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RE: Weapons [2022] - Read the first post!

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7/10/2023 14:06:55   
And Pun-isher


Requested info sub: Twisted Magesoul (Rare GGB), via Ianthe:



MC Wind Magic sword.

Attacks with it gain +(12.5/0.75)% damage and a +5 BTH lean. This costs [10% of a standard spell] in MP per turn.

Special is two hits, Magic Wind.

MC: +5% damage

< Message edited by Lorekeeper -- 7/10/2023 14:10:51 >
Post #: 151
7/12/2023 4:19:20   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Adjustment made to the Prismheart Tome's EleShield spell. It now charges based on player level rather than item's cost level.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 152
7/13/2023 22:52:39   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Galeforce Bloodzerker/Anemomancer Bloodmage Blades

Wind clones of the existing variants. MC and 15% Melee in HP cost makes the weapon do +20% damage in Melee mode, +25% in Magic mode. Also gives +5% damage if in the matching armour type, with another +5% if in the matching armour type of the same element. Boost also affects spells of the weapon's element, but is halved potency of the Melee version (so normally gets +10% spell damage).

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

CostLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
HPCost	4	6	11	16	22	29	36	45	52

Base	4	5	7	9	11	12	13	15	16
Rand	6	10	15	18	20	24	28	29	32
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

Base	3	4	5	7	8	9	10	11	12
Rand	5	7	12	13	16	18	20	22	24
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

< Message edited by Kamui -- 7/13/2023 22:55:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 153
7/13/2023 22:52:55   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Great White Bite/Mako Finaxe/Saw Shark Scimitar

Melee/Ranged/Magic Water Sickle/Poleaxe/Sword (Flagged as Scythe/Axe,Polearm/Sword), all three have 0.3 base damage leans and -5 BtH leans (they're heavy), no specials. MC effect is that if the foe is Bleeding, they gain +8.5 BtH. Also has Z versions at Lv 31/85/143 costing 737/2409/5940 tokens, respectively.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	5	7	10	13	15	17	19	21	22
Rand	4	6	9	10	12	14	16	17	20
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

Base	4	5	8	9	11	13	14	16	17
Rand	3	5	6	9	10	10	12	12	14
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 154
7/22/2023 16:30:53   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Mighty/Mystic Retro Nightmare Mace

Melee/Magic Ice Mace, 1/3 damage lean, -5 BtH lean. MC compresses a skill that charges 25/50% Melee in SP for Melee/Magic versions, respectively. This is just a damaging bow-like skill that seeks between Ice/Harm damage. Also has Token versions at Lv 11/80/125/143 equivalent to Lv 45/90/135/150 for 408/2200/4620/5940 tokens. If you're not on a Guardian character or using a token version, the item is not MC'd (similar to the Golden Retro set) and you deal -5% damage with the weapon.

Level	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153

Base	11	13	14	16	17	18	20	21
Rand	10	12	14	15	17	19	19	22
BtH	6	8	9	11	13	15	17	19

Base	8	9	11	12	13	14	15	16
Rand	8	10	10	11	12	13	14	16
BtH	6	8	9	11	13	15	17	19

CostLv	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	152
SPMe	25	33	42	51	61	72	84	98
SPMa	50	66	83	102	122	144	168	196

x2MCP	902	4094	19364	92435	442039	2114754	10118016	48410333
x2MCS	451	2047	9682	46217	221019	1057377	5059008	24205166
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 155
7/28/2023 16:05:42   
 formerly In Media Res


New 20k package item: Voidforged Celestial Armaments

MC Harm weapon, Melee sword / Magic sword / Ranged glaive+polearm. No special, so *1.08 damage.

Deals 90% damage while dealing Harm damage. +5 BTH lean in Ranged mode.

Click on the weapon to pay [100% Melee] SP to Imbue your strikes with Chromatic Corruption:
- Your weapon attacks become a random element and deal *132/109 damage
- Inflict your foe with Chromatic Corruption, which is a Poison (random element, power: 0.5*(132/109)* [DAMAGE], permanent, heals your HP by damage dealt). (Inflict with MainStat/LUK, resist with END/LUK.)

Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153

Base	7	9	10	11	12	13
Rand	23	25	29	33	36	38
BtH	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	6	7	8	9	10	11
Rand	25	29	33	37	40	42
BtH	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	6	6	7	8	9	10
Rand	16	20	23	25	27	28
BtH	7	10	12	15	17	19

< Message edited by Ianthe -- 7/30/2023 3:01:21 >
AQ  Post #: 156
8/3/2023 21:48:10   
 formerly In Media Res


The Huntress, the Hunted reward: Gauntlet of The`Galin. Kam says:

Melee Fire Fist, 1/3 base lean, +5 accuracy lean. MC compresses a Harm damage weapon skill, charges 100% Melee in SP to deal 200% Melee damage. Since it's doing Harm damage, takes a -10% penalty, so is actually 180% damage.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	5	7	10	12	14	16	18	20	21
Rand	4	6	9	12	14	16	18	19	22
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

CostLv	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
SPCost	30	45	80	120	166	217	273	335	392

A-MCP	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333
A-MCS	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059008	24205166

Grasp of The`Galin

Melee Fire Fist, 1/3 base lean, +5 accuracy lean. MC compresses a Harm damage weapon skill, charges 100% Melee in SP to deal 200% Melee damage. Since it's doing Harm damage, takes a -10% penalty, so is actually 180% damage. Also drains 20% Melee in HP on first attempted strike each turn to deal +20% Melee in damage (so normal attack is 120% Melee, skill jumps to 200% Melee after the Harm penalty is paid).

Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153

Base	11	12	14	16	18	21	21
Rand	10	13	14	16	19	20	22
BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19

MPLvl	35	51	69	92	117	142	150
SPCost	80	112	152	209	279	358	385
HPCost	14	20	27	37	50	64	68

MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
AQ  Post #: 157
8/5/2023 15:44:20   
 formerly In Media Res


From The Last Ride: Insurmountable: Oath of Desire/Oathblade of Illyth. Kam says:

Melee Water Sword, the Illyth version is the scaling war reward deal. 0.4 base lean. MC effect on this is Heal element is +12.5% more potent on the player.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	4	6	9	11	13	14	16	18	19
Rand	6	8	11	14	16	20	22	23	26
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
AQ  Post #: 158
8/10/2023 14:57:19   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Granddad's Greatsword (GGB UR)

Melee Energy Sword, 1/3 base lean and neutral accuracy lean. MC and 15% Melee in HP cost cause the weapon to deal x3 LUKy Strike damage.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	5	7	10	12	14	16	18	20	21
Rand	4	6	9	12	14	16	18	19	22
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

CostLv	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
HP15	4	6	11	16	22	29	36	45	52
Lazgorath the World Ender (Z-Token Weapons Shop)
Ice clone of the Granddad's Greatsword with different art. Z-Token only.

< Message edited by Ward_Point -- 2/28/2024 10:58:38 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 159
8/10/2023 14:57:31   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Skystalker Bow

Ranged Energy Bow, neutral damage and accuracy leans. MC bonus is that for the first turn the bow is equipped, weapon attacks gain x6 LUKy Strike chance.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	4	5	7	9	11	12	13	15	16
Rand	6	10	15	18	20	24	28	29	32
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	2.16	3.29	5.23	7.36	9.64	12.01	14.17	15.42	16.5
SLS	2	2.99	4.97	6.95	8.93	10.91	12.89	14.87	16.65
SBtH	3.85	8.35	17.35	26.35	35.35	44.35	53.35	58.75	63.25

BowBR	115	145	205	265	325	385	445	505	559
BowStat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BowBTH	0	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	19
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 160
8/10/2023 14:57:43   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

The Butcherer

Magic Energy Axe, 1/3 base damage lean and neutral accuracy lean. MC effect is similar to the bow, boosting the LUKy Strike chance on the first turn you attack with the weapon by x4.75.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	4	5	7	9	11	12	13	15	16
Rand	3	5	8	9	10	12	14	14	16
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

< Message edited by Kamui -- 8/10/2023 15:24:47 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 161
8/19/2023 17:54:41   
 formerly In Media Res


From the updated Nemesis MC quest: Nemesis Destroyer/Impaler/Banisher. Kam says:

Melee/Ranged/Magic Ice Maces, 1/3 damage lean, -5 BtH lean. MC compresses a skill that charges 25/50% Melee in SP for Melee&Ranged/Magic versions, respectively. This is just a damaging bow-like skill that seeks between Ice/Harm damage. Also has Token versions at Lv 11/80/125/143 equivalent to Lv 45/90/135/150 for 408/2200/4620/5940 tokens.

Level	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153

Base	11	13	14	16	17	18	20	21
Rand	10	12	14	15	17	19	19	22
BtH	6	8	9	11	13	15	17	19

Base	8	9	11	12	13	14	15	16
Rand	8	10	10	11	12	13	14	16
BtH	6	8	9	11	13	15	17	19

CostLv	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	152
SPMe	25	33	42	51	61	72	84	98
SPMa	50	66	83	102	122	144	168	196

x2MCP	902	4094	19364	92435	442039	2114754	10118016	48410333
x2MCS	451	2047	9682	46217	221019	1057377	5059008	24205166
AQ  Post #: 162
8/24/2023 23:43:45   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Geographer's Hammer

Melee Earth Hammer, 0.1 base lean and a -5 BtH lean, no special. Pays MC and 20% weapon damage (25% Melee) to, after any weapon hit, attempt to inflict an infinite duration +1.9% DmgTkn Earth EleVuln. Math for this is 25% Melee, /2 for it activating per hit, x2 since 50% save, then /1.4 since it affects the player's whole field, x(85/80) due to the hit rate, and finally /10 since we assume 10 turn combats, so effectively 25/1.4x(85/80)/10 = 1.89732143, so just round it up to 1.90. As mentioned, this has a 50% save, inflicts with player STR/LUK vs mob END/LUK. It rolls after each individual hit, but is capped at 4 attempts per turn.

Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153

Base	14	16	19	22	25	28	29
Rand	4	5	4	4	5	6	6
BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19

MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 163
8/24/2023 23:43:58   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Scholar's Quillblade

Magic Water Sword, neutral damage and accuracy leans, no special. Toggles between a normal mode and a Mana Flow mode that, at end of turn when a weapon attack was performed, attempts a 2-turn (10 x Hits / Attempts)% Melee Water Poison on the foe that heals your MP = to 150% of damage dealt. This charges 20% Melee in SP per turn, and is only charged if a weapon attack was attempted, has a 50% save, and inflicts with INT/LUK vs mob's END/LUK.

Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153

Base	6	7	8	9	10	12	12
Rand	12	13	15	18	21	22	24
BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19

CostLv	35	51	69	92	117	142	150
SPCost	16	22	30	42	56	72	77

MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 164
8/24/2023 23:44:10   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Alchemist's Halberd

Ranged Energy Halberd (Axe/Polearm for tags), 1/3 base damage lean and -3 BtH lean, no special. Charges 15% Melee in HP cost and MC to give one of three bonuses, randomly chosen on each hit. The green/LLL effect is not able to activate if your LUK = 0.

Lime Luck 'lixir: Boosts LUKy Strike rate by x3.

Cobalt Clarity Concoction: Boosts BtH by +12.

Violet Violence Vapour: Boosts damage dealt by +20%.

Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153

Base	11	12	14	16	18	21	21
Rand	10	13	14	16	19	20	22
BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19

CostLv	35	51	69	92	117	142	150
HPCost	11	15	20	28	37	48	51

MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 165
9/8/2023 21:11:47   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Wingweaver's Wrath/Fury/Indignation

MC Wind Melee mace+blunt weapon / Ranged spear+polearm / Magic staff. +5 BTH lean on Ranged, -5 otherwise. 0 proc

You can click on it to cast a built-in skill. normally requires 100% or 125% Melee in SP for the Melee/Ranged and Magic versions, respectively, and deals a baseline of 200% Melee in damage. However, if you have a minimum of that same Melee value in Barrier on you, then it'll eat the Barrier to 0 out the SP cost, and it'll also eat up to 300% or 275% Melee more worth of Barrier (even if you paid SP) to add that much more damage to the skill (so the skill'll deal +150% damage for the Melee/Ranged version, +137.5% damage for the Magic version).

Set bonus (weapon used while you have at least two of armour/shield/misc equipped): Eats only 90% or 115% Melee worth of Barrier to 0 out the SP cost of the skill, and lowers SP cost otherwise to 90%/115% Melee, still only eats up to 300% or 275% Melee worth of Barrier to boost the damage.

Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153

Base	12	14	16	18	20	21
Rand	13	15	17	19	20	22
BtH	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	6	7	8	9	10	11
Rand	25	29	33	37	40	42
BtH	7	10	12	15	17	19

Base	7	8	9	10	11	12
Rand	14	16	19	21	23	24
BtH	7	10	12	15	17	19

CostLv	58	77	97	117	137	152
100SP	127	171	222	279	342	392
125SP	159	214	278	349	427	490
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 166
9/13/2023 14:58:17   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Porthole Slasher

Magic Wind Dagger, has a Water special, special deals x1.2 damage due to the element mismatch, and MC deals a further +1/6 damage on the special. Would normally deal x1.1 damage due to the elements, but it being solely on the special handwaves it to being a bigger boost.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	4	5	8	9	11	13	14	16	17
Rand	3	5	6	9	10	10	12	12	14
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	2.16	3.29	5.23	7.36	9.64	12.01	14.17	15.42	16.5
SLS	2	2.99	4.97	6.95	8.93	10.91	12.89	14.87	16.65
SBtH	3.85	8.35	17.35	26.35	35.35	44.35	53.35	58.75	63.25

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 167
10/5/2023 19:14:48   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Nickelclad Stormblade/Stormfall/Stormheart

Energy Sword/Glaive/Sword, neutral damage and accuracy leans. No special, but sacrifices the normal no-proc bonus and potentially some weapon damage to instead have one of two effects it toggles between. By default it sacrifices 10% Melee (so -10% Dmg for Melee/Ranged, -13.33...% Melee for Magic) to heal your HP and SP for 2.5% Melee each after each hit you attempt, max of 4 hits per turn. The no-proc bonus gives a 37.5% chance for Melee/Ranged and 20% chance for Magic that this gains a 30% Melee boost, quadrupling it to heal 10% Melee after each hit in that turn. If HP or SP is > 80%, then the healing for that value will be ignored and the other value gets doubled, with it defaulting to just healing SP if both are over 80%. Alternatively, the weapon can use the no-proc bonus (no damage is paid in this mode, just the no-proc bonus) to cause the foe to have +20% HealRes for the Melee/Ranged and +15% HealRes for Magic versions, this passively happens so long as you attempted an attack with the weapon. Also has Lv 31/85/143 Z versions = to the Lv 55/95/150 versions for 737/2409/5940 Z Tokens, respectively.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	4	5	7	9	11	12	13	15	16
Rand	6	10	15	18	20	24	28	29	32
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

Base	3	4	5	7	8	9	10	11	12
Rand	5	7	12	13	16	18	20	22	24
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 168
10/11/2023 15:21:07   
 formerly In Media Res


Small update to the Gold Ebil Scythe family:
- All now have 20 proc rate
- Special charges [12.5% of standard monster rewards] in gold for +40% damage.
AQ  Post #: 169
10/11/2023 17:15:29   
Dreiko Shadrack

Do they have new tiers?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 170
10/20/2023 13:54:21   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Pumpkin Caster Staff

Magic Fire Staff, MC compresses a 4-hit Fire spell that sacrifices 59.5% Melee worth of damage to attempt <Hits> turns worth of (25 x MobFireRes)% stun rate Fear on the foe. Also has Lv 31/85/125/143 Z Token versions, costing 737/2409/4620/5940 tokens each.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

CostLv	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
MPCost	50	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653

Base	3	4	5	7	8	9	10	11	12
Rand	5	7	12	13	16	18	20	22	24
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

A-MCP	70	95	356	2453	19364	155718	1255027	10118016	48410333
A-MCS	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059008	24205166
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 171
10/20/2023 13:54:38   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Blood Omen Soul Drinker

Water version of Soul Drinker, MC is +1/6 damage on the special, flavour effect is the special checks your HP and MP on firing, if either is below 80%, the special deals half damage and heals you based on damage done. HP healing takes priority over MP healing, healing is = to DamageDone/MobWaterRes for HP, with a *1.5 multiplier for MP healing.

Level	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PowLvl	44	57	73	95	120	145	153

Base	6	7	8	10	11	12	13
Rand	20	23	26	28	33	38	38
BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19

Base	5	5	6	7	8	9	10
Rand	14	17	19	22	25	28	28
BtH	6	7	9	12	15	18	19

Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
SBR	5.87	7.31	9.17	11.45	12.97	14.43	14.88
SLS	5.86	7.14	8.73	10.91	13.38	15.86	16.65
SBtH	19	24	31	40	50	53	54

MCPrice	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 172
10/27/2023 22:34:48   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Ashen Conqueror

Darkness Ranged Bow, neutral damage and accuracy leans, no special, 2-hit bow attack. MC compresses two toggles and a skill, only one toggle can be active at a time.

Asthenophage has the bow pay 25% weapon damage and 25% Melee in SP (so 50% Melee total) per turn to have each hit that lands attempt 2 turns of 12.5% Melee Darkness Drain Poison, healing your HP = to damage it deals. This inflicts with a 50% save, using player DEX/LUK vs mob END/LUK.

Traitor's Ashes charges 15% Melee in SP per turn to have each hit that lands attempt to inflict 15% Melee worth of SP-blocking Disease on the enemy. Yes, this blocks natural SP regen. This inflicts with a 50% save, using player DEX/LUK vs mob END/LUK.

Apsinthion is the skill, charging 100% Melee in SP to fire a bow attack that does 200% Melee damage at base. This skill has 2 hits, and charges a further 100% Melee in SP to attempt inflict 3 separate status effects per hit that lands. 50% Melee worth goes to attempting 2 turns of 25% Melee Darkness Poison, 40% Melee goes to attempting 2 turns of 10% Melee Harm Drain Poison (heals HP = to damage dealt), and the final 10% Melee goes to attempting 10% Melee worth of SP-blocking Disease. All of these attempt with a 50% save, using player DEX/LUK vs mob END/LUK.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 173
10/27/2023 22:34:58   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!


Darkness Ranged Glaive, 1/3 base damage and neutral accuracy leans. Toggles between normal and Bleed Mode. In Bleed Mode, you pay the listed SP (15% Melee) per turn and take -25% damage to gain Bleed Potence (+20) and, at the end of your turn, attempt to inflict Bleeding (power: 0.35*[hits]/[attempts]). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with DEX/LUK, resist with END/LUK).

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	5	7	10	12	14	16	18	20	21
Rand	4	6	9	12	14	16	18	19	22
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

CostLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
SPCost	5	7	12	18	25	33	41	50	59

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 174
10/27/2023 22:35:25   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Stygian/Benthic Cursed Crystal Hunger

Darkness/Water Melee Swords, 0.2 base lean and -3 BtH lean. Pays MC and 10% weapon damage to passively heal you for 15% of a Melee attack, further adjusted based on the mob's elemental resistance to the weapon's element.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Base	6	8	12	14	17	19	21	24	26
Rand	2	4	5	8	8	10	12	11	12
BtH	1	2	4	7	9	12	14	17	19

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

< Message edited by Ward_Point -- 10/27/2023 22:55:13 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 175
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