 ArchKnight DragonFable
Voidcutter Dagger II Notha and Myalos brought their expertise of ancient technology upon the Abysscutter Dagger, forging a weapon to be feared by any would-be deities. (No DA Required) Location: Voidcutter Price: N/A Required Items: 1 Abysscutter Dagger & 1 Charm of the Makers Sellback: 0 Gold Level: 40 Damage: 60-60 Element: Fear Stats: Block +4, Dodge +4, Parry +4, Crit +5, Magic Def +4, Pierce Def +4, Melee Def +4, LUK +4, DEX +8, Bonus +5 Resists: All +4, Health -4 Rarity: 50 Item Type: Dagger Damage Type: Pierce Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon Other information Weapon's inventory icon is a Sword, despite being a Dagger.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/18/2023 9:20:33 >