 ArchKnight DragonFable
Anti-Ebil Catapult Location: Night of the Ebil Dread -> To the War! -> Catapult! Requirements: Completion of Best Day Ever!, 75% War Meter Release Date: October 21st, 2022 Objective: Take a break from searching for Artix and nuke some undead! Objective completed: These few undead are dust, time to resume the search for Artix! Or... maybe just one more time! Experience rewarded: 0 Gold rewarded: 30 Monsters None NPCs None Rewards None Defender's Medal Dialogue None Other information In this mini-game, the player controls a catapult, and can fire Nitroglycerin Sponge at 1 Ghost, 1 Jinx Fairy, 1 Shake Spear, 1 Skeleton Runner, 1 Undead Alchemist, and 1 Undead Weretogwolf from a distance.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 10/7/2023 17:25:50 >