 ArchKnight DragonFable
Light of Ebil Dread VIII The Book of Ebil Dread conjured up this replica of Artix's legendary axe! Left behind by Undead Artix, it's now yours to keep. Boosts the power of your non-critical hits by 5%! This item requires a Dragon Amulet. Location: Ebil Finale Price: N/A Required Items: 1 Light of Ebil Dread VII & 30 Defender's Medal Sellback: 500 Gold Level: 80 Damage: 83-93 Element: Ebil Stats: Block +6, Dodge +6, Parry +6, Magic Def +6, Pierce Def +6, Melee Def +6, LUK -20, INT +20, DEX +20, STR +20, Bonus +20 Resists: All +5, Health -3 Rarity: 0 Item Type: Scythe Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 4/13/2024 12:36:51 >