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5/15/2022 16:44:35   

ArchKnight DragonFable


Location: Iadoa, The Chronomancer

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Magic
Element: ???

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: Level*5/4
DEX: Level*5/4
INT: Level*15/4
CHA: 100
LUK: Level*5/2
END: Level*5/2
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 25 + Level/5
Crit: 30 + LUK/10

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
Crit: [175+INT/10]%

Melee: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Pierce: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Magic: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Block: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Parry: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Dodge: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Shrink: 300
Immobility: 300

Attack Types (Phase 1)
Attack Type 1 - Warps time to a new vision for no damage but changes the battle background and applies the following effects:
  • If this attack is used for the first time, applies 'Unshakable Carnax' (+60 All Resist) to himself for 4 turns. (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'You! No... It cannot be... You are not them... Not after so long... But maybe... maybe you can be the one...!')
  • If this attack is used for the second time, applies 'Implacable Fluffy' (+100% Boost) to himself for 4 turns.
  • If this attack is used for the third time, applies 'Eternal Dragonoid', a HoT effect equal to 0.75% of Iadoa's maximum HP, to himself for 4 turns.
  • If this attack is used for the fourth time, applies 'Incomprehensible Kathool' (+70 Bonus) to himself for 4 turns.
Attack Type 2 - Impales his target with a spike for 1 hit of 300% Magic ??? damage; has a unique pop-up depending on the current battle background:
  • Carnax: (Pop-up: 'The first portent of many... A possibility of the future...')
  • Fluffy: (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'The second calamity... A possibility of the past...')
  • Dragonoid: (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'The third vision... A possibility of your world...')
  • Kathool: (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'The fourth test... A possibility of the beyond...')
Attack Type 3 - Strikes his target with sand particles for 4 hits of 100% Magic ??? damage, amounting to 400% damage; applies an Imbalance effect for 3 turns inclusive depending on the background:
  • Carnax: 'Carnax Imbalance' (-500 Immobility Resist)
  • Fluffy: 'Fluffy Imbalance' (+1 Bonus)
  • Dragonoid: 'Dragonoid Imbalance' (+1% Boost)
  • Kathool: 'Kathool Imbalance' (-1 Health Resist)
Attack Type 4 - Summons Carnax to stomp his target for 2 hits of 300% Magic Nature damage, amounting to 600% damage; applies 'Carnax Crushed' to target, stunning it for 3 turns.
Attack Type 5 - Blast its target with Fluffy's flames for 8 hits of 75% Magic Darkness damage, amounting to 600% damage.
Attack Type 6 - Blast its target with Dragonoid's lightning for 6 hits of 100% Magic Energy damage, amounting to 600% damage; applies 'Dragonoid Static' (a 75% damage Energy DoT) for 3 turns.
Attack Type 7 - Strikes his target with Kathool's tentacles for 8 hits of 75% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 600% damage; automatically applies 'Ticking Madness' (-15X END, where X is the number of times this monster uses this attack) to target for 99 turns.

Attack Types (Phase 2)
Attack Type 8 - Warps time to the original battle background, dealing no damage. (Pop-ups: Iadoa: 'A final test then... Is this the time you win? Is my suffering at an end...?' / Iadoa: 'Your time is running out. You have what it takes. Do it.')
Attack Type 9 - Empowers himself before impaling his target with a spike for 1 hit of 100% Magic ??? damage; applies one of three following effects to himself:
  • 'Overwhelming Chaos - Carnax' (+60 All) for 2 turns.
  • 'Overwhelming Chaos - Kathool' (+70 Bonus) for 3 turns inclusive.
  • 'Overwhelming Chaos - Fluffy' (+100% Boost) for 3 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 10 - Fires a beam of energy for 14 hits of 85.7% Magic ??? damage, amounting to 1,200% damage.
Attack Type 11 - Empowers himself before summoning time particles to his target for 4 hits of 300% Magic ??? damage, amounting to 1,200% damage; applies 'Time's Toll' (-25X END, where X is the number of times this monster repeated any of his rotations) to target for 99 turns inclusive.

Other information
  • Iadoa will begin every battle permanently affected by 'Visions of Kathool', 'Visions of Fluffy', 'Visions of Dragonoid' and 'Visions of Carnax', which can only be removed on the following conditions while affected by an Imbalance effect:
    • While affected by 'Carnax Imbalance', 'Visions of Carnax' can be removed by stunning Iadoa; any immobility effect applied to him will instantly be removed. (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'A crushing vision dispelled... Well done...')
    • While affected by 'Fluffy Imbalance', 'Visions of Fluffy' can be removed if all 8 hits from Attack Type 5 connect. (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'A crushing vision dispelled... Well done...')
    • While affected by 'Dragonoid Imbalance', 'Visions of Dragonoid' can be removed if Iadoa's HP is greater than or equal to his current HP. (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'An eternal vision dispelled... Well done...')
    • While affected by 'Kathool Imbalance', 'Visions of Kathool' can be removed if Iadoa have greater than or equal to +0 Health+All Resist. (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'A maddening vision dispelled... Well done...')
    • Failure to remove all 4 Visions will cause Iadoa to recover 100% of his maximum HP (unaffected by Health and All Resists) upon repeating his Phase 1 rotation. (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'Again? No... It cannot be... You are not them... Not after so long... But maybe... maybe you can be the one...!')
    • While affected by any of the 4 Visions, Iadoa cannot go below 1 HP by any direct damage and cannot be defeated by DoT effects; upon entering Phase 2, this death resistance effect is removed.
    • While affected by any of the 4 Visions, Iadoa will be impervious to all sources of damage upon falling below 10% of his maximum HP.
    • Upon removing all 4 Visions, Iadoa will transition to Phase 2 after completing his Phase 1 rotation.
  • If the player has granted an extra turn, Iadoa will apply 'Time's Resistance' (+360 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to himself for the current turn. (Pop-up: Iadoa: 'You may try to tear at Time's boundaries, but it not be defiled!')
  • Iadoa's skill rotation is dependent on his current Phase:
    • Phase 1: While affected by all 4 Visions, Iadoa follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 7 -> Repeat.
    • Upon removing all 4 Visions, Iadoa resets his rotation and transition to Phase 2, following the skill rotation; Attack Type 8 -> Attack Type 9 -> Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 11 -> Attack Type 10 -> Repeat.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/4/2025 13:52:20 >
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