Grace Xisthrith
Mermazon Champion: This armor is (allegedly) getting reworked in the near future. The other items might be as well, but I think it's mostly the armor (no source for that). With that being said, I think the pet is good for what it does, the weapons are good for what they do, and the shield is great for what it does, the misc is great for boosting its healing (should heal res affect siphon poisons? Perhaps that could be added, and then the misc would work even better with the set. I'm concerned about adding poison damage to a misc, since we already have it on armors it could stack like nuts. It's also our only Heal Res misc with END at the moment, which makes it the "best"). The set has themes of healing, through poison and regen, and defensive play, through status cleanses, defboost and eleshield (just on the pet), and water freeze (just on the armor). I would love for this FD armor to be competitive with Bard and Neko, so I hope to propose a niche for it that bard and neko don't fill. My goal is to have it play into extreme defensive play (FD lean on top of eleshield from pet on top of new effects), siphon poison, and resource efficiency. For some base information about the armor, it has 1.56x elecomp, and weapon based skills in it would cost 111 SP. Skill 1: The Stun: Water locked weapon based skill. Follows weapon type. Pays ~45% damage to inflict 1 Turn of Drowning (Water Freeze), Mainstat/LUK vs END/LUK. Rationale: This serves as a resource efficient way to stun your foe. Players will not be using this as a damage ability in most situations, but it serves as a cheap stun for stun phase bosses (also the only non seasonal build universal 100% stun option), and can setup other armors. Neko and Bard of War have no generic way to stun foes, and most pet and guest stuns (except Mogdin my beloved and co) are unreliable. Skill 2: The Cleanse: Spend your player turn to cleanse a negative status and apply a 3 turn ~12% (50/1.4/3) eleshield. If you have no negative status, instead apply a 4 turn power .1065 (50/100/4*.85) regen. This skill has a 3 turn cooldown. (If staff are interested in giving cooldowns valuation, I recommend 5% melee a turn, so boost the power of the eleshield to 65% melee). Rationale: Cleansing is a powerful mechanic, and the current iteration of the cleanse locks you to the armor anyways, so why not make it super cheap, and not quickcast? This would have some benefits and some detriments compared to the current form of the skill, and I think that's fine. It also applies an eleshield to the player, which is not generally synergetic with FD, because FD already takes low damage, but would cement this armor as the supreme water defensive armor. The reason this skill has a cooldown is firstly, I think cleanses are really strong and need some weaknesses, and secondly, I want the staff to give cooldowns a valuation, since it would be a fun new tradeoff to have. Skill 3: The Poison: Toggle to pay 25% outgoing weapon damage, 25% melee in HP, and 25% melee in SP. When you attack (also applies to spells, -12.5% damage, but you do have to attack), your pets and guests then inflict a power 3.75 (75 / .5 / 10 / 2 / 2) Siphon poison for 2 turns (worth 37.5% melee) at a 50% save, CHA/LUK vs END/LUK. This is split 60 / 40 guests and pets. Valuations might requires a / .85 for hit accuracy, so they might be just a tiny bit stronger, or they could be auto attempt (your aquatic aura spreads to your companions and washes over your foe). Rationale: This would give FD Beastmasters an ability to inflict more siphon poison (everyone loves siphon poison ) than they could in Neko or Bard of War, since notably, Neko only does burn and bleed, and Bard of War doesn't have any built in status infliction. Passives: Pay 3 MRM: If your foe is poisoned, they deal 7.14% less damage. Attacks deal 5% less damage: If you have a regen effect, the monster deals 7.14% less damage. Rationale: This would again cement this armor as the uber defensive water FD armor. Overall, I think this would make this FD armor suitably different from Neko and Bard of War (actually fully defensive, unique status support in stuns and poison) to see player use, and it would provide new mechanics in an accessible shop that new players can access and use easily. Another thing they could do is drop the fire resistance to 49 (it wouldn't affect elecomp), and make it a useable, but not OP compression armor (other resistances would have to go up to "pay" for it), but that's more an add on idea I had at the end. I'd love to hear people's thoughts. Most of the math is close to right, if not totally right. Missing some / .85 s in one or two places but I can't be bothered.