New items are great! I appreciate the effort the AQ team put into this release. Here are my thoughts: -First, thank you for listening to our feedback from last year's crossover! The GGB items are well spread throughout the common, rare, and UR ggb shops, so players of all budgets can enjoy this release. Also, no item is a functional copy of an existing item, and in fact they all have unique and varied effects! GGB items work best when they provide different ways of playing the game than f2p items provide in my opinion, and this release certainly meets that criteria. -I also appreciate that there is nothing gamebreakingly good here like Prime Chaos Orb. Everything works well in its niche, but only its niche, and that's good design imo. I tested all the new GGBs, so here are my individual item thoughts: -Shadow Reaper of Destiny (UR) is an amazing melee weapon. The damage from the accuracy lean and the burn are great references to the original Shadow Reaper, and I can see this getting a lot of use as a weapon of choice for ele-locked warrior attacks. -Summoning Stone (UR) is just, an excellent misc for the developing dodgelash build/playstyle. For those unfamiliar, that setup focuses on dodging and items that deal damage when you dodge. Summoning Stone grants extra blocking passively and toggles between being an excellent guest damage booster or dealing harm damage on block. My dodge character will get a lot of use out of this! -Frost Titan Shield (rare) is also amazing for dodgelash! It's an ice shield that toggles between inflicting blind on block and dealing ice damage on block. That's a lot of utility for dodgelash builds, and everyone who plans on dodging should use this shield. -Creature 72 pet/guest (UR) is great for beastmages using necromancer (and if you're a beastmage, you should be using necromancer!) Combining fear and panic into one pet/guest with a damage mode is a lot of utility for both bossing and normal gameplay. Also, they are just adorable! -King Linus pet/guest (Rare) are insane. Together they reduce enemy damage to X0.173 for one turn if 100% resists and all hits hit. Also, again, absolutely adorable. -Moglotron (rare) art is huge! Looks great. The burn mode is fun, but I don't see myself using the daze mode often; wish it had a damage mode, but I understand not giving it the triple compression like Creature 72 because it is only a rare ggb. -Timekiller Crossbows (rare) are amazing as well. They're basically tomes for ranged characters that come preloaded with 4 charges. The 1.25x damage is nice, but the freeze/hypersalinate with guaranteed chance to attempt infliction and the -20 saves on enemies are what's really good. Plus, as someone who has Timekiller in DF, the charging mechanic makes it feel just like playing the class in DF! -Timekiller's 3:10 (UR) is interesting. I think this is the first quickcast LUK booster SPell in the game, which makes it useful for any LUK build. Also, the hypercrit chance increase is very nice, and I appreciate that it stacks with multiple casts. -Seraphim of Ver (UR) is something I am excited to test more. FD light armor, it comes with a quickcast 5 turn bth boost like New Year's Surprise, plus a powerful spell-like light nuke where you skip your attack to do an extra strong attack the next turn, which is very similar to Retribution in OverSoul. It's nice to have a powerful light nuke for FD classes to use, and having a bth booster in the armor slot is great too. -Manifest Pride/Envy (both Ur) are interesting as well. I love the animations for the spells, very much like their DF attacks. They certainly provide a lot of effects in one cast, I'm just not sure when the situation will arrive where I need all those effects. -Uragiri (common) is an excellent darkness weapon for budget players! In fact, it's the best damage darkness weapon without buying rares/UR ggbs, token items, or premium packages! If you just have guardian, I definitely recommend picking this up whenever you have a spare common from the monthly ggb. -Maker-touched Zweihander (common) is also very impressive! Switches elements (and art) like the Guardian Blade, and pays damage to inflict prismatic burn! Basically a budget boreal weapon, I'm a big fan. All-in-all, great release! Thanks guys, and I look forward to the next crossover in April!