Digital X
Beep Beep!
May 13th, 2022 The Hunters' Festival Team EpicDuel has been hard at work creating content for the new Hunters' Festival Tournament, crafting custom prizes for the last of the Gifting winners, and developing brand new features and improvements to refresh EpicDuel just in time for Summer. Spider worked his magic on a raft of frequently-requested features to vastly improve the EpicDuel experience. Since some of these features are a bit complex, we're allowing a bit of additional time to make sure they're rock-solid. These features should arrive in an update early next week after necessary review and polish. New Features Coming Soon: New Battle option "Brace" to skip a turn for a small buff to block, deflection, and damage reduction. Save username and password on login. Track influence from battle during war cooldown with new achievement. Track daily missions completed with new achievement. View NPC stats in battle. Pause NPC battles. Increased level gap in Simulation mode to ease difficulty for struggling players. Missions can reward XP. Missions can support multiple reward types for the same mission. Bank view shows an item's equipped cores. Shop search can search a weapon's equipped core names. Stacking cores. New and improved animations. More! Hunters' Festival Reminder Next Friday the new Hunters' Festival Tournament will begin! If you haven't already, stop by Slayer to grab a ticket and prepare for battle! Tags: Nightwraith Digi-tagged! -Digital X