A little early to ask, but can we have it so these items return every year (or a confirmation if this is already going to be the policy)? There are at least other New Years and July 4th items (Except the spell, which is really just a clone of last year's) that are there so I do not believe this to be an unreasonable request/confirmation. Also since there's a lot of items in the shop, it's a little difficult to navigate. Perhaps as another item for the QoL update next year we ought to have an improved shop UI to help navigate it better. Or perhaps we ought to have a special shop just for July 4th / New Years. Either way there's room for improvement there. And one last suggestion as a design space thing, as I suggested before I actually think all Z-token items by default should just be scaling items. Not only to cut the number of items down but to also to make it them that much more worth purchasing. While there is the argument that buying packages isn't for the item, people will still make a choice between buying packages and buying in-game token items. And as it stands currently more people would prefer buying pavkages because you get items that scale, the item AND the tokens. Versus just the token item where you spend tokens to get an item that may or my not even scale. An alternative suggestion is that you could leverage the existing upgrade system so that by default only the lowest level item of the series appears and you can just upgrade to the highest level using that. And that would pair well with my other suggestion to give us the account item upgrader/downgrader in-game.
< Message edited by PD -- 12/30/2021 19:34:50 >