 ArchKnight DragonFable
Bart Location: Dragonsgrasp (Book 3) -> Up -> Up Right Quests given Preparation Fungus Among Us Turn up the Heat To the Bottom No Mountain High Enough Rock & Roll The Potion Shops owned Potion Vending Machine Dialogue Bart: Ah! You must be <Character>! Bart: My name's Bart. I'm a... traveling alchemist! Quests! Bart: I need your help!- Preparation
Bart: You arrived at the right time. I need your help with a bit of prep-work. Bart: You see, I just arrived too and haven't had time to stock ingredients for my potions. Bart: I know a good place where you can gather them. You might be familiar with it too! Bart: I think the alchemists in Falconreach also use the place to gather most of their ingredients! Bart: Please bring back as many as you can, we're going to need it. - Fungus Among Us
Bart: <Character>! Good that you're here! Bart: I'm dealing with a lot of fungus-related problems here. I was asked to find a way to get rid of that pesky fungus that's infesting Dragesvard. Bart: But it's like they expect me to vanish it with a snap of my fingers! Bart: My fingers are too fuzzy to snap, <Character>! How am I supposed to do that?! Bart: (Wow, not even a giggle? You're cold.) Anyway! I would be able to help more if I knew what exactly we're dealing with here! Bart: I need you to go to the Northlands and get a bunch of fungus samples for me so I can analyze them and find a way to get rid of them... - Turn up the Heat
Bart: Welcome back, <Character>. I've been analyzing the samples you brought me and came to some interesting conclusions. Bart: While the samples have seemingly different properties and functions, they all seem... connected somehow. Bart: If they are, it means there could be a connection in their weakness as well! Bart: I need you to take the samples to extreme climates to see how they react to extreme conditions. Bart: So go! Jump into a volcano or something! - To the Bottom
Bart: So, fire didn't seem to do much. Maybe some intense pressure? Bart: How about the ocean floor? Bart: I can't believe I'm suggesting that, but it's for the good of the people! Bart: And since some fool dumped a bunch of water breathing potions into the ocean, it should be safe to do so! Bart: So go! Confer with the fishes! Let's see how the sample reacts to water and pressure! - No Mountain Far Enough
Bart: There's my favorite errand runner! Bart: So water and the pressure did nothing either... Hmmm that's quite weird. Bart: Maybe it can be blown away! Bart: Or electrocuted! Bart: Don't look so concerned I would never send you to anything too dangerous! Bart: I mean... there was the volcano, and the bottom of the ocean. But you're tough, you can handle that! Bart: Now go and help me find a way to get rid of this fungal-consuming threat! - Rock & Roll
Bart: You look... like you've been through a lot. Bart: What are you glaring at me for?! Bart: Ok fine. So electrocution and harsh winds had no results. Bart: My own experiments of prolonged sunlight, darkness, or bacon didn't have any results either. Bart: ...Say... What's your opinion on standing in front of a rockslide? Bart: Ok I get it! No rockslides! But maybe you can go to a nearby cave? Bart: It's infested by Nature elementals. It's our last chance! - The Potion
Bart: So not even earth did the trick, huh? Bart: No matter! I figured out a way to do it while you were gone. Bart: By combining certain elements in a very specific way rather than one by one. Bart: Why the sour face? I couldn't have done this without you! Bart: I experimented on the samples you left behind after each of your adventures and found the solution! Bart: (Not like you would understand my genius...) Bart: Now stop being a grouch and test the potion on the fungi! - Epilogue
Bart: Now that's more like it! As for your payment... Bart: Well, there's good news and bad news. Bart: Good news, the potion works a treat. Those fungal fiends didn't know what hit them! Bart: Bad news, you dropped pretty much all of my supply on your flyover. Bart: It'll take some time to rebrew the stocks, and the DragonLords aren't exactly happy that it'll be delayed. Bart: So I can't quite pay you. Yet. But, if you want to help fund the next iteration with some Dragon Coins... Bart: I can recompense you with this old, I mean, antique, Potion Vending Machine for your home! Talk Bart: What's up? - Who are you?
Bart: My name's Bartholomew, but people usually just call me Bart. - What are you doing here?
Bart: I heard that people were in need of an alchemist here, and I happen to be quite good at brewing potions. As well as... other concoctions. - Potions?
Bart: Surprised that a moglin does his healing through potions rather than healing magic? I get that a lot! Bart: I just never had the magical talent the other moglins seem to possess. So I learned how to make potions instead! - Other concoctions?
Bart: Well... I brew different things for different problems. And there are plenty of problems here in Dragonsgrasp. Bart: Maybe I can brew something for you if you have any... problems. - What happened to your ear?
Bart: Heh... that's a long story. Let's just say that I found myself in a weird place with many powerful creatures. Bart: One of them went for me, but luckily only got half of my ear. Other information Also known as Bartholomew.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 4/15/2022 23:03:38 >