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RE: =AQ= Stat and Training Overhaul

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3/25/2022 17:11:39   
.*. .*. .*.
Pfft hahaha!

It would be interesting with a sub stat system in the future, since Hollow confirms above that it is not the last we have heard from the stat trainers.
This sub stat system would allow us to unlock sub stat points for a particular stat which we have invested the stat points in, and every stat in game would have different features, maybe even positive and negative features to avoid too much synergy for certain builds.

Let us pretend that we have invested 250 stat points in Dexterity and in return it would give us x amount of sub stat points to train one or several of the following options:

- Initiative
- Blocking
- Status potence

So instead of getting all of these features, we would actually have to decide for ourselves.
I believe this way it would force the players to make a decision what they would like to max out or they could spread the sub stat points but in turn have weaker features.
Maybe this could help balancing certain aspects in game which is currently deemed as unbalanced?

Anyhow, I am really looking forward to this update, very curious about the outcome of it.
Post #: 76
3/25/2022 18:05:10   

I don't want to dilute the forum with my posts so I'm going to try and post all my thoughts in summary format:

The Identity of each Stat
Strength: Consistent Damage - A Warrior battles endlessly without tiring
Dexterity: Risky Damage - A Ranger seeks their target's weak spots
Intellect: Burst Damage - A Mage blasts their enemies from afar

Charisma: Utility - A Beastmaster commands pets/guests to aid with bonus effects or damage
Endurance: Resistance - A Tank shrugs off the enemy's attacks
Luck: Luck - A Lucker lucks harder than non-Luckers (They skew randomness in their favor)

The Implications of the Identities
Strength: I think Strength dealing the most damage on a consistent basis is reasonable - especially with how many effects scale off of player damage.
Dexterity: I believe Dexterity should have a damage "style" that's different from Strength's consistent output and Intellect's burst skew; without knowing the feasibility of any ideas, I think Dexterity weapons can/should fit the "exposing weak spots" identity by dealing reduced damage but with ways for the player to increase that damage either occasionally or slowly but stacking over time.
Intellect: This stat is fine, I've got no changes to suggest.

Charisma: I believe Dexterity should be unrelated to Charisma, but I believe I heard somewhere that the connection is harder to remove than a simple change to the formula. Aside from that, I currently feel that the "What to do with Charisma" discussion is too far outside of my game knowledge for me to be able to give an opinion.
Endurance: I believe that bonus healing helps Endurance feel tanky in an active way, and would also support the idea of status resistance. I think an additional option would be to have Endurance impact the player's blocking values (mentioned below).
Luck: It already is used as the minor roll in most cases, is involved in initiative, and is the driver of lucky strike power on top of its constant use in accuracy and blocking - I feel that theoretically the influence on accuracy/blocking could be removed and traded for more power on things that are supposed to feel more random (such as giving additional status potency/resistance) but that's likely a change that's more effort than it's worth and would really only be justified with the logic that accuracy/blocking is about skill and not luck (which is debatable).

Justification for Dexterity to Have a Unique Damage Curve
I wanted to make a note on this aspect in particular - I feel that if each weapon type can feel unique and have gameplay implications that players choose to play with (eg you choose Melee for consistency, Magic for burst, Ranged for its ranger style), then enemies can have their blocking stats matter more during battles.

For example if a particular boss is designed to survive for a while, it can be given high Magic blocking to "resist" burst damage and average Melee blocking but low Ranged blocking - an enemy with that MRM would statistically be better at not dying early in the battle, without having to be particularly tanky.

I imagine this concept is already taken into account to some extent, but I feel that making each stat be strongly linked to playstyle would allow for blocking values to be noticeable in a battle while also letting hybrids take full advantage of their versatility (switching up their playstyle to match the enemy's blocking) and result in fights that can feel unique just by switching up the type of weapon you use.

Blocking Calculation
I have two thoughts about how to do blocking in a way that detaches it from Dexterity while working to preserve the assumed hit/miss rate of both sides.

In both thoughts, the blocking from Stats formula is: Max[ExpectedMainStat/10, X]+LUK/20. This ensures that regardless of what X is, if the attacker has expected stats then the block rate will always start at the assumed 15%/85% rate.

MainStat Scaling: My first thought is to have X = ExpectedMainStat/12.5+(STR+DEX+INT)/75. A pure build would have X=23.3 which means they default to normal levels of blocking, while hybrids have the chance to slightly raise their blocking as a reward for picking up stats that they otherwise typically won't be able to use simultaneously (and also for having to give up on one or both of the defensive stats of END and LUK). 250 in 2 main stats gives an additional 1.66 blocking, while 250 in all 3 gives a total of +5 blocking - a notable niche use would be that a player could put 250 in a main stat and 125 in another main stat, purely so that stat drives (such as hybrid items that give STR+INT) would give a small boost to blocking without requiring the player to devote more than 125 points to the secondary stat.

END Scaling: My other thought is to have X = ExpectedMainStat/12.5+END/25, which means breaking even with the baseline (assuming level 150) blocking at 125 END and gaining up to an additional 5 blocking with full END training. My logic is that blocking, if not linked to offensive combat stats, could just as logically be connected to the concept of Enduring. The main snag with it that I imagine is that it would have an anti-synergy with backlash strategies.

1) Give Dexterity a unique damage curve so that it feels different and can resonate with more playstyles/power fantasies
1a) My suggestion is to have the curve either be a wave (with setup/payoff attacks) or an upward slope
2) Give blocking a floor equal to the expected value, and give small benefits either for having multiple main stats or for having END
3) Lean into the "each attacking stat has its own playstyle" concept by giving enemies varied MRMs that reflect how the enemy handles those playstyles in general
Post #: 77
3/25/2022 20:49:19   

As it pertains to stat training, I like the idea of going to 1 place instead of two. And IMO, I think there shouldn't be "untraining", then saving, then going back in and training. Just move stats where you want, save, and be done. Hope that's planned.

I have a concern the estate based trainers will be a waste of tokens, now, though, but will reserve judgement for when everything rolls out.
Post #: 78
3/26/2022 1:24:10   

It looks like a lot of the suggestions are talking about curbing the defensive power of DEX. These make a lot of sense, on top of being clean solutions that are still flavorful. But I’d like to talk more about its offensive power. I like Veleqwii_Fox’s suggestion of decreasing its stat damage; I’m thinking basically right between how much damage melee weapons and magic weapons do. This might be pretty tricky, because I don’t think you can just set all ranged weapons to do, like, 87.5% damage, so it would probably have to go into the stat bonus.

I also think we could have STR bring up the rest of that missing damage, for both ranged and magic weapons. Basically, a STR/DEX hybrid could use ranged or melee to the same effect, and a STR/INT hybrid could use magic or melee with no downsides. This steps on werepyre’s toes a bit, but I think the stat overhaul is already doing that.

Now…this does maintain the issue that a non-beastmaster ranger would end up with the same statline as a non-beastmaster warrior, but the rest of the rebalancing means you could take 0 STR and still do a solid amount of ranged damage. This would also still leave 0 STR/250 DEX/250 CHA builds much better than before.

This leaves the three mainstats with distinct identities, where DEX’s identity is being inherently more defensive. I know there’s a lot of discussion about the damage curves, but I feel STR and INT’s damage curves are more inherent to the equipment they use. Changing DEX’s damage curve is maybe more of an issue with ranged weapons/skills, depending on what the devs decide to do with the status potency idea. Even then, status-inflicitng rangers would need enough equipment to satisfy their build.

Ultimately, I think I might be clinging to the status quo just a little bit too much. I like the idea of DEX being the dodge stat - it just makes flavor-wise sense to me. But I’m curious what others think of this line of reasoning, i.e. what kinds of issues might arise from this change.

Anyway, I’m SUPER excited about this update! It’s already led to a ton of interesting discussion, and it’s going to lead to even more when it comes out.
Post #: 79
3/26/2022 12:18:29   
And Pun-isher


Huge Text Wall Ahead! Here's a Summary

Hello, everyone! Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who provided feedback Over the week, comparing our plans to player feedback made it increasingly apparent that there would not be enough time to tackle the revamp's foundations in a single week. To be fair to the coder working on the very time consuming task of updating the related systems and tackling the stat changes themselves, I've been authorized to disclose some documentation about why the project is so much more time consuming than it might seem from the changes listed in the first post.

The current changes are inspired by, but not directly following, a proposal that I raised in order to tackle some urgent build problems in the game. In this proposal, I explained these problems, their root cause, and an example of how I'd like to tackle it. This example would not have been sound, or at times even possible, to follow, and I'll be bolding the reasons below. This is largely because we'd have needed more hands on deck, but also because there plainly isn't time to create a paradigm where CHA can be segregated from another stat.

I'm sharing it at this time because it informs why DEX was coming out so overloaded compared to STR: The overall idea required complex system work, and the individual stat ideas had different 'weights' in how much time they'd take to finish. A simplified take on the suggested changes to DEX is much simpler than the work required for the changes to STR.

What will we do, then? We acknowledged that DEX was coming out as "STR for Ranged but better", even after cutting back on some of the proposals. Moreover, a distinct Ranger niche wouldn't be assured until future changes. Therefore, we'll only be releasing the core changes (Primarily segregating BTH and damage for the main stats to not depend on DEX, minor additions to END) along with the training overhaul. We've taken your feedback into account and will be holding off on further changes until very soon, so that IMR can take a full week to work on applying said feedback to main stat identity.

The currently discussed primary stat identities, are:

STR: Steady damage throughout the entire fight.
DEX Work in progress. Utility or different damage curve are examples in discussion.*
INT: Burst damage followed by a lower steady damage.

* We need the dedicated time to make sure it's good for both offensive and defensive identities due to the anti-synergy of focusing on status effects with offensive builds.

Without further ado, here are the problems that the revamp was proposed in order to tackle, and an example of a suggestion for a new model (To inform why stats seemed to get different attention from a first stage revamp).

General Problems

Dexterity is attempting to be both a primary and a secondary stat, and consequently lacks its own distinct niche. There's always been an issue with DEX having too much going for it, but the problem of build identity specifically has had a lot of major ripple effects. As a primary stat for Ranged damage, it's dependent on Strength for its damage component. As a requisite secondary stat for Strength and Intelligence builds, Melee and Ranged damage forcibly depend on it. Even pet attacks require it for accuracy.

This is the root of all build identity problems, and even the smaller issue of Endurance being undervalued is partly dependent on it rather than wholly caused by the time-efficiency preferences shaped by a nuking meta. A third of the final stat points for most builds needing to go to DEX makes losing out on further offensive potential less of a consideration.

Two long-standing consequences that aggravate over time are the disappearance of the Ranger build identity and the fact that Werepyre hybrid logic creates a branch of this overall problem. Both of these niches are problematic to develop items for, as the latter involves choosing which to leave behind between traditional/werepyre hybrids while the former is flatly impossible to cater to. MC sets, Frostval sets, and packages are thus condemned to be a gamble if oriented towards hybrids, and pointless to attempt if aimed at offensive Rangers. The specific reasons are outlined in the next segment.

Normally, a status system is the tool of strategic diversity and difficulty management that allows RPGs to work through this kind of issue. However, as major status effects are available to all builds through years of items, the only remaining solution is to uproot the entire problem via the stat revamp.

Ranger Build Identity

Because of the role of STR in Ranged damage and DEX in all accuracy, offensive Warriors and Rangers have the exact same stats and playstyle, with ranged weapons typically having an accuracy lean. That effectively subsumed offensive Ranger into Warrior. Defensive Rangers endure as the smaller niche, using 100-proc weapons to maintain resource efficiency while attacking from FD armors. If one goes for INT and bows instead of DEX and wands, though, it's only the relative dearth of wands that holds this Mage setup back from being a better FD Ranger through access to spells.

FD Rangers thus have a shrinking niche, while Offensive Rangers have no niche beyond the aesthetic of using spears until such a time as a stat revamp may create a mechanical distinction. In the meantime, there's still pressure to create spears so that the revamp doesn't happen with no recent items to impact, but they have much higher pressure to be good with a razor thin margin of error. Any other item that is oriented towards offensive Rangers will still wind up being Warrior items by nature, due to requiring the same stats.

Hybrid Logic vs Hybridization

Typically, RPG build hybridization is the sacrifice of specialization in one build to gain versatility by mixing it with another. The practical effect of this is gaining access to additional options at the loss of vertical performance. I point out the obvious not to inherently argue from precedent, but from the reason it exists.

In AQ, traditional hybrids gave up a secondary stat in order to pick up an additional primary. Being already stuck using DEX on top of their first primary, there was only one way to go: STR/DEX/INT. This provided access to all primary attack options at the cost of whichever they would have chosen between Lucky Strikes or beast options.

Any item that isn't dependent on a secondary stat could be good for a hybrid, then, because the whole point is access to the full variety thereof. Dedicated hybrid items can still exist, of course, by rewarding investment in multiple primary stats (Generally STR and INT, as DEX is mandatory regardless). For instance, a melee weapon with a status or damage toggle fueled by MP would be an example of rewarding hybrid stats.

Enter Werepyre logic. To solve the dependence on mandatory DEX, hybrid logic splits accuracy and damage between STR and DEX. However, this dependence is part of a wider problem for all builds, as outlined above. The only 'problem' it solves for hybrids is the very tradeoff inherent to hybridization: They gain back their possible peak damage, at the cost of the versatility they were trading it for. This enforces non-standard stats instead of rewarding them, and locks the character to Werepyre logic armors, or weapon attacks with Werepyre logic weapons in other armors. Because what this setup gains is damage optimization, it's even better for them to focus on magic weapons with double Poelalas than it is to in any way build like a hybrid. If they happen to be playing at the start of the year, they can even negate the downsides of lacking DEX with New Year's Surprise.

Werepyre created a new niche entirely instead of addressing the problems with the existing one, and one that has little choice but to fill the armor inventory with Werepyre variants. The existence of a niche creates demand for it, and Werepyre hybrids often express disappointment in the gaps in their coverage or the frequency with which they're addressed. However, since the value of hybrid logic is dependent on a fundamental stat problem, every such item would likely have to be tweaked when the revamp hits, and thus adds to its workload.

In short, Werepyre logic is a self-perpetuating problem.

General Proposal

As a result of the above listed problems, I submit for consideration that the stat revamp be regarded as an urgent update, and that an essential aspect of it should be decoupling DEX from the accuracy of all non-Ranged damage so that it may have its own niche.

Now, this would be a huge shake-up of the status quo. Everyone could effectively have two main stats and a secondary, two secondaries, or all three main stats, without a loss in accuracy. However, it would result in a setup that rewards hybridization without enforcing it, and allows DEX to stand on its own. Builds and design space would both flourish. There is an element of baseline power creep involved in this because of boosters: A <Mainstat>/LUK/CHA build would have the full benefit of these pets and guests.

However, soft caps are already in place for this very issue. Additionally, the upper end of player damage is currently ballooned out of control for questing by a number of combinations other than boosting, and the Void revamp stands to offer a controlled environment for higher difficulty battles. This downside is far outweighed by the benefits.

Example of a Suggestion

Segregating the accuracy of each damage type to its corresponding stat would solve most build identity issues and open up a lot of design space. However, we still have to deal with DEX having too much going for it without taking away too much either.

An ideal solution would be to do away with the dependence of each damage type on a stat and make each main stat modify all direct damage differently instead. However, we're not DragonFable. Spells alone throw off the viability of this, and even if they didn't exist, it would have to be VERY early in the development cycle for the approach to make sense. However, we can take a few pages from this book in order to solidify the niche of each stat.

I propose, then, a system in which each main stat governs the damage and accuracy of its respective means of attack, as well as the implementation of minor 'milestone' perks with small bonuses. (Note: This would not have been nearly possible in a week's work, and was not a sound suggestion.)

As an example, these could be earned and active every 50 stat points invested into a main stat, starting at 100 for a total of 4 perks. Secondary stats could instead have only two or three. If we wish to keep DEX's role in initiative without making it a mandatory stat all over again, then each primary stat could get a small initiative boost as one of its perks, with DEX getting a second perk for it. The resulting stat niches and examples of perk ideas are as follows:

STR: Melee damage and accuracy. Perk ideas:
- Bonus to all weapon damage.
- Trusty weapon: A generic 0-proc, -BTH lean melee weapon for the temporary slot, automatically uses the opposite element of the no-drop.
- Initiative bonus. (Note: This and all later 'perks' for initiative made little sense as proposed, as it'd be simpler to modify the initiative formula accordingly)
- Small bonus to all melee damage that scales with enemy power.

DEX: Ranged damage and accuracy. Perk ideas:
- Initiative bonus.
- Bonus to damage versus enemies suffering from damaging status effects, or scaling with status effects.
- Initiative bonus.
- Skill SP cost discount.

INT: Magic damage and accuracy, MP capacity, per the existing standard. Perk ideas:
- Increased MP potion capacity. (Note: A questionable idea, given that it'd require quantifying something that essentially exists outside of balance.)
- Gain an accurate harm spell for the temporary slot. Single hit, no frills.
- Initiative bonus.
- Minor reduction to incoming damage while mana is below the value of a spell.

END: Health capacity. Perk ideas:
- Status resistance.
- Reduced potency of incoming stuns.
- Improved healing %.

CHA: Pet damage. (Note: Other initially suggested ideas such as not depending on a primary stat wouldn't have worked due to how long it'd take to rework *all guests* or implement a very dirty solution to make this not break the game. Not depending on a SPECIFIC primary stat would be a different matter.) Perk ideas:
- Reduced potency of incoming mental effects (Fear, Panic, Control)
- Gain an animal companion - A generic pet for the temporary slot. Follows no-drop element.
- Guest cost discount.

LUK: Lucky Strike damage. Perk ideas:
- MRM bonus.
- Small initiative bonus.
- Very small LS chance bonus.

Hybrid Stats: Bonus Melee and Magic damage based on having both STR and INT, with a further bonus of a weapon or spell with hybrid stats is used in an armor that also has them. (Note: As a reminder, this entire segment of the post is an example. We don't have a confirmed change to hybrid stats, and feedback for this would be welcome in another thread)

Proposed Ranger niche: Resource-efficient skill casters (Credit where it's due, this idea is inspired by Imry), Ranged-locked armors being priority recipients of initiative boosts. Bonus damage conditional on condition upkeep rather than immediate burst (Mage) or unconditionally steady (Warrior). (Note: As above, remember that this was an individual idea and not the current design direction.)

< Message edited by Cray -- 3/26/2022 12:41:37 >
Post #: 80
3/26/2022 12:31:13   
Macho Man

Thanks for the update Cray. I'm all for you guys taking more time to sort out what exactly should be done with the stats and how they affect pretty much everything within the game. There was a reason why this update was my my most anticipated one, it is literally game changing. Regardless, it is a really exciting time to be playing this game
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 81
3/26/2022 12:36:56   


- Status resistance.
- Reduced potency of incoming stuns.

Aren't these basically the same?
What's the difference?
Post #: 82
3/26/2022 12:40:42   
And Pun-isher


One represents a better chance to not get stunned, the other mitigates the results of actually getting stunned.
Post #: 83
3/26/2022 12:58:49   
Korriban Gaming

Thank you Cray for the updates! I am actually glad that the staff has decided to take more time for the updates as this tells me that all our feedback is being taken into consideration and that they are careful on what to implement into the game.

I actually really like the perks idea you proposed but I have a few things to say
1. Trusty weapon for STR seems useless apart from saving a slot for a utility weapon. I don't see warriors using this very often
2. Increasing MP pot capacity for INT is questionable like what you said. This also leads me to believe that potions might get nerfed soon which I hope doesn't happen. I think it might be better to not have this completely and leave potions untouched but that's my opinion
3. The Harm spell for INT seems to be a bit too useful imo, INT seems to have a lot of good things going for it
4. Animal companion for CHA sounds useless just like the trusty weapon for STR. I don't see this being used by Beastmasters very often if at all
5. Guest cost discount for CHA leads me to believe that there is a possibility of increasing guest cost which I am still very against as I have explained earlier

That being said, I agree with everything else
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 84
3/26/2022 13:15:13   
And Pun-isher


The idea for those initial compressions, and especially for their placement, was for the initial perks to be good for early to mid game convenience rather than used frequently towards the end game. Naturally, there are problems with this, such as the implied UI work of figuring out which to apply if you have STR and DEX. This is one of the reasons why my proposal is largely something that looks good on paper, but requires a disproportionate amount of work in practice. A major reason for sharing this was wanting to be fair with IMR by showing just how much work a simple-looking idea would've required to finish - Namely, way too much for one week if it was the only content to work on, even more so with the necessary changes to trainers.
Post #: 85
3/26/2022 13:42:20   

I love the revamped UI for training. Especially the part where it shows the stat info, because they show the info about the individual stats. I don't really care how the stats are revamped, so long as this info is reflected in the UI, because that would really help when building character.
I also like that the fighting have been removed, because it was always time-consuming to rearrange the stats for a new build. It's also great to have the untraining option same for estates, because now that gives more value to the stat trainers in the estate, since you don't have to untrain the whole thing if you have the stat trainers at the estate.
That said, I'm not too fond of the new battle logs. They feel kind of useful, but kind of covers the screen when multiple effects take place. Wish there's a limit to how they far flow down.

< Message edited by Guardswordian -- 3/26/2022 13:55:21 >
Post #: 86
3/26/2022 14:56:34   


- Skill SP cost discount.


- Guest cost discount.

If these perks make it into the game, I could easily see most of my characters effectively only have 250 stat points to play around with. I find both of these perks so appealing, that I'd likely invest the points just for them, even if those stats otherwise mean nothing to characters in question. :P

The DEX one I find to be the most appealing though, as all my characters, save for my mage, uses subrace and class armors with SP skills.

I am very conflicted on the suggested perks. On one hand, I love the idea of getting more skill usage, but on the other, I feel DEX has simply had it's hook replaced with something else that can be equally enticing for non-ranged builds, which seems counterproductive.

< Message edited by Ninjaty -- 3/26/2022 16:06:27 >
Post #: 87
3/26/2022 15:28:56   

Ôh I abolutely agree with you Ninjaty

They look delicious for anyone liking longer tankier battles or using skills in those.
I approve as well. That way its rewarding to stick to a stat until 250 points and not go 150 and meh its enough perk 3 and 4 are bad anyway.

One question I DO have is we have plenty of statboosting equipment. If we get 100 points from eqipment a spell/skill or a statboosting shield does that unlock the perk(s) as well?
Or do perks only get unlocked by training the "base" of a stat not counting boosting of any kind?
AQ  Post #: 88
3/26/2022 16:28:54   

According to Twitter, the release is now live. Time to take a crack at it and then give my thoughts out.

@Hollow: Thanks for being receptive to a potential UI suggestion. It wasn't something that I felt was 100% super urgent to do (I prefer if you don't rush it and just take the things that you like). I initially didn't say anything immediately because I had some questions and wanted to wait until I had a chance to try it. Now that I have these are my thoughts:

1. Performing transactions seems kind of clunky at first. When I first tried to train stats, I had the impression that I could lower my stats without first resetting all my stats. IE: if I wanted to retain 250 STR/LUK but switch from 250 DEX to CHA, I can't just hit the -50 button on DEX and then +50 on CHA, I had to reset my stats as a whole first. This is kind of why I wanted training/untraining to be the same flow. Now most people will probably go for pure builds and rarely go for a shake up or even a minor tune-up, but performing minor transactions (-Stat1, +Stat2) seems to be a little long-winded. I'm not sure why for that matter that we have to untrain everything first if you only wanted to for example, have a stat that was set at 250 to be lowered to 245 so that you could put that 5 stats into another stat.

2. I think the stat buttons should be on the right of the left wooden bar, instead of the left. It almost seems like it's too far from the focus of the UI. Having it closer to the meat of the feature I think would make it easier to spot. The stat description scroll already overlaps with the main centered scroll, so I think it's okay that the stat sidebar does the same when you shift it from the left to the right of the left wooden bar.

3. I love how you get to see how many stats you have left. This is a good update feature.

4. I think you should be able to see the stat description without selecting the check first. Like an on-hover. You could have it so that when you hover you get a preview, but when not it shows the description of the checked box.

5. It doesn't appear anyways that stat training costs have been touched. Unless it's a design choice thing where we don't want people to max out stats immediately early on affordability will still be an issue for stat training at the lowest levels. Now that DEX isn't a required stat for MAINSTATS and people can usually just go straight for stat maxing as early as level 50.

6. I think a "soft reset" button should exist for the training menu. IE, you click the button and it resets your stats to the initial state of where it was when you started. This would make it easier for you to backtrack if you feel like your arrangement wasn't what you wanted. But currently if I wanted to do that I'd have to go through the flow of checking and clicking back again until I get back to where I was initially. A soft reset would make this much easier to do.

Overall I give the UI a 8/10. It's definitely a big improvement from what we used to have, but a few adjustments here and there will make it the feature we all really want and need it to be.

< Message edited by PD -- 3/26/2022 16:34:33 >
Post #: 89
3/26/2022 16:58:39   

Correct me if i'm wrong, but is it bad that initiative is currently tied entirely to luck? I don't think it's that bad that you have to sacrifice 250 points if you wanna go first, plus you get the other bonuses from LUK which are useful to everyone. The way things are going, you have to invest 600 in multiple stats, i.e., STR, DEX, and INT, if you wanna go first. Not to mention I most likely won't be using the bonuses from every single one. So we have to invest more, to get less?

< Message edited by EternalDragonX -- 3/26/2022 17:07:28 >
Post #: 90
3/26/2022 17:25:06   

Another note - On the Battle log, perhaps it would be best to limit it to the last 3 events. For something like Essence of Carnage where a simple mouseover can trigger an event message, you can actually clog the entire screen. These things do eventually fade but while it's still up it can cover up the battle UI and interrupt what you're doing. Maybe even give us local controls over how many event messages to display at a time, to even display them or to control the fade timer. On enemies like FruitcakeZard where every attack triggers an event message it too can clog the screen.
Post #: 91
3/26/2022 18:07:44   
Lv 1000


Another note - On the Battle log, perhaps it would be best to limit it to the last 3 events. For something like Essence of Carnage where a simple mouseover can trigger an event message, you can actually clog the entire screen. These things do eventually fade but while it's still up it can cover up the battle UI and interrupt what you're doing. Maybe even give us local controls over how many event messages to display at a time, to even display them or to control the fade timer. On enemies like FruitcakeZard where every attack triggers an event message it too can clog the screen.

That's not the battle log, that's the new popup system. The battle log can enabled via settings.
Post #: 92
3/26/2022 18:23:10   

So, just to clarify, the change to DEX no longer being required for Melee/Magic accuracy is out now, right? I know some of the further changes have not been made yet but I'm unclear if the DEX/accuracy change is out now
AQ  Post #: 93
3/26/2022 18:52:27   

what happen to the original text boxes? this new one looked so bad.
AQ  Post #: 94
3/26/2022 19:00:51   

TBH, the best way to handle initiative is to make it a HUGE influence of Player level vs Monster level. We put too much emphasis on stats as it is, and not enough on level. Level 150 should simply be superior to level 145, and there should more ways to show this than simply having 25 more stat points at your disposal.

I believe the attempt here is to provide Rangers another feather it their hat due to having Dex being their identity. I am not against that idea, I just think it should be tied to the weapons and armors designed for them, not the stat.

Just my 2 cents
Post #: 95
3/26/2022 19:18:37   

The Initiative changes appear to have been a long time running in development, else the design of Fae Touched Knight's Regalia makes a whole lot less sense by giving initiative bonus to a build that doesn't run any luck. This is also "sort of" addressing the issue of H-Series encroaching on armor designed for pure warriors, which H-Series ostensibly was not aimed at.
It is indeed a tightening of standards. You aren't winning Initiative rolls running 0 Dex/ 0 Luck builds. If you want to win rolls with *one* of those, you need to invest in Strength and Intelligence. I don't think that's really an issue, it's just difficult to make changes that are perceived as taking *anything* "away" from players.
AQ DF  Post #: 96
3/26/2022 19:43:06   

I have already noticed losing initiative w/ 250 INT/LUK a few times even with the monster at 170 luck and many levels below me. Dont like it.

I think the new text boxes are too large. I don't mind the scrolling system, just too big, that's all.
Post #: 97
3/26/2022 20:11:35   

can we untrain DEX now .Has this part been released already.
another question. Does this effect momentium in the war or not?
AQ  Post #: 98
3/26/2022 20:14:04   

Wait, so, do Pet and Guest attacks no longer require DEX, or was that too much for one week?
DF AQW  Post #: 99
3/26/2022 20:39:48   

^ I think its pure mainstat/luck and charisma/luck for BTH now, and same for damage.

In Cray's post, there was zero mention of blocking. It only mentioned this seems to be a Phase 1 step, and most of the original proposals by staff is what went through in Phase 1.

I think at this point we all recognize that Phase 1, albeit temporary, means training Dex = warrior + blocking, or for a Mage, warrior + Mage Spells + blocking...

What is the plan going forward for DEx in regards to blocking? It is acting as a Primary and Secondary stat still, and I was curious since there was no mention of blocking in the post. Will we see the decoupling of blocking from DEx, too, as IMO, is needed?
Post #: 100
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