on to them though?)
Info- Yeah, that overall cluttered feel again. I hope it's good though

Spell: Stay the same, but gains a new option that inflicts a wind Poison
Info- Figured to let this one slide since this one was my overall basis of the set.

Info: Overall, despite the cluttered-ness of the set, I hope to have made this worth the 100 dollar price tag

< Message edited by JhyShy -- 1/1/2025 8:16:57 >
Post #: 75
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